Page 5 - BMS Student Handbook
P. 5

Student Notes:
1. On the day of the absence, or the night before, parents need to call
the school before 8:00 a.m. A parent call is expected each day of
absence on the attendance line (440) 949-4227.
2. On the day returning from an absence, a note (parent signature
only) is to be give to the homeroom teacher (a parent note can document and excuse absences up to Seventy-Two (72) hours. After Seventy-Two (72) hours of absence, according to court guidelines, only a note from a doctor or court can document an absence to be counted as excused. Undocumented absences are unexcused).
3. If a parent call is not received the morning of the absence, the BMS
automated phone system will place a call to the student’s home to
verify a student’s absence.
4. If an illness is extended more than three (3) days, homework
assignments will be provided, upon request. Please allow one (1)
full day after the request is made for picking up assignments.
5. Missing the bus and not attending school is considered an
unexcused absence.
6. If both parent(s) leave for work before a student leaves for school,
the student should contact a parent and have the parent call the
school to explain the absence. Parent contact is expected.
7. Perfect attendance is considered an outstanding achievement and
is recognized at the Awards Assembly quarterly. Perfect attendance is recognized for no absences or tardiness to school.
Expectation: Students are to be to school on time and in homeroom BEFORE the 7:45 a.m. bell.
Student Notes:
1. Students who are late to school OR in school but NOT in homeroom before the 7:45 a.m. bell, are recorded as tardy to school.
2. If arrival at school is after 7:45 a.m., students must report to the attendance secretary and receive an “admit pass.”
3. Missing the bus or getting up late is not an acceptable reason for tardiness.
4. If a student is tardy to an individual class, they will be sent to the office for a pass & a tardy will be added to the student’s record.
5. Being tardy to school or class may result in Administrative Detentions, ISA, No-Hall Pass List, Dance Denial, and Denial to attend any Field Trips that are not related to academics.

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