Page 6 - BMS Student Handbook
P. 6

• 3rd tardy = Letter to parents
• 5th tardy = Detention
• 7th tardy = Student will be issued 1 day ISA
After the 7th tardy, the student will start back at zero (0) tardies.
Expectation: A student’s absence must be documented for an approved reason by the State of Ohio/ Sheffield-Sheffield Lake City Schools to be considered excused by the Sheffield-Sheffield Lake Schools and Juvenile Court. Approved reasons are:
1. Personal illness, injury, disease, or serious emergency/crisis.
2. Death in the immediate family and/or relative.
3. Religious holiday observance.
4. Prearranged absence: Requests may be made for educational visits,
career shadowing, special family circumstances, or family vacation that cannot be scheduled outside the school year. If a student has been absent more than 72 hours, then the absence will be unexcused. A form is available in the school office.
5. School-sponsored or approved activities.
6. Family emergencies which could not be predicted or prearranged.
Leaving and Returning to School/Appointments
Whenever it is possible, appointments should be made outside the regular school hours. If it is necessary to schedule appointments during the school day, the appointment should be arranged to miss the least amount of time.
Expectation: Students are to arrange appointments outside the school hours whenever it is possible and be signed out of school by a parent only.
Student Notes:
1. Submit a parent written request for an appointment in advance
of the appointment. The student must give the note to their
teacher before 8:15 a.m.
2. Exit only at the scheduled appointment time.
3. Report to the attendance secretary before leaving (parent sign-
out) and when returning (student sign-in). The student must exit
and return with a parent.
4. A school exit will be approved only to a custodial parent/
guardian or an adult designated by a parent with a written note.

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