Page 29 - BHS Student Handbook
P. 29

Lockers remain the property of the school district and are loaned to students. The school may search the lockers and contents at any time. The maintenance fee is $3.00. Items found in a student’s locker contrary to school rules or law may cause the student to be disciplined by the school and prosecuted according to law.
The Lost and Found is located in the NEST. All found articles should be turned in there. Articles may be claimed before and after school and during the lunch hours by accurately describing or identifying them.
If school is closed due to inclement weather or other reasons so that students are in school less than the state required hours, the school calendar will be adjusted to make up lost days.
Students are encouraged to use the facilities of the Media Center for regularly scheduled class assignments, as well as individual study, using available materials. Students may obtain a Media Center Pass during homeroom or from their subject teacher. Students are to be QUIET in this area of the school.
If medication, including over the counter drugs, is to be dispensed during the school day this needs to be done in accordance to Board of Education policy. Parents are urged to schedule their student’s medication outside of regular school hours to the extent it is possible to do so. If the medication needs to be administered at school, then one of two forms can be obtained from the main office, completed and returned to the main office. Both require a parent and physician’s signature. If the school is to administer, the form entitled “Permission Form for Medication to be Administered by School Personnel” must be completed. If the medication is to be self- administered the form entitled “Request that Student Carry and Administer Own Medication” must be completed and returned to the main office.
Senior and Junior students with at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average are eligible for membership in the National Honor Society. School and community service, character and leadership are also criteria for

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