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P. 14


          Rates per week (seven nights)

                                                         Until                                        Until
                                                        23/06/19                                    11/08/19

           Junior educational groups for 2 students     £217.00                                     £229.60

           Junior educational groups for 3 students     £325.50                                     £344.40

                                                         Until            23/06/19 -11/08/19         Until
                                                        23/06/19                                    11/08/19
           Individual junior student for 1 student share or
           single                                       £122.50               £143.50               £129.50
           School transfers (explorer student)           £20.00                £20.00                £20.00

                                                         Until            23/06/19 -11/08/19         Until
                                                        23/06/19                                    11/08/19

           Adult student or group leader                £129.50               £149.80               £136.50

           Adult not following a course                 £168.00               £168.00               £168.00

           Exceptionally high standard accommodation
           and Christmas – if requested by student (en-  £189.00              £189.00               £189.00
           suite, etc)

          ■ All host families are paid directly through their own bank using the BACS system.
          ■ Payments are made every two weeks on a Monday. These are made in arrears.
          ■ The rates set out below have been calculated for seven nights' accommodation.
          ■ We make adjustments depending on the number of nights.

          As these circumstances are beyond our control, we are not liable to pay compensation for any costs that the
          family may incur due to cancellation.

          ■ Please always check with us before you accept students from other schools - this will avoid unacceptable matching
          of ages and nationalities.
          ■ Priority must be given to the Globe if you wish to remain one of our regular families.
          ■ Families who host in the summer, when we are busy, are given priority in the low season
          ■ If you want to host our students in the low season, we would expect you to host in the summer when we need you

          Accepting ex- Globe students on a private basis is detrimental to the school and can be to the host families. The
          Globe does not allow it and declines all responsibility if a family experiences problems with the student and we
          have not been informed before any arrangements were made.

          Families will be revisited at least once every two years.
          In the meantime, it is vital you inform us if your circumstances change, e.g. if you have changed the room you offer,
          have given up smoking, acquired a pet, made improvements to the house, etcM

          Please note that to comply with regulations, we must know the age and identity of any resident in your home, whether it
          is a member of your family, a temporary guest (including Airbnb) or a tenant as this will have implications on the students
          we can offer you.
          Please note if you have an unvetted adult staying with you, we cannot place juniors with you.

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