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WELCOMING STUDENTS                                                         Student Arrival
                                                                                     ■ Remind your student to contact
                                                                                     home, to inform of safe arrival.
          Our students come to Exeter to improve their English. Some may not be very  ■ Exchange contact details so
          good or confident and may be very shy. However, they are generally keen to talk  you can stay in touch.
          in spite of this.
                                                                                     ■ Show student around your
          The time students spend with you is vital to the success of their stay. Please do  home and explain clearly house
          all you can to make them feel welcome.                                     rules.
          ■      Encourage students to speak and join in.                            ■ Inform students of the local
          ■      Invite them into your living room as some students feel unable to   area.
                 unless asked.
          ■      Offer to take your students with you when you go out at the weekend  Getting to School
                 or in the evening.                                                  ■ Students aged 11 + can walk
          ■      Keep an eye on their general behaviour and welfare.                 to / from school.
          ■      Watch out for anti-social behaviour such as bullying.
          ■      Eat together with your students.                                    ■ Please ensure students know
                                                                                     how to get to / from school on
          Typical problems                                                           their first Monday.
          As some students do not speak much English (they are here to learn) they don’t
          understand a lot. This may mean they may struggle to talk to you so please ask  ■ Please explain / draw the route
          simple questions and give simple explanations to help them.                and write your address on their
          Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns/problems.
                                                                                     ■ If possible it is much appreci-
                                                                                     ated if you can walk them to
                                                                                     school on their first day.
          Cultural Issues
          Some students come from very different backgrounds to ours and may have    ■ Please make sure students
          trouble settling in.                                                       know the times of their classes.
          Please talk to them not only about their country but about Britain. This will help
          them familiarise themselves with life in the UK. For many this is their first time  Homework
          away from home and they may be homesick. Again, a warm, friendly welcome will  There are questionnaires for
          help them to feel more at home.                                            students to do with you in their
                                                                                     hand book. It would be much
          House Rules                                                                appreciated if you could spend a
                                                                                     bit of time with them doing these
          Please do not put notices in the students’ bedrooms as this can offend and make  on day one and in week one. It
          them feel unwelcome. Instead please explain simply what they can or cannot do.  will help them get to know you
          You must also tell them what to do in the event of a fire. Junior students are  and will build their confidence in
          expected to comply with their Hosts’ authority and rules, as they would have to  speaking English.
          with their own parents.
                                                                                     Most students have mobile
                                                                                     phones and should not need to
                                                                                     use yours. If they do ask to use
                                                                                     yours, we recommend that you
                                                                                     only allow it for receiving calls
                                                                                     and get itemised bills to avoid
                                                                                     any issues on cost.

                                                                                     Some students may ask to use
                                                                                     the home computer. Permission
                                                                                     is at your discretion.If you have
                                                                                     Wi-Fi and give students the
                                                                                     code, please make sure they
                                                                                     are not constantly on their
                                                                                     phone / iPad and are using the
                                                                                     internet safely.
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