Page 58 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine 2018
P. 58

WHA T  I  REALL Y   W ANT  IS . . .

                                     By Debbie Storms

                  Peace of mind comes when I accept all of myself.  Placing my life in balance, the
            good with the bad, my strengths, with my weaknesses, and my hurt with my pleasure.
               The New Year will bring new challenges and life lessons. I am willing in the New
            Year to take the risk to accept myself. This will make all the difference in the world.
            Serenity comes with self-acceptance.
               A natural way to practice obtaining peace of mind is practicing these guidelines that
            have come to me in many different ways.
               Here are some natural remedies for balance in the New Year.

            Things to do:                                     Things not to do:
            •  Face life openly. What you avoid imprisons you.  •  Try to change or fix others.
            •  Say what you mean, feel and believe.            •  Try to control others.
            •  Accept yourself as you are.                     •  Expect the person who hurt you to apologize.
            •  Accept others as they are, as well.             •  Expect people to be nicer to you than they are to
            •  Know and admit your weaknesses.                   themselves.
            •  Stop trying to prove yourself.                  •  Expect others to recognize your goodness or accom-
            •  Let go of the past.                               plishments.
            •  Give up your false expectations.                •  Expect people to understand you.
            •  Take responsibility for your life, and how it has   •  Test others.
              turned out. It will free you.                    •  Blame others.
            •  Have a dream for a better life and commit to it.  •  Hold a grudge.
            •  Be kind to yourself every day.                  •  Expect the world to be anything but the way it is
            •  Find something to be grateful for and remember it.  right now.
            •  Be forgiving.                                   •  Wait for permission to do what is best for you.

               Peace of mind in there for the asking; it is the gift you give to yourself.

               Happy Holidays!

               Debbie Storms

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