Page 7 - Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 7
Women of Distinction
What is Hot in Anti-Aging?
By Judith A. Habert
Photos Courtesy of Dr. Tess Mauricio
Dr Tess Mauricio, health and vaginal rejuve- Liveli Sleep Peacefulli, opti-
Founder of M Beauty nation (ALMI FEM SHOT, mizing mental performance
clinics in San Diego and vConfidence, and vTime- with Liveli Focus Clearli
Beverly Hills is a pioneer Machine). and brain restoration and
of a new field in medi- ALMI was the #1 Plas- repair with Liveli Restore
cine and anti-aging called tic Surgery trend of 2017 by Dayli. Created by Stanford
“Regenerative Aesthetics” Real and has been educated power couple,
where Doctors can utilize featured on The Doctors, anesthesiologist and Dr.
patient’s own growth factors ALMI was also recently Tess’ husband, Dr. James
from patient’s platelet-rich featured in the Hollywood Lee, after Dr. Lee recovered
plasma, patient’s own stem Reporter in an Anti-aging from a brain tumor. Before After
cells from fat cells in com- feature. ALMI’s popularity Stem cell anti-aging
bination with widely used is growing with over 200 can also come from within.
methods like skin resur- ALMI Procedure providers Stem cells harvested from a
facing and microneedling across the US. patient’s fat can be pro-
to activate our own natural Dr. Tess routinely cessed and given back to
regenerative processes and combines the ALMI Pro- the patient intravenously
ability to heal and repair. cedure with her signature and via local injections to
Dr. Tess along, with her anti-aging Time Machine treat chronic, degenerative
colleagues, pioneered ALMI Procedure skin rejuve- conditions that are usually
fat and stem cell transfer nation treatment. The associated with aging like
Procedure for the face and Time Machine Procedure osteoarthritis of the knees. Before After
the use of fat-derived stem combines energy based skin Regeneris Medical is a net-
cells for hair growth. “Re- resurfacing, microneedling, work of providers that offer
generative Aesthetics” is the growth factors from PRP these cutting edge, safe and
new field in medicine using and with ALMI, stem cells highly effective procedures.
growth factors, Stem cells from fat can be added to the Dr. Tess and Dr. James have
to activate our own natural mix for shorter downtime established Regeneris Med-
regenerative processes. and improved anti-aging ical San Diego and Beverly
ALMI (the acronym results from one single visit. Hills to continue to offer
for Autologous Lipocyte Antiaging can also these life-changing proce-
Micronized Injection) come from within. Nutri- dures within the provider
Procedure is a biocellular tion is key to our health network.
therapy performed by and wellness but today’s Anti-aging intravenous
harvesting fat under local modern lifestyle and diet treatments with antioxi-
anesthesia and then pro- make it virtually impossible dants and vitamins are also
cessing the fat into micron- to supply our bodies with becoming more popular.
ized ALMI fat. ALMI fat is the biochemical building Dr. Tess offers IV Glutathi- Before After
rich in stem cells along with blocks and nutrients that it one and Vitamin C antiox-
other regenerative cells that needs to function optimal- idant treatments at her M
are used for anti-aging and ly. More and more people Beauty by Dr. Tess clinics.
regeneration. The process are turning to nutritional Not only is this easy and
also includes the use of the supplements whether in almost painless IV treat-
patient’s Platelet Rich Plas- the form of special shakes, ment helpful in slowing
ma (PRP) from the patient’s juices, or pills. down the aging process and
blood for growth factors. One of the newest boost the immune system
The procedure addresses nutritional supplements, from within but patients
volume loss, wrinkles, skin Liveli, specializes in our appreciate the improvement Before After
texture, skin tone, hair brain function by improv- in their skin tone, quality
loss (ALMI HAIR), sexual ing restorative sleep with and glow. Results may vary