Page 155 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
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Princeton Alternative Elementary School

               School-Wide Instructional Meeting Protocol

                            Faculty Meeting Agenda & PLC

          Date                   4/17/2020                    Time                  9:00am
          Purpose of                o  Roll Call (Mrs. Holmes)

          Meeting                   o  Wellness Checks
          Check all that apply      o  Inspirational/SEL Moment
                                    o  Remote Learning Plan Review

                                    o  iReady Performance
                                    o  Timelines
                                    o  Forms & Submission Dates

                                    o  New Class Rosters
                                    o  Meeting Dates & Times
                                    o  Q&A Session

                                    o  PLC: Schoology, iReady, and Nearpod (Mrs. Jacobs)
                                    o  Other: _________________________________
                                    o  Other: _________________________________

          PLC Topics                         Facilitator                            Next Steps
          Schoology/iReady Training  Valencia Jacobs                                Teachers will now post
                                                                                    lesson plans, submit
                                                                                    documents, and post
                                                                                    assignments in
                                                                                    Schoology. Student
                                                                                    reports in iReady can
                                                                                    be saved in PDF and
                                                                                    shared with parents.
                                                                                    This will prepare them
                                                                                    for the PowerSchool
                                                                                    shift this summer.
          NearPod                            Valencia Jacobs                        Teachers are expected

                                                                                    to provide at least 2
                                                                                    Live Zoom lessons per
                                                                                    day Monday through

               School-Wide Meeting Forms       ©2019 LaTausha Daniels Ed.S. NBCT           Effective 2019-2020   1
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