Page 207 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 207
PAES Teacher Expectations
Daily Teacher Hours (Mon.-Thurs.)
Direct Instruction-
Identify Student Groups based on iReady Diagnostic and Grades
Group A- High Achievers & Passing with an A or B
Group B- Average Achievers & Passing with a C or D
Group C- Low Achievers & Failing
Provide Zoom Instruction for 30 Minutes for 2 Groups Daily
Monday- Groups A 9-9:30 & B 10-10:30
Tuesday Groups B & C using the same times
• Record your lessons on Zoom
• Once the file saves to your computer added it to your assignment in Schoology and post it on Class Dojo.
• After you complete your direct instruction, students should complete iReady activity that you have assigned
their group.
Provide written feedback to students
Office Hours/Conferencing with Parents
• Maintain a Contact Log to be submitted every week in Schoology.