Page 254 - DanielsMarzanoEvidence2020
P. 254

                            PAES ILT Teacher Observation and Feedback S…
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    PAES ILT Teacher Observation and Feedback Support Survey

                     12                                  11:43                                 Closed

                  Responses                      Average time to complete                         Status

     1. Please read each statement and select your level of agreement

          Strongly Agree   Agree    Disagree    Strongly Disagree  Neutral

        The ILT observed my instruction and provided

        The ILT feedback reflected the ACIP goals and beliefs
        of PAES & BCS

        The ILT provided clear targets for growth

        The ILT provided coaching opportunities and
        resources to assist me with instruction

        As a result of ILT observation and feedback, I have
        grown as a teacher

        The ILT feedback meetings were timely and beneficial

        Weekly ILT Observation and Feedback is needed to
        support my professional growth

        The ILT helped me work through issues or perceived

        The ILT provided professional growth opportunities.

        At the end of 2019-2020 school year, I still have room
        to grow professionally.
   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259