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$49.95 A1 Maintenance

            Oil Change, Tire Rotation,
            Multi-Point Inspection,

            Includes Car Wash and Vacuum!

            PLUS, you can save on an additionally recommended
            services! 10% OFF/$100-$150;
            15% OFF/$151-$200; 20% OFF/$201-$300+

            *Synthetic oil is additional. Not to be combined with any other
            discounts. Plus tax where applIcable. Hazardous disposal &
            shop supply fees additional. Please present coupon at time
            of write up. Maximum discount on additional services of
            $100.00. Car wash availability is weather permitting.
                                       Acura Columbus
                                       4340 W. Dublin Granville Rd.
                                       Dublin, OH 43017
            For more coupon deals visit

           10% off

           Any One Item

                            We will take photos and a scan of
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              10%           machine at no charge to see if you
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                            Expires July 1, 2019.

                            United Window, Inc.
                            2945 Westerville Rd.
                            Columbus, OH 43224

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