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                                                                                    TALK OF TOWN

                                                                                    P.O. Box 212, 5729
                                                                                    Wesley Rd. London

                                                                                    +20 (36) 123 50 60


                                                                                    STEVEN SIMPLE

             WELCOME                                                                LARISSA MAE

                                                                                    Operations Editor

                                                                                    MINDY GO

                                                                                    Technical Editor
               C o o l   t o   s e e   y o u   a g a i n   i n   t h i s   i s s u e .

        I’d like to welcome you all to the second issue of Talk of Town
          magazine. This magazine will serve as an extension of my
        interests on Talk of Town site, with articles written by some of
        the great authors I’ve come to know over my nearly 20 years
                                                                                    Kyler Myron, Kerr
          writing about Apple. All of the articles have been written
                                                                                    Newton, Ryan Teddy,
                        exclusively for the magazine.
                                                                                    Jemmy Jonth, Marlo

          For many years people have been asking me why I didn’t
        release an app for the iPhone and iPad. The answer was quite
         simple: I couldn’t find anything that added value to what I
           did on The Loop. I wanted something more than a side-
         scrolling news app that basically imitated what I’d already
                    linked to or written on the Web site.
                                                                                    SUBSCRIBE ONLINE

              A n y w a y ,   w e   h o p e   y o u   e n j o y   t h i s   o n e .
                            S  T  E  V  E  N     S  I  M  P  L  E
                                                                                    +20 (54) 582 29 49
                              E  d  i  t  o  r  -  I  n  -  C  h  i  e  f
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