Page 13 - Omnidex_Castings_brochure_design3_final+
P. 13
Lost foam casting can be used with all types of ferrous and non-ferrous
materials, including aluminium alloys, nickel alloys, steels, cast irons, copper
alloys, stainless steels.
Lost foam casting tolerance is influenced by the casting material, size, geometry
and structure. In general, a casting tolerance standard of CT8 ~ CT9 can be
achieved for this process.
Lost foam casting vs Shell mold casting
Normal dimension Linear dimensional Normal dimension Linear dimensional
(mm) tolerances(ISO8062) (mm) tolerances(ISO8062)
ʼ ≤ CT8 CT9 ʼ ≤ CT8 CT9
10 1 1.5 10 1 1.5
16 1.1 1.6 16 1.1 1.6
25 1.2 1.7 25 1.2 1.7
40 1.3 1.8 40 1.3 1.8
63 1.4 2 63 1.4 2
100 1.6 2.2 100 1.6 2.2
160 1.8 2.5 160 1.8 2.5
250 2 2.8 250 2 2.8
400 2.2 3.2 400 2.2 3.2
630 2.6 3.6 630 2.6 3.6
1000 2.8 4 1000 2.8 4
1600 3.2 4.6 1600 3.2 4.6
2500 3.8 5.4 2500 3.8 5.4
4000 4.4 6.2 4000 4.4 6.2