Page 29 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN short
P. 29

Markets in Financial

 Instruments Directive (MiFID II)

 Key points from an intermediary perspective in the level 1   Background  Guidelines  -   Best execution
 Directive                                                      -      Provision of investment services and activities by
            The MiFID II Directive is also completed by level 3 Guide-  third country firms
 Key points include the “analogous regime” for “opt-out” firms (firms that   MiFID II, the Directive on Markets   lines  prepared by  the  European  Securities and  Markets   -   Product governance
 are regulated at national  level and  that do not hold  clients’ money and   in Financial Instruments repealing   Authority (ESMA). ESMA consulted on and published   -   Client categorisation
 only receive and transmit orders and/or provide advice can be exempted   MiFID I, was adopted in May 2014. Its   Guidelines on cross-selling, on complex debt instruments
 by Member States but have to comply with an “analogous regime”); the   and structured deposits, on the assessment of knowledge   ESMA Q&As are not meant to constitute new policy and are
 provisions on the ban of commission in the case of independent advice,   transposition and application dates   and competence, on product governance (and the target   periodically reviewed to update them where required and
 the requirement of quality enhancement in the case of commissions, the   were delayed by one year: Member   market in particular), on the assessment of suitability of   to identify if some of the material has to be converted into
 knowledge and competence requirements, provisions adding unjustified   States had to transpose the new rules   the members  of the management body and key func-  Guidelines and Recommendations.
 burden to SME intermediaries and financial advisers such as product gov-  by 2 July 2017, and they have applied   tion holders, and on certain aspects of the MiFID II suit-
 ernance requirements, etc.    ability  requirements. In  summer 2019,  ESMA  consulted
 since 3 January 2018. All Member   on draft Guidelines on the MiFID II compliance function,   In February 2020, ESMA launched a “common supervisory
 States have now transposed MiFID II.  adjusting existing 2012 guidelines to the adapted MiFID II   action” on suitability, meaning that national competent
            rules. BIPAR responded to this consultation, focusing on   authorities  simultaneously  check  the  application  of  the
            the application of the proportionality principle in practice.   MiFID  II  suitability  requirements. This follows  a similar
 The revised MiFID builds on the MiFID
            ESMA published it final Guidelines in June 2020. In the final   exercise in 2018 regarding the MiFID II appropriateness
 I rules that were already in place and it   Guidelines, the suggestion of having a “core team within   test. ESMA stated the exercise would also help in the anal-

 strengthens the protection of investors   compliance staff members whose sole area of responsi-  ysis of whether, and how, the costs of investment prod-
            bility is MiFID compliance” was deleted.            ucts are taken into account by firms when recommending
 by introducing new organisational and
                                                                an investment product to a client.
 conduct requirements.   Guidelines are not legally binding, but they are subject to
            the “comply or explain” procedure. From the moment that
            the Guidelines are published in all languages, a two-month   Review of MiFID II and next steps
 During the legislative process of
 Level 2 rules  period starts to run during which the national competent
 levels 1 and 2 texts, and during the
            authorities have to notify ESMA as to whether they comply   The European Commission was required to review parts
 The MiFID II, level 1, Directive is completed by level 2 instruments. These   development of level 3 measures   or intend to comply with the Guidelines, stating their rea-  of MiFID II by March 2020. ESMA had to prepare various
 include:   such as ESMA guidelines, BIPAR and   sons for non-compliance.   contributions to the Commission in this respect, for exam-
                                                                ple on the impact of the MiFID II requirement to disclose
 its Working Party on MiFID have been
 -   a Delegated Directive which contains specifications with regard to   Questions & Answers (Q&As)   any fees, commissions and non-monetary benefits in con-
 the safeguarding of financial instruments and funds belonging to clients,   active in expressing their views to EU   nection with the provision of an investment service or an
 product governance obligations, and the rules applicable to the provision   and national legislators on provisions   In 2019 and 2020, ESMA published various updates on its   ancillary service to the client, including its impact on the
 or reception of fees, commissions or any monetary or non-monetary ben-  affecting intermediaries and financial   Q&As  regarding  the  implementation  of  investor  protec-  proper functioning of the internal market on cross-border
 efits.     tion and intermediaries’ topics under  MiFID II. The pur-  investment advice.
 -   a Delegated Regulation that deals with organisational require-  advisers.   pose of these Q&As is to “promote common supervisory
 ments and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms.     approaches and practices in the application of MiFID II/   Early 2019,  ESMA sent a letter to the European Com-
 -   a Delegated Regulation dealing, amongst others, with product   The European Commission was   MiFIR for investor protection topics, providing responses   mission proposing to postpone its deliveries by 6 to 24
 intervention   required to review certain parts of   to questions posed by the general public, market partici-  months,  considering  the  uncertainties introduced  by
 -   Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) and Implementing Techni-  pants and competent authorities in relation to the practi-  Brexit and  aiming  to ensure that enough  experience
 cal Standards (ITS) relating amongst others to requirements applying on   MiFID II by March 2020 and is currently   cal application of MiFID II/ MiFIR requirements”.   is  gathered  on  the  application  of  MiFID  II/MiFIR  before
 and to trading venues, commodity derivatives, market data reporting, cri-  in the process of doing so. It launched   beginning  the  review of  the  functioning  of  the  various
 teria when an activity can be considered an ancillary activity under MiFID,   a public consultation in this respect   The recent updates deal with topics such as:  MiFID II provisions.
 or regarding the information and requirements for the authorisation of
 investment firms.  in February 2020 to which BIPAR   -   Investment advice on an independent basis   Vice-President  and  Commissioner for Financial  Stability,
 responded.   -     Inducements                                 Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, Valdis Dom-
 For more  details  on  levels  1  and  2  rules,  please  see  the  BIPAR  Annual   -   Information on costs and charges   brovskis stated such delay was unfortunate, adding, how-
 Report of 2016-2017.   -   Suitability and appropriateness     ever, that delivering the analysis to produce those reports

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