Page 49 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 49

Institutions for Occupational   New prudential regime

 Pension Funds Directive (IORP II)  for investment firms

 Background  Some key provisions   Background   The Investment Firm Directive (IFD) and Investment  Firm Regulation  (IFR) were
                                                published in the Official Journal of the EU on 5 December 2019 and entered into
 -   The annual Pension Benefit Statement: a standardised core informa-  force 20 days later.
 In December 2016, the Directive   tion statement introduced by the Directive includes the personal details of   On 20 December 2017, the
 the member, information on pension benefit projections, or a breakdown of   The new rules introduced by this “Investment Firms Prudential Package” aim to
 on the activities and supervision   European Commission published
 the costs deducted by the IORP at least over the last 12 months.   create a more tailored prudential regime for investment firms, by reducing the
 of institutions for occupational   a proposal for a Regulation on
                                                number of categories of investment firms with regard to the prudential regime
 retirement provision (IORP II) was   EIOPA  has  been  working  on  the  IORP  information  requirements  and  pub-  the prudential requirements of   applicable from 11 to 3 and by moving away from the current system where all
 lished a report on the Pension Benefit Statement - guidance and principles
 adopted. It entered into force   investment firms and a proposal   investment firms are subject to the same capital, liquidity and risk management
 based on current practices- in November 2018 and another report in March
 in January 2017 and Member   2019 on: “other information to be provided to prospective and current mem-  for a Directive on the prudential   rules as the banks: the CRD/CRR regime.
 States had until 13 January 2019   bers - guidance and principles based on current practices”.  supervision of investment firms.
                                                The new categories concern:
 to transpose it into national law.   The Capital Requirements   1.  large firms (“class 1”): they remain under the scope of the existing CRD/CRR
 -   The Directive includes rules regarding cross-border transfers of pen-
 Occupational pension funds or   sion schemes and  aims at promoting such transfers. Member States shall   Regulation (CRR), which foresees   prudential rules, and the most systemic ones will be brought under the same
 allow transfers of all or a part of a pension scheme’s liabilities, technical provi-  supervisory regime as significant credit institutions;
 Institutions for Occupational   different Commission’s reports on
 sions, and other obligations and rights and the corresponding assets or cash   2.  other firms (large but “non-systemic”) (“class 2”) have to comply with a more
 Retirement Provision (IORPs)   equivalent to a receiving IORP.  Regarding such cross-border transfers, BIPAR   prudential rules, is at the origin of   limited  set  of  prudential  requirements  than  class  1  firms.  They  fall  in  class
 are financial institutions which   has always maintained that there is a need to ensure that pensions can be   this workstream. The Council of the   2 when they exceed certain thresholds (for e.g. balance sheet, client orders
 issued cross-border. BIPAR, however, pointed out that cross-border provision   handled, assets under managements, etc);
 manage collective retirement   EU and the European Parliament
 of pensions, especially occupational pensions, will not be achieved as long   3.  small firms with “non-interconnected” services (“class 3”) that do not exceed
 schemes for employers, in order   as the regulation in several Member States is fragmented. These differences   both amended the proposal and   the thresholds, will have simpler and more streamlined requirements.
 to provide retirement benefits   extend across the likes of tax, employment law and social aspects.   the European legislators found

 to their employees (the scheme   agreement on a compromise text   The texts contain rules on the initial capital of investment firms, the supervisory
 In November 2018, EIOPA published a Decision to strengthen the cross-bor-  powers and tools for the prudential supervision of investment firms by competent
 members and beneficiaries).   der collaboration between National Competent Authorities on cross-border   in early 2019. The Directive and   authorities and the publication requirements for competent authorities in the field
 activities with respect to the IORP II Directive.
 Occupational pensions, which   the Regulation are expected to be   of prudential supervision of investment firms.
 include an employer contribution,   -   The Directive does not concern issues of national social, labour, tax   published in the Official Journal in

 are known as the “second pillar”   or contract law, or the adequacy of pension provision in Member States.    the near future.  They  also  deal  with  remuneration  policy  and  practices and  with  how  providers
                                                based in non-EU countries can offer their services to EU companies and clients.
 of pension systems. The IORP
 Transposition status
 II Directive aims to ensure the   BIPAR and its working party have   The  texts  strengthen  the  equivalence  regime that  would  apply  to  third  country
 soundness of occupational   In  October 2019, 16  Member States had  fully  transposed the Directive;   been following this dossier from the   investment firms, setting out in greater detail some of the requirements for giving
 Infringement proceedings are pending against 17 Member States.  them access to the single market and granting additional powers to the Commis-
 pensions, to better inform pension   start, responding to Commission
 scheme members and beneficiaries   EIOPA work  and EBA consultations, taking
 with a standardised “Pension   part in stakeholder meetings   Early June 2020, the European Banking Authority EBA outlined its roadmap for the
 On 27 March 2020, EIOPA published two model Pension Benefit Statements.   implementation of the rules and launched 4 public consultations on level 2 pru-
 Benefit Statement” at EU level, to   These are intended to provide practical guidance on how to implement the   and liaising with the different   dential, reporting, disclosure and remuneration requirements.

 promote cross-border activity and   annual information document that IORPs are required to send to their mem-  policymakers. In this respect, BIPAR
 bers following the implementation of the IORP II Directive. These models are   supported proportionate rules and
 to help long-term investment by                The roadmap outlines the EBA’s work plan for each of the mandates laid down in
 voluntary and may be further developed and adapted to the national speci-
 encouraging occupational pension   ficities and/or characteristics of each pension scheme.   regretted that the texts remove the   the IFR/IFD and clarifies the sequencing and rationale behind their prioritisation.
 funds to invest long-term in growth-,   possibility for certain (small) firms   EBA will deliver on its IFR/IFD mandates following a four-phased approach running
 EIOPA also carries out periodical stress tests for IORP. The latest was pub-  from 2020 to 2025.
 environment- and employment-  to substitute capital requirements   BIPAR notes that for the  guidelines to specify the criteria when exempting small
 lished in December 2019 and was designed to assess the resilience of the
 enhancing economic activities.  European occupational pensions sector to an adverse market scenario using   by PI cover (or having lower capital   firms (“Article 12(1) firms”) from the liquidity requirements, there is no legal dead-
 common methodologies. It also analysed how IORPs transfer shocks, result-  requirements in case a firm has PI   line, but EBA schedules this in its roadmap for phase 4 (between December 2021
 ing from the impact of the adverse market scenario, to the real economy and   cover).   and June 2025), and more in particular for June 2022.
 financial markets.

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