Page 55 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
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Other supervisory powers of ESAs with regard to consumer   -   No  action letters: in  exceptional  circumstances
 protection  where EIOPA considers that i) Solvency  II  Directive,
 IMD/IDD and other EU legal acts listed in Article 1(2) or
 The reform also reviews the powers of each of the three   delegated acts may directly conflict with another relevant
 ESAs, which are part of the ESFS.  act, ii)  the absence of delegated  or implementing  acts
 raise legitimate doubts concerning the proper application
 T-   he  reform changes  the  existing  system for   of these EU legal acts, EIOPA shall address a letter to
 supervisory convergence with the aim of making the   the Commission including  an opinion  on any action it
 process  more  efficient,  coherent  and  transparent.  It   considers appropriate. This may include an opinion on the
 builds on existing tools, such as peer reviews, guidelines,   need to extend the application date of the act in question.
 recommendations while  introducing  new  ones, for   -   Equivalence: the review recognises a formal role
 example, opinions to the EP, Council and Commission and   to the ESAs in the ongoing monitoring of the equivalence
 the establishment of coordination groups at EU level.  process. Each ESA should  monitor the regulatory and
 -   The ESAs  are also required  to conduct  open   supervisory developments and the enforcement practices
 public  consultations  before  publishing  their  regulatory   in those third countries. It shall do so in order to verify
 technical standards, implementing  technical standards,   whether the criteria, on the basis of which those decisions
 guidelines  and recommendations. These consultations   have been taken and any conditions set out therein, are
 shall  be  conducted  as widely  as possible  to  ensure  an   still fulfilled. The Authority should submit a confidential
 inclusive approach towards all interested parties and shall   report on its monitoring activities to the Commission on
 allow reasonable time for stakeholders to respond.  an annual basis (Article 33 of Regulations).
 -   It is further explicitly provided that all three ESAs   -   Questions submitted by natural or legal persons:
 are entitled to coordinate mystery shopping activities with   any natural or legal person, including national competent
 national  competent  authorities,  if  applicable,  meaning   authorities and EU institutions, is entitled to ask questions
 that  supervisors,  disguised  as  customers, would  check   relating to the practical  application or implementation
 the financial players’ compliance with the rules. This could   of the provisions of legislative acts referred to in Article   procedure respecting the principle of gender balance. The   carried out  by  insurance  undertakings.  For example,
 lead to a six-month temporary ban of fraudulent products,   1(2),  associated  delegated  and  implementing  acts, and   Management Board is preserved.  the  supervisory  authority  of  the  home  Member  State
 extendible to another six-month period, and followed by   guidelines and  recommendations, adopted  under  these   ESA’s Funding  will have to notify  EIOPA and the supervisory authority
 an automatic one-year prolongation.  legislative acts. The Authority shall forward questions that   of  the  relevant  host  Member  State  where  it  identifies
 -   It is explicitly  provided  that all ESAs shall take   require the interpretation of Union law to the European   As  regards  the  ESAs’  funding  scheme,  the  final  text   deteriorating  financial  conditions  or  other  emerging
 due  account  of  the  nature,  scale and  complexity  of  the   Commission.  preserves the  existing  system of  contributions  coming   risks posed by an insurance or reinsurance undertaking
 risks inherent  in  the  business  of  an  institution  in  their   -   ESMA  is given  direct supervision  powers over   partly  from the  EU  budget  and  partly  from national   carrying out activities based on the freedom to provide
 guidelines,  recommendations, opinions,  questions  and   third  country  critical benchmark  administrators, as well   competent  authorities.  It  further  adds  the  possibility   services or the freedom of establishment that may have
 answers, draft regulatory/implementing standards. A   as in respect to data reporting service providers, except   of  any  voluntary  contribution from Member States or   a cross-border effect (Article 2(3) of the Directive< Article
 separate committee will  be established  within  each   for small local ones which should be identified through a   observers.  152a of Solvency II-  See also Article 152b on collaboration
 supervisory authority  which  will  provide  advice on how   delegated act.  platforms).
 these measures should take into account the differences   The Directive amending the MiFID II Directive, the Solvency   -   EIOPA  has also a stronger role in  promoting
 in the sector.  II  Directive and  the  AML  Directive was published  in  the   convergence in the validation of internal models that some
 -   Moreover, when  carrying  out  their  tasks, the   ESAs’ Governance  Official Journal of the EU in 18 December 2019 (Regulation   large insurance companies use to calculate requirements
 ESAs shall take account of technological innovation and   2019/2177). All language versions of this Directive can be   on solvency capital (Solvency II).
 the integration of environmental, social and governance   The  reform reviews  the  ESAs’  governance  structure. It   found here.  -   Furthermore, the power to give authorisation and
 related factors. A committee on  consumer protection   maintains the  principle  that decisions  have to be  taken   to supervise data reporting services providers (DRSPs) is
 and  financial  innovation  will  be  established  within  each   by the Board of Supervisors and ensures a key role for   The Directive will start to apply with respect to MiFID II   transferred from national authorities to ESMA (MiFID II).
 of the ESAs, which will bring together all relevant national   the  national  competent  authorities  within  the  ESAs   from 1 January 2022, and with respect to Solvency II and   -   Following  the changes to the Regulation
 competent authorities in order to enhance consumer   governance structure. In parallel, the role and powers of   AMLD from 30 June 2021.   establishing EBA, subsequent changes are introduced to
 protection  and  achieve  a  coordinated  approach  to  the   the Chairperson are reinforced. The Chairperson should   -   Under this Directive, the cooperation between   the AML Directive in relation to its new role as the central
 regulatory and supervisory treatment of new or innovative   be selected on the basis of merit, skills and experience   the NCAs  and  also between  EIOPA  and  the NCAs  is   supervisory authority for AML issues.
 financial activities.  of financial supervision and regulation, with the selection   strengthened  in relation to cross-border activities

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