Page 61 - BIPAR Annual Report 2020_EN
P. 61

CCD - Evaluation by the

                    European Commission

 In its adopted position the Council proposes:  Background  The Commission’s CCD implementation report and the REFIT platform opinion on
                                             CCD both pointed out certain shortcomings of the Directive. The Commission’s Con-
 •   In relation to the scope, to make reference to specific articles of each legal act (IDD, MiFID, PEPP, etc) the objective   sumer Financial Services Action Plan: “Better Products, More Choice”, also called to
 of which is to protect consumer interests.  The Consumer Credit Directive   further explore ways of facilitating cross-border access to consumer credit.
 •   To make a distinction between domestic and cross-border representative actions, depending on the Member State   (CCD) was adopted on 23 April
 in which the plaintiff entity was designated as a QE.  Additionally, the Commission noted that since 2008, the market has significantly
 •   To have different qualification criteria for QEs based on whether a domestic or a cross-border representative action   2008 and Member States had   evolved and several other EU pieces of legislation were adopted in different fields
 is launched.  to transpose it into national law   also relevant for the provision of consumer credit, such as mortgages, data protec-
 •   To adopt an opt-out principle in the case of injunction order; no consumer mandate will be required. In the case of   before 12 May 2010. The CCD   tion, anti-money laundering and payment services. Against this background, the
 redress order, it will be left to the discretion of the Member States to decide whether to apply an opt-out or an opt-  aims at fostering the integration   Commission decided to carry out an evaluation of the CCD, in line with its “Better
 in system (whether or not the explicit mandate of the consumer is required).  Regulation” principles. The evaluation is looking at, amongst others, the distribu-
               of the consumer credit market
                                             tion phases, cross-selling and information disclosure.
 BIPAR has regularly contacted the EP Rapporteur and other MEPs on this issue.   in the EU and ensuring a high
              level of consumer protection by   In 2018, the Commission consulted on a Roadmap regarding this evaluation and
 BIPAR is concerned about the extension of scope of the Directive to cover financial services legislation. It believes that no   in 2019  the Commission consulted  stakeholders to express their views on the
 analysis has been carried out to determine whether there is a need for collective mechanisms in the sector of financial   focusing on transparency and   functioning of the CCD. BIPAR responded to both consultations. In its input, BIPAR
 services at EU Level. National mechanisms should first be properly assessed before any European mechanism is set up.   consumer rights. The Directive   recalled that the presence of credit intermediaries always represents an additional
 Focus should also be on ADR which offers effective redress for consumers when harmed by a breach of law.  applies to credit above €200 and   guarantee of consumer protection through professional services and advice.

                below €75,000. The Directive
 BIPAR is also of the view that the explicit mandate of the consumer concerned - the party that suffered loss or damage   BIPAR also provided comments on points where change of the CCD would be ben-
 for which compensation is sought- is indispensable to the objective of creating a robust and balanced collective redress   regulates certain obligations of   eficial (single licence for intermediaries, cross-selling,…) and where no change is
 system. Having and being able to prove the explicit consent of the party represented in a legal action is a well-estab-  credit intermediaries in relation   needed (scope of the CCD, remuneration – adding that in any discussions concern-
 lished and undisputed rule of basic procedural law.   to consumers. It stipulates   ing remuneration of intermediaries, a level playing field between credit intermedi-
                                             aries and direct lenders/other distributors has to be guaranteed).
                 that a comprehensible set of
                 information should be given   In its work programme for 2020, the Commission states that “the ongoing evalua-
                  to consumers in good time,   tion of the directive will focus on the progress made, its costs and benefits. It will
                                             also focus on whether original objectives and tools of the Directive correspond to
             before the contract is concluded
                                             current needs, on monitoring how the Directive works together with other pieces
                 and also as part of the credit
                                             of legislation and whether the EU intervention has delivered a benefit”.
               agreement. This includes pre-
             contractual “Standard European   Based on the outcome of the evaluation, the Commission’s review is intended to
                                             ensure better consumer information and understanding of consumer credits, tak-
               Consumer Credit Information”
                                             ing into account the digitalisation in the provision of such products. It will aim at
                 and the “Annual Percentage   providing  better protection for consumers from irresponsible  lending practices,
             Rate of Charge”. The CCD allows   particularly those spread online.
             consumers to withdraw from the

             credit agreement without giving   Next step
                any reason within a period of   The Commission indicates in its 2020 work programme that legislative measures
               14 days after the conclusion of   are to be expected for Q2 2021. In the context of the Covid-19 crisis, the Euro-
                                             pean Commission indicated that it will also look again into over indebtedness, the
               the contract and they have the
                                             responsibility of creditors and the possible need for stricter rules regarding adver-
               possibility to repay their credit   tising of credit in this respect.
                          early at any time.

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