Page 345 - Engine IQflip'21
P. 345

Gas Properties

                            Heating Value                                         Methane Number                                         Laminar Flame Speed

                            Calorific value and                                   Determinant parameter                                  Laminar flame speed is

                            thermal value indicate the                            for knocking resistance of                             the

                            energy content                                        a gas.                                                 speed at laminar front at
                            of a gas. The former can                              It is comparable to the                                which the oxidation takes

                            be differentiated from the                            Octane Number of                                       place.

                            later only through the                                gasoline and indicates the
                            heat of vaporization of the                           percentage methane

                            water resulting from                                  volume ratio of a

                            combustion, the water is                              methane-hydrogen
                            in liquid form after it has                           mixture which, in a test

                            already liberated its                                 engine and under

                            condensation heat.                                    controlled conditions,

                                                                                  indicates the same

                                                                                  knocking resistance as
                                                                                  the gas to be tested.

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