Page 50 - Engine IQflip'21
P. 50

Engine components

                   Type 6: gear–coupling (60Hz)

                                                                                   coupling hub clamped onto generator
                                                                                         drive shaft (overload protection)

                                                                           flexible steel disc coupling (torsionally stiff)
                                                                                         coupling hub shrinkfit
                                                coupling hub shrinfit onto          onto gear box driven shaft
                                                      gearbox drive shaft

                                              flexible steel disc coupling
                                                        (torsionally stiff)

                                      highly flexible rubber coupling                                oil cooler
                                                (torsionsally flexible)

                                                                                                     gear box


                                                     The engine is mounted on the frame         The gear box will be              The generator will be
                                                     vibration                                  aligned to the engine and         aligned to the gear box
                                                     isolated by means of  rubber beams.        rigidly bolted on the frame.      and rigidly bolted to the
                                                     Attention: Keep in mind the setting of                                       frame.

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