Page 17 - 2021_BSM_Boys_Hockey_Media_Guide
P. 17


          Parent’s Names: David and Andrea                      Favorite Hockey Player: Kevin Fiala
          Siblings: Emma                                        Favorite Restaurant: Outback Steakhouse
          School Activities & Achievements: Hockey, and Baseball,   Best advice from Coaches or Teammates: Confidence is the
          Honor Roll                                            biggest part of hockey.
          Sports Achievements: All Conference 9th and 10th grade year,
          Lettered 8th grade year
          Best Hockey Memory:  Peewee State tourney
          Pregame Ritual: Get Noodles and Company, play Fortnite with
          Carson and James, Get to rink 2 hours before game time, Eat a
          peanut butter sandwich, Tape Stick, Stretch.

                                  2020-2021 BENILDE-ST. MARGARET'S  17  RED KNIGHTS BOYS' HOCKEY
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