Page 3 - Mum's_5.12.1943_flipbook
P. 3
Lowell Sun Wednesday May !|2 1943 O'DONNELL FUNERALS
FUNERAL HOME Pawlucke! Street, at' Fletcher DIAL PHONE G8G8
assisted by Rev. Arlhur Tordiff, O. gul read committal prayers. Fu- died late Monday evening nt the I., as deacon, and P.ev. Donat neral arrangements were in the F.arnan hospital here, following a Morissetlc, O. M. I., as sub-deacon. charge of.Funeral Director Joseph
long illness. She was born in Scaled in (he sanctuary were Ihe J. Sadow'ski and Sons.
and resided in Lowell all her life. Rev. Edward Carriere, Funeral services for William • She is survived by no nearrel- Rev, Albert Beausoleil, Henry Colby of Main street, South atives. She was a member of the O. M. I., Rev. Narcisse Cotenoir, O. Tcwksbury, were held at the Morse Eliot Union Congregational church. M. I., Rev. Eugene Fournicr, O.funeral home, 170 Westford street, M. I., Rev. Leon Loranger, O. M. I., yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. DENNIS F. CRONIN and Rev. Jean Joseph Vnlliercs,Rev. Victor F. Scallsc, pastor of Dennis F. Cronin, husband of O. M. I. the Calvary Baplist church, ollici- The choir, under the direclion of ated. William Hoyle presided nt Mrs. Nora (Judge) Cronin and a Rodolphc Pepin who also presided the organ, and during the service, resident of Lowell for many at the organ, sang a compositionof played one of Mr. Colby's favorite years, died at his home, 311 Bea-Mr. Pepin. The soloists were Leo hymns. There wcre many floral
con street late " yesterday after- Cote, Emile Lagasse, Wolfred tributes,
noon after a brief illness. Mr. Jacques, Arlhur Paquin, The Third The bearers were Walter W.
Order of St. Francis was repre- Colby, Clayton W. Colby, Rogers Cronin was for ninny years an sented by Ihe Misses Anna Perron, N. Colby and J. Edgar Colby, all employee of the Old Fairburn Lorelta "Regnier and Alice Jus-sons, and George P. Mnclaren. marke't in (he Square and for the saume; St. Anne's sodality by Mrs. Burial took place in the family lot past few years was employed in Elizabeth Bernier. M rs. Emelie in Woodbine cemetery, here, where a Middlesex street cafe. Courchesne and Mrs. John Beau- committal prayers wore read by
BILLERICA—Miss Abbie Buiit by Rev. Emery Lyonnais, O. M. 1.,
Pelham, N. H., where Rev. Fr. Go-
People Failed to
Have Cars Inspected .
neral notice later.
hornc. FuneraI Dircclor L.CO N, ULlDtlcaii In charge.
15 Axis Planes Downed jncmy attacking (rom nil sides
ils orders
MRS. '/.OK JA1.BEKT a high funeral mass wr.s cele- brated by Kcv. Stanley Gbgul.
iBill to Committee
The funeral of. Mrs. Zoe (Mar- The choir, under the direclion of tin) Jnlbert. widow of Joseph Jal- Rudot Kocfccro," who also \vns or- bert and mother of the late Hcv. ganist, sang Terry's mass. The Kosario Jalbcrt, O. M. I., look bearers were; Waller Kubackl,
Rejecting nn adverse report, Anti-Strike BOSTON, May 12 (UP)— PayFines
place yesterday at 8.45 . o'clock Frank Kubncki, George" Beben and from the funeral home, 822 Mer-
Lowell, Feb. 6, 18S2, daughter of following priests: Rev. Arthur St.- WILLIAM H. COLBY |<. Albert G. and Eurydice W. Burtt, Cyr, O. M. I., Rev. Louis Bachand,
a t 8 o ' c l o c H f r o m h i s h o m e , 2 3 Front street. The cortege proceed- ed to St. Caslmtr's Polish National Catholic church where nt 9 o'clock
Refer Women's Jury
Early O.K. on 50 Motorists
rimnck slrcct and at 0 o'clock at Frank Wenzen.
St. Jenn Baptiste church a solemn Burial took place .in the fam- high funeral mass was celebrated ily lol in SI. Caslmir's cemetery in
Would Enable
U. Delay Walkouts 90 Days
to the counties which should
vised Connnlly bill which would kill this bill, it is the expense safety equipment check-up, were"
enable the government to delay to the home." He added: fined $2 apiece today, in district strikes in' all war plants for 90 "For God's sake, let's keep court after pleading guilty before
John Kubackl, Stanley Kubackl,
hy the counties committee, the house has referred to the ways mid means committee the measure .which would al- low women to serve on juries in Massachusetts.
The committee made the recommendation yesterday be- cause of the "cost of in- stalling and maintaining spe- cial facilities for the wo- men."
day. It also will press for consid- 1. Make U unlawful lo He was a member of the Losv- vais. The bearers were William, Rev.- Mr. Scalisc. Arrangements TO EVERY MAN HIS TURN-^CIinging desperately to their raft eration of Ihe measure under an strike until the secretary of
fonl street; Leo F. Tlghc, 19 South Whlpplo street; John ValUavltch, 127 Howard street;
cll Lodge ot Elks for over 35 Edgar and Charles Jalbcrt, Ludger were in charge of Funeral Director in a tipping sea,two survivors of a British merchant ship torpe- open rule, which would permit labor has certified the result
years; Lowell Bartenders union Bedard, Louis Rondeau and Donat Robert T. Morse..
and the Holy Name society of St. SI. Arnaud. There were many doed in the Atlantic wait their turn to be taken aboard the U. S. amendments. of a secret ballot taken under
Michael's church. Besides his spirilual bouquets. Burial took 1UC11AKU ALMEIDA The committee Inlc yesterday the direction of the U. S. Con- Arthur Weldcn, 63 Wanvlck wife, he leaves one brother, John place in St. Joseph's cemetery, Richard Almeida, aged 7 months Coast Guard cutter which found them.—AP WIREPHOTO. voted 21 lo 0 to incorporateprovi- ciliation Service.
Joseph Cronin and one sister, Miss where Rev. Gustave Berneche, O. and 28 days, son of Joseph and Rita Catherine Cronin, both of Boston M. I., read committal prayers. Fu- (Demers) Almeida, 10S Chapel and several nieces and nephews. neral Director Leo N. Bilodeau in street, died late last night at St,
AlliedAir Forces Call Halt
ami pounilril hy nircrnfl, our sions covering strike threats In all 2. Permit, the War Labor
the government.
H struck from the senate meas-
street; Henry L. Cote, Warren avenue, Chelmsford; Harold 15. Stule, 11 Jensen street; Chelmsford; John Mane, 300 Mcthucn street, Dracnt; An- Kelia McKcnile, East street, TcwUsljnry; Leo J. Fortin,
charge of the arrangements. John's hospital after a briel illness. He leaves, besides his parents, one Mrs. Marie Theriiiult Brunclle, JOSEPH J. KUBACKI brother, Joseph Almeida, Jr.;and
' b'irst army sustained tlip n\- yrstenlay," tbo Ilallnns snhl.
slrllto. action for a period of Dll days.
The latter action, according to
''Tlu-y counteratIncited \vH1i
ure- provisions giving Itic president
of 3-12 Pawlucket street, widow The funeral of Joseph J. Ku- three sisters, Rita M., Florence and and below them, the oncii'ded surrender \\'iis nuulc by Cien. specific authority to take over war members o( Ihe committee, may 1129 Lakoview avenue, Dro-
m;irrr—Died In BIHcrlcit, May forC.A.Appleton railroad ynrds, warehouses am orccs.)
of yesterday and the comrades in SfiOOfl and one ycnr In prison llrnloy, 20 Ilampstcad stroctj arms of today." for persons who aid a strike, Joseph F. Gaffney, 88 West-
10, Miss Abbie Burtl. Private fu- seaplane base al Marsala, Sicily
"The enemy allnclts wcro partly repulsed In a conntcr-
The encircled Axis troops west or lock-out In war Industries ford street; James Kcrshaw, 171 Eighteenth street; Victor
neral services al the White <t Hoy chaneJ. 236 Westford street, Friday, -M;iy M. Jit 2 o'clock. Interincut
yesterday, the strategic air forc<
heavy and medium bombers anr thrilKt whore soldiers linnlly of Bou Ficha were menaced on I alien over by the government, 1*. LeBcau, 11 Union street;
Daniel J. O'Brien & Son. Insur- in Kelson cemetery. ArrangeinonIs Was Retired President ance Service. 9 Central St.—Adv. by White & Hoy.
their fighter escort shot down 15 resorted to bayonets. All re- the south by the British Eighth 5. Provide that wnr plants Joseph Soularil, Third street.
lion and food supplies."
(The Italians said, however, funeral mass at St. .Michael's church Suit "in oilier sectors of the Tu-
died yesterday at his homo. Besides sending patrols to the ti io surrender." ill-equipped less than six months
He was the grandson of Daniel of the Cap Bon promontory, th ago, Immediately began the- dnsh I'lONBKR DEAD
Appleton, founder of the publish- Allied forces attacked the Axis po Acknowledge Bombings eastward lo the coast with Bou
ing house and entered the firm sitions from the air and inflicte (They acknowledged tlic Allied Ficha, 1R miles' eastward as their HROOKL1NK, May 12 (UP) — severe damage Monday night, th jombings of Catania, Marsala, the objective. Miss Florence Barnard, 70, pioneer
C11Oi\I\—Died In t)iis city, May of Publishing Company
11, nt hia home, 311 Heacon street,
Dennis K Cronin. Friends may call NORTH ANDOVER, May
at his home after G p. n1i. today. (INS)—Funeral services will
I-'uneral Friday morning at. i) hc)ri tomorrow for Charles Adams days, number of small vessel o'clock from his home. Solemn hieh
\vtio still possessed nuinmni- Ihe French Ifllh corps whichyes- nflcr Ihc cause for seizure ceases
years. Funeral services will be en. Giovanni Messe, commando were killed and about 300 injured
held Thursday afternoon at 2 John A. Applcton, United Slates '. the First Italian army, had n at Catania, and that Sunday's o'clock nt (he II. Louis Farmer &. Army.
Son funera 1 liomc, 24 Kast Main Burial will be in North Anriovcr. icted a proposal hy Lieut, Ge; double-barreled day and night .street, Ayer. Friends may call after
Cimtlmifil I-1ruin Front Pnur
suprrjur valor. A proposal for
of Oliva Brunette, died yesterday backi, husband of Teresa (Klatka) Jane Almeida. Axis army fnced n thinl siionr- I'Vcyhcrp nnd \vns ri'jeclwl by >lnnls tied up by labor disputes on be taken after the present 30-day cut.
morning at St. -Joseph's hospital Kubacki, took pjlace yesterday The jtunorat look place this aft- head aimed by the French 19lh Cicn. MOSSR..." ho assumption that he already has "cooling off" period during which 1'clcr Morris, 3S Ripley
at the age of 62 years. She was
well' known in Ste. Jeanne d'Arc
parish, Pawtucketville, where she Funeral Notices resided most of her life. She
leaves several nieces imtl nephews.
She was a member ot St. Anne's
sodality of Ste. Jeanne d'Arc mtirM-il.l.K—Diet! in tins
ernoon at 2 o'clock from the M. E. corps which dashed lowurdd the (Gen. Mcssc is vepurted lo linvc this power as comniander-ln-chiel the strike vote is held. street, North Chclmsford; John Santos funeral home, 833 Central const of tor crushing a Gorman akcn over tlie Axis command In of the armed forces ill a period ol In addition, the committee's J. I.ordcn, Tnrvcll street, East
army into complete and unqunH- war. measure would:
street where prayers were read by lied surrender on Uio slopes east rmrisiu from Col. Gen.Jurgcn Unsatisfied with the confining 1. Require labor organizations Pcpiioroll; Philippe Cliamber- Rev. Joseph T. Grille, pastor ot St. Inml, 1502 Middlesex street;
of Zaghouan yoslcrday. on Arnim, the successor of Mnr- lo register wllh the National Labor
Anthony's church. There were The communique said that Uie hnl 1Crwin Rommel, [Ires on ships in the harbor anc Relations hoard and Hie'statements James E. Corey, 1505 Middle- several floral offerings. Burial was prisoners taken by the Second U (diving Ttinisin Jirst place In damaging docks. ns to Ihelr finances, membership sex street; Lester N. Hamil-
May J1, .Mario Therein!t UrutifiUc. in the family lot in St. Patrick's ton, 103 Stcdman street; Frank parish'. !•'11noi-a I wi1L t;ikc pl;icn F i ida y cemetery, untier the direction of S. Army corps and their French Is communique for Hie first lime, (Vichy announced in a commu- and elections. A. Allejrrcsso, 1C Osgoofl morning iit 9 o'clocik from the fu- Allies in northern Tunisia no\\ ustend of Ihe eastern front, the nique broadcast by the Berlin ra- 2. Outlaw jurisdiction^ dis- street; Roger II. Hihlroth, S
JOHN T. CKOWLEV neral home, H22 Mfirritnnek ,st reel Funeral Director Manuel E.. San- total 37,998, German communique Axis dio that a legion of French vol- putes, secondary boycotts and sym-
John T. Crowley, a former resi- am! at 10 o'ckmk at Sic, .loan tos. rl'Are church a solemn hi^h finicvaT dent of Lowell and Chelmsford, 'innxs will be celebrated. Burial
The communique said that the roops were lighting in the moun- unteers fighting for the Axis 111 pathy strikes in war plants. Colson street, North BiUorlca; Harriet O. Farley, 06 West
died this morning in Soniersworth, n'lli lie in .St. .Joseph's ceniele
N. H., at the age of 70 years. Fu- Kriends may call aI the iimeni1
Funeral Tomorrow
counting o[ (he prisoners had beer auis west of Cap Bon with Tunisia lost Iwo-lhirds of its com- 3. Emposver the War Labor Forest street. completed in thai sector. nost determination against the plement in battle but carried out board to subpoena witnesses and
Axis planes during the attack, was announced.
army, on Ihe north by Iho British
quests to surrender wcro so First army, and on Ihe west by seized by Ihe government shnll be
far refused hy the fornwlitms returned lo the owners fiO days MOTOR HEAD DIES
ir Bernard Freybcrg, New Zea raids on Palermo killed 210 and in- and commander,' for the Ax jured '121.
We wish to express our (hanks In —Dr. Chancey Adams, 82, former- nued in that area, with the Ax swooped in at low level nnrt our relatives, friends and neigh- ly on the staff of the U. S. marine oops counter-attacking. bombed Djidjelll, a small port on bors for I heir 1; ind acts during hospital, Staten Island, N. Y., died ("Pursued hy n superior tlic north coast of Algeria between our recent bereavement in the death
of Mrs. Zoo (Martin) Jalbert. To here yesterday. A native of North enemycoining from the north Philippeville and Bougie, causing all we shall forever he thankful. New Portland, Me., he was a
3 p. m, today. Interment in Weal- lawn cemetery, Littleton. .
•oops' surrender in Cap Bon pel (The Gorman radio assorted that
. CONCORD, N. H., May 12 (UP) isula, and (hat fierce fighting con their heavy bombers last night
graduate of Colby and Bowdoin medical school.
at $998
. . still readily available and eager to make
a better home for you.
Summer SQUASH 3 LBS. Sunkist LEMONS 4 F0" 9*
Strained Foods, 3'{or 20c Cereal and Oatmeaf—
In the air attack yesterday Panlelleria island, the sixth in fou
terday forced the German vet-lo exist. LEXINGTON, May 12 (UP)' —
Applet.on, S'l, retired president of hit bv bombs ind fires wer
rick's cemetery under the direction ing company of New York. lie ters said. ,ast ammunition, Axis forces had The French, who took the field the war,
abject surrender at. Zaghouan. .FUNERALHOME: at 10 o'clock. Rurial in St. Pat-the D. Applcton-Cenlury Publish- started in the dock area, headquar ilslan front, after spending their Third hi Five Days
ervlUo, died ot his home here late' yesterday after n long Illness.
MILLIS, May 12 (UP)—William
of Undertakers James F. O'DonnoI]
IMIiLox—Died En this city, May 11, Kieran Fallen, at his home, 10$ Mcadowcroft street. Funeral Thurs- day morning at S o'clock from the funeral home, 307 Thorndikc street. At the Sacred Heart chureh at fl o'clock a funeral lilgrh mass will be sunp. Jliulnl in Ht. Patrick s cemetery, Frank Fay & Son in charge.
after graduating from Trinity col- communique added. Axis position I'rnpnni area, and PnnlclIcrin isl- Tlielr victory marked the third of economic education and n school H. Thome, 80, said to be the old- lege, Hartford, Conn. He was lonchcr here for 30 years, died yes- esl actlyo policeman in Massachu-
born in New York city. north of EnfidavUle also were pn and. and claimed they brought spectacular Tunisian victory for
setts, died nl his home yesterday.
under air attack, down 22 Allied planes, M or Ihcm tlin Allies in five clays. He leaves a sister, Miss Mnrion Italian Report a'n- duels.
Appleton of North Antlovcr;
PIUKST -Died In Ayer, May 11, brother, Robert Applclon of New (The Italian communique broad (A supplement lo Ihe com-
Featuring scores of tho newest stylo lilts
KUIth HoiiKhUm Priest, aged 50 York city; and a nephew,Col. st by the Rome radio said tha munique, said tiiat 150 persons
CHANGE IN STORE HOUR CLOSING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Effective May 14th Store Closes Fri. Nite at 8 O'clock and Sat. Nite at 8:30
Thursday Only
• Striped seersucltcrs
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Lincoln's is proud of its wonder- ful M3 bumper crop of fresh fashion favorite cottons! These cottons will keep you looking your brightest self for Spring and they'll be just perfect for warm, summer days. Choose from smooth seersucker suits
and dresses, lady-like ginghams, gay pique stripes and checks in many styles with novelty trims. Sizes 12-20 and-38-44.
Checked or Printed BEMBERGS or Printed SHANTUNGS
These dresses are designed for Spring and endorsed by fash- • ion for Just you. It makes no difference if you're a business woman, glamour girl or housewife, we have dresses for all of you. Choose yours from our wide selection of colors, prints, styles and sizes.
Small Size
Cottage Cheese 2 IBS.
Assorted Candy Drops
O pkgs. Ib.
American1 RYE BREAD
Pantry Ib. COOKIES
c | York Stote PEA BEANS
Junior Foods, ...3 for 26c
2 packages 27c
W i n d s o r 1 4 - O Z . B O T .10* Brand
Members of the house military af-
fairs committee predicted loday Quincy, opposing the bill,, said towns, who tailed to have their early house approval of the re- that "it Is not the expense machines inspected in the April
days. our women ladles. Too many The measure also •would cm- women are trying lo drag
power the war labor boai'd 1o force themselves down to the level Hie appearance ot United Mine of men.
Workers President John L. Lewis
and prohibit him from calling a
Judge Patrick J. Reynolds. Fines were paid by:
Mollio E. Levin, 70 Living- ston avenue; Alfred Lutz, 45 Roper street; Patrick L. Mo-
senate-approved Connnlly bill to- of congress, and would:
industries operating on warcon- board to toko jurisdiction un ncUs tif nriunrcrt Hritish forces tracts as well as those seized by Ils own notion and freeze,
thai the legion records. William Hardmail, 810 Besides setting large lircs in \\is- md deploying the strongest gained the respect of the enemy I. Provide n penalty ot Cliclmstord street; Henry P.
erans of Ihe Afrlkn Korps inlo an
n. Provide Hint nil provi- James F. Keating, 42, NewEng- sions of the not shall hccomo land manager of the Lincoln divi- Inoperative! six months after sion of Iho Ford Motor Sbm-
Rep. Joseph L. Whiton (R)
LOWELL — Thirty motorists from Lowell and surrounding
strike in the 'soft coal fields while scope of the senate measure, the A'iff, SB Washington street; Ihcy arc under government cus- committee set up nn elaborate pro- Alexander McNeil, 148D Var-' tody. cedure which labor unions must mini avenue; Thomas Mincault, To Kile Report follow- in order to call a strike in •J2 Fisher ktrccl; Frank J. No-
Determined lo beat the May 18 war plants. They arc the same as
deadline for ending the coal truce, those provided in n bill by Rep. Inn, 8'il- Chchusfqrd street;
the committee planned lo file n Howard Smllh, D., Va., which Thomas II. Perkins, Beacon
street, firanllcvllle.
Clifford F. Smith, 7 Water-
formal report of its findings on the passed the house in the last session