Page 5 - Mum's_5.12.1943_flipbook
P. 5

 THe Lowell Sun AxisFumbles<to Churchill Visit
Radio Hai Him in Russia, Then Cairo
Wednesday May L2 1943
class one anrt, two stores. The re- uctlon on T-bone and club steaks Identical. Boneless sirloin goes own one cent, as do boneless
ound steaks.
Similar reductions In roasts arc
vo cents for boneless chuck or houlder and 10-inch rib, and one- ent for rump.
Stew cuts show less change, al- LONDON, May 12 (INS)—The lough a cent will be cut from
Finds First
U. S. Postcard
Was Mailed 70 '
Years Ago Today
BOSTON, May 12 <UP)—Seven ly years ago today, the first postal card in America was mailed.
The card was moiled May 12, 1873, to Henry M. Burl of Spring- field, edllor of the New England Homestead, a farm magazine, by a friend, S. S. Bumstead. Bum- stead had purchased the first 500 postal cards on Ihc market and mailed them In Springfield.
The one he mulled to Burt read: '(This Is the first postal card issued and sent through the United States mall."
In 1935—36 ymirs after bis dealh —Burl's son, Frank, discovered the AVIATION CADET — Norman card among a collection of aulo graph-lelters preserved by his
Lowtll Born . . . Lo-wcll Owned .,. La-well Managed r-"Be in the Pink with"
- - - and you'll get more enjoyment out of .your Lawn and Porch this summer
Axis fumbled twice in announce- he cost of plate and brisket.
dent Roosevelt.
First the German radio an-
ments concerning the whereabouts
of Prime Minister Winston Church-
ill of Britain, now in Washington
for a war conference with Presi- he bone has been met by placing
nounced Churchill was conferring
in Cairo with President Roosevelt
and Premier Stalin ol Russia.,Then pound for rib, leg and sirloin it said merely that Churchill was hops, leg and sirloin roast. Lamb attending a "big military confer- nd mutton rib and loin roasts wil ence" In Cairo. The Axis-con- ave the same ceilings as loin am trolled Scandinavian telegraph bu- Ib steaks and chops.
reau reported from Stockholmthai Several newly-priced
Stalin, Churchill nnd Roosevelt •eal roast are scheduled.
he Bone Question
The question of what to do with
price of three cents a pound on >up bones. A live-cent charge •ill be made for suet.
Lamb will be reduced two cents
on Sale Toilet Goods Section
Main Floor
• were meeting in Moscow.
London expectations of the \VASIHNGTOX, May 11 </P)— smith of Manning road, East
Summer Will Soon Be Here - - - Let Us Help
You Now Bring Into Your Life - - - OUTSIDE INTEREST With These Few Outdoor Luxuries
Prices of all beef steak an one-third of a ham, instead of one instances. Prices of'veal cuts and roasts and several cuts of ste1 tifth, as center slices, which brin of beef hamburger, were un- meat are reduced. Grade AA poi a higher price. changed.
lerhouse, for instance, will be To Bo Reduced Further Additional cuts of beef, veal, come 60 Instead of 68 cents I
FJ«tulentindige»Uon-thekindthatm&k«J 7oufe«l (nil of nassr bloated misery arounr and below th« belt often arises as &reiult of a lair colon and a slureish flow of in Uatin&l secretions in the large bowel. ^
prices which become effective Moi day will represent a slight redu lion in the retail prices of mea sho\vn in the February cost-of-H ing index, with more substanti
bul the difference small.
To Separate Grades
generally is
The type umbrella for lawn or beach, widespread when opened....easy lo m o v e around, just stick In ground
...colorful combinations of yellow and white, green nnd white, black and while, hluo and while.
Roosevelt-Churchill c o n f e r c nee .few cenls-per-pound retail ceilinj father. Frank Burt, nn sd-year-
were heightened yesterday whei >riccs for .specific cuts and grade Chelmsford, who has completed old Boston court reporler, disclosed
Depuly Prime Minister Clement R Df beef, veal, lamb and mutton- a course of training at Middle- today lhat the historic card is nov
Atlee, instead of Churchill, ad •evisecl downward to comply wit"
dressed the house of commons he president's "hold the line" or jury college, Vermont, as a News of the prime minister's de [er—were announced today by th •Javal aviation cadet and now parture was given to the house in illice of price administration.
secret session by Foreign Secretary
Anthony Eden.
New Meat Ceiling
Prices Announced
kept in a vault.
Continued From Front I'njse
Relax on a Wheel Chaise
An adjustable chaise longuc that allows you to fully or partially recline, or sit up straight . . , spring base with cotton filled mattress covered ' with green, blue and maroon water repellent fabric. Strong, sturdy frame of hardwood, with enamel or maple finish. These longues can bo wheeled from place to place without any great exertion.
29.98 Adirondack
The unpaintcd chair comes this way so that you can pnlnl it any color you wish to harmonize with the color scheme of your other furni- ture. Strong, sturdy frame, suitable for lawn or porch.
Effective Monday, O. P. A. sail he ceilings generally represent reduction of one to three cents
s home awaiting orders fo con- inue his studies.
•ound from retail ceilings original
;• scheduled to go into effec
Vpril 15 but withdrawn In th Pwo Classes
'ace of the "hold the line" edic The present order divides re-
3n a companion order, also e: nilers into two classes—indepen- and cooked hams will be reduce fective Monday, O. P. A. likewis dent stores with less than $250,- three cents a pound, and n revised downward retail celling 000 annual volume and alt other smoked, ready-to-eat and cooke 'or all parts of processed han retailers. The dividing' line for picnic ham cuts, except who! (bone end) and processed picn .he new classification has not yet ham, will be reduced by variou :iams. These reductions als seen decided upon, O. P. A. said.
amounts. The price of whole ham amount to one to three cenls
has not been changed. pound for specific cuLs, but n roasts ana several types of beef
Reductions in the larger, clas lailers still will receive substai stew meat were reduced from three and four stores, will be sim tially the same prolit on a ban those established in the April 15 ilar to those in class one and tw This will be brought about by regulation, while lamb and mut- OtherReductions provision permitting the sale ton prices were reduced in some
The neur beef, veal, lamb an lamb and mutton were given mutton ceilings \vi)i be reduce specific ceiling prices for the first further—by about 10 per cent— time.
on June 1 tinder a recently-an Price ceilings are on a zone
BELOWTHEBELT? nounced plan for the payment basis, each zone covering t\ sub-
perfect plantic
LIPSTICK CASE Again three rousing
cheers for Revlon! Now— their siiper-stay-on a dreamy, rose-red plastic case. Preltiest—and most prac- tical of all the war babies! Hurry...gel yours nowl
government subsidies lo proce stantial area, generally including sors. several important cities. Prices p. P. A. estimated that th vary somewhat from zone to zone,
This condition may retard prompt dtffej
lion of food, causing an «cesaive amounl
of ?•« that may press on the organs arw
reflect llself in many discomforting symp- reductions from March and Apr meat they display to help cus- toms. For relief, try Eapotabi as directed index prices.
They help encourage th« normal flow ol
•Jntutinal secretions and help aetirate thte Brown disclosed that an ord'
«olon to relieve itself —without upsetting now is in preparation to esla
the liver, causing nau—sea or the washed- lish special classifications fi grndes would provide a. deterrent
large-volume handlers of mca to hidden price increases, equalize In the meantime, he said, larg competitive markets and aid sub- volume handlers should mainta stantially in enforcement of the prices 10 per cent under the ceil regulation.
Urn*. Born ...
---- Lovtll
u r s...
are an invest- ment in wear and beauty.
Pollards Nay Sale of
Because we have investigated the fur marker thoroughly and at on impending shortage of Good Fur Coats looms up ... we purchased a considerable quantity . . . that's why we're able to offer'such values NOW ...
If you want durability . , . lasting beauty . . . these are thecoatsyou want. All with smart new details . . . all made by experts . , , Choose yours today and wear it "forthe duration."
Give you
cool privacy. .. fine-quality slats in
-Use Our Easy— Payment Plans
Our Lay-A-Way Plan, se-
lect a coat now, pay a de- : posit and small weekly or
monthly payments...
Our Budget Plan
down payment and small weekly payments, no extra charges for this plan...
Use your 30 Cr? charge account...
And Remember We will hold any coat pur- chased In this sale and store It in our own fur storage vaults' (right here on our own premises) FREE of CHARGE until wanted.
% 4 % 4 % ft
This Is
A week set aside by all the large hospitals In the country ...during this week there is open house, allowing the gen- eral public to Inspect the hos- pitals and soe what they really do for humanity...
So You Nurses Should Look Your Best Choose
Bemberg (rayon) PRINTS
J.OO yd,
Certified as fully serviceable by U. S. Testing Co, ...50 new, attractive patterns in monotones and small, colorful figures. For lovely spring and summer frocks...
Shantung (rayon) PRINTS
Gay, bright and fast selling. ..really an outstand- ing selection including Border prints. Woven o£ famous DuPont yarns and are washable,
Miami (ra ) yon
|.00 yd.
Colorful stripes, checks and plaids. ..crisp, coo!, clean cut, arid so refreshing.. .the .Aristocrat of nil seersucker Washable and easy to "do up", Ret), blue, green and brown. Small, medium and large checks and plaids...4 different-type stripes/
89. *> $399.
White Swans are the first choice of Professional worsen, they have superior styling, su- perior value and the knowledge that they are made carefully, sized correctly and budget priced...thcie are some of the features that have made nurses who know". White Swan boost- ers.
ngs established by today's regu-
Prices of all beef steaks and
The order requires retailers to separate the different grades of
tomers keep check on price ceil- ings.
O. P. A. said the prices-by-
Lawn Umbrellas
Z 3 9 .
O N1I*0
NORTHERNFLANK «>.gf%f\ —and—
three Poplin 3,85 These arc just
Sharkskin... 5.00
of the great selection of colorful f a b r i c s f o r spring and
3 ft.
4 ft.
5 ft.
2.95 4.25 4.95
.. 6.95 .. 8.45
that only... in
8 widths... 6 foot drop. .. hardware and
stringing will give long service, Automatic stop device allows them to be placed at any length.
6 ft. 5.75
Sew and Save for National Defense
7 ft,
8 ft.
9 ft.
10 ft...'.IO*.75
   3   4   5   6   7