Page 2 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 2
Waits essagc
n l I i "in 11:1,1, l':,k ,
Lowell Sun and Cilizep-Leader Tuesday December 30 1941 Life's Game
attacks on !iaw:di.
fc ''
relalialion for Japun's
ijncs. Wake nnd MM-
anticipated thai the unuld malic jjood rulay cm his promise i detailed accounting .cssiruis with linlhh inister U'h'ston ( hnr- irl nf "sivliif nilli- Eorniiilion lo Ilic
'^j '$*' BOB
AT '
Hello evcryix/iy
into my office, tiie oiher (layand as he sal down he said: "I Ihou^ht 1 would come down and have a dial will) you ii:sl«id of v.ritiiu: IO wju."
1 said: • 1 am ^lad >uu did. i"-- cnuse i U in!: ;• pcisonal fricndiy vi.-ii K ih>- greatest ionic in ihe -^oiiri pi liculai i> if une is feeling kind 01 1.0w. ••
••That's ju-t s by I came to see
knov.- \\ii> because as you know, 1 followed by little boys and girls wild sleds—as shown in the pictures above of youngsters who baven'1 any liniincial prolilems.1
Ihc Nurri- amendment: 1
sl.ttiiirjri. con; res- con- -jw bi-eimU! ses-ion o;i le.-s i.olh houses a^rce date. Lenders of th'
A man walked
r con^rc--; hav- ;, second --'--ion oji
II Will i.lin;; ;,l.i,u| 1]!,' YOUNGSTERS ENJOY FIRST SNOWFALL—Weather forecast for Lowell yesterday—sno
vou. i am (ec-lin^ lov.' and don't p
mrnerijatcly nmnif»'.-U'ri fie b>r the Japanese,
t regard for iJrr\ious
r international virux lt;ly \ocal MH'iiitiiT1, rss uerc dentaiidin^ :tratc Ilia! Tokio anil mnese citirs he suli-
Illa fiarnt1 lia[iha/:trd
Hint \)|i|>Dnf," f!li>i>
it to JVarl Iliirlmr. Hitier Hants at itl oilier I'aciflr uay
! feeling kind of blue.
Vou remember in Matl. 19, the
inch >ouiix man came to see our Prefers Skyscraper young man from Gallilee. He had everything, loo, hut lie was wor- ried also. Our young friend told him that he la-jked one thin;;, and that was spirilvml understanding. 1 said tfj rny visitor: "V ouhave been very successful linanciftlly, order of the president 'bat wrecked I.ondor's ancient luni-ti't you'."' lie said: -I sure have, c\er\ thin^ i lou'hed seemed
were Se;:ale Maji.uiy klc-y anil Senalur fiur- ?elcr. '1)1, Mum.
(>'. itlir.iil h
case I was ttieie ihe channel to ihe Urals we could The chief executive called upon] "y,,,, ijui't I)-,' rernemdied, Vou have "royal" command have such Inn;; slri-tches been so sharpening u]i your
of .Suite Hull nave lie a preview of Hie annual messajje '.vhcn
H over here that v''in on, and il senncd at
no -ired'li tit
could one c-all a parly
aihp rncare of the b<? husy building Up our new Fji- law enforcement officers mobili/a-jnf roast," In- observed. "In «fly.
rope. independent of overseas aruj n
feeding ilself '.vitliout -.s-oi'ry about tion phin for national defense j that makes ynnr problem bnlli '.jrown dull ami unre.-ponsi\L' lo lho
nd of Ihc principles uf ^
liojial i\cws .Sei",-ii:e. shifted troni peacetime u> wartime
cf lho KSlliilliill tllat : ) lall
aw .'. ,"
ind even of Ibe ' '
\\ai'm. Around
(here .iiiddcnlv,
America do what il will. ' nol e\'fn to publish what "VouilB and Healthy"
"V'f '''•"> <
">' lnt
for a slide yesterday were Xandra Vurgaropulos on the sled, and Lucy Reed.
Europe, then J as a soldier from arc lighting the war and Ibe ariito-
times titat eve Ihe British were U
,lb" ,-iiff side uiih a rc.-irjined reiich for the dignified.
F. B. I. Was Ready for War
Ibe trenches of the World svar|crats as well as Ihe under-fed would put on a ceiling that A fire of jtilil IORS blaze.,] cheer. know how to li^bl that war. Over jd&sfKs are being crushed in more tiUi "camel out'' INC price n-<-, tiy on the bearlh. A shepherd jhere \ie will come out on top, and j waysthan one hy ihe burden of
iJOn announced
Roosevelt's Acts
•ifiiiiiM: |ircs.> •hief. Otto Dietrich, il 1nni more in your \Vnshingtun and Chief Interpreter Kclimldt
It:; ;: in London, •Ml lliat year he- c:nn<' .iionnd lo .-ii th'-re and li
foie the \>ar 1 •a\v Ihe hand 0( in iijem oltcrlicncn.
1SSS. the F. U. I. WASchurned withj"ciiy" area last Uec. 29, Morrison lo turn to Hold." o Heir Roosevelt be then? My the duties of co-ordinating all in-;expressed Hie conviction thai
I hm, ,1 I r II; I'J
lu ,il him on with
ihr i rniiraj v. il annie.^ would be in all vital spots vestixaliens perlaininK to cspion-j America nii^hl a«'t an occasional "Well," I ,-:dd lo him, "there is '-rfC'reri \', i(h bis of UK .oniineni and inside from age. sabotage, and rel»terl matters.|raid en her costal regions. nothing ihe mailer v.iih sou lhat
'!<'„• with a S'.vasiika collar slroljcd;"'' Slalin or tluircbill or f'.ootevclt |war.
in Air Raid
Cunllniiril IViim llji.-k (Mcr
la/ily up to Hitler and and mix/led j''"' alier ihal f, hi- li.-iii'l. He Tlioked Ihe ht-ad,jliiihs Knees ni'itionin^ IIT:' to sit down oppo.-ile.
Oilier* like ills mock .-iiid iinima;;.
"l'"ihaps Ihfn, if I wanted to. 1[ <ould :-lrlke a deal with the British iinr- his knee..- in (•nijiiie within '_'! liour.s and fettle ,11. 11 wn.i nnl Ihir -^iiv over here. Where would
ncics have been vigilant, some office on me first ani'icer- e u\val<e, an<l ready to act. .-ai y of the terrible Geiman raid
_ n .n biliary price ceil-'ece, y'oodv else around iln.l house. -1 kno;'- bov. u, \vaii, '
^ivin^ yon the uncomtui lable |,;e.l- 'U.- inoulb >nicl suddenly, wilh ai-siy Dial be had a bad conscience. down before Roosevelt and I can
en dow.n, might have been vic-
lison believes it is essential to do ;'lilll('llc; and fluttcriri" leaves.
lioi'f conffreiire win, in;; Ilia I nune hill ilu- Fuehrer uuick draw «f breath. "Ma. and 1:1\Villmm knowing it. I was a sort wail until he i.s gone.
Hie American Tobacco >hould be heard 01 seen, lest ner- '•an «all. I wailed Hiree years of father confessor (o him. He was "Then we shall see whnt is what
l mr
'-•> down in ilieir demand authority hit Hie man nearest i ' ' de.spile all Ibe mi-chief ainl|se|f before o,,- de~e,|.
Ibis volcano. That has happened i i'|i|"»ili"n a^ me by paid poli-;!tnc Gets It Anain 1 1
hysterical public.
dous increase in Ihe duties of IheI "TM' " Secondly, keep tbe timu \\ben some great sorrow
ile:•d<! lto back the ciKiirrtihaps a lililz of unrestrained lenipei i'"'' -\uslrla. and nl the end of that j^rupin^ for a way lo jus c
1 hot llrlnk upon your face and remenibered
l«"ly lc.-ij-l:ni(T. tllruugb
wa- Ihc lumlliar i'e[M-odu,:1ion in miniature of Miller's personal style m reception rooms and ch.m- cellories. at Munich and Berlin and Borchle.ssiMlcn, all sli^hllv 'in
Underground canals exlend more, war fir'-1
I Trained since
jare, not falng to be deserted when'you wondered
$ 1.00 Famous Double- Woven Fabric Gloves
inly oO pair of i uperh qualily jl lack only. ^v 3 7'-,
Street Floor
Women's, Misses' 50c Ski-Sbting SOCKS
kmic iijij', wool, Vidf rib. heavy sod:? n jViivy, Green or 'tnyal. ,Si;es 10'-. tn
Street Floor
Slrcc! Floor 2MNANTS
Street Floor IWELRY,..
Slrcel Fioot OYS...
inn emerjiency. Ihe grailuatcs of "'"ncdialely. Try lo make the pro- - -
jibe F. I',.'I. National Police acad-1''''".as slu>rt n»(i sympathetic as1 T)lc" J said to my friend: -I 1 ciny \A\'j could- on spared froml1"1**'.'1'0-. have stood at the foot of the lluin-
1/3 to 2 Off
Men- All While ur (Vlorrii Jion-ler llar.rl- keicllivl'.-. W onien'- Fi.nal Print-. Htf.
Women'- Odd Initial T'asicl Handkerrbiffs. K'^. -Vic. Wed Sp.-,-.
l/2 Off
K;\-yvn- nnd Fur ll 'I'.iiloiod Brims, -ri. Soldier. Slvny.
Second Floor
Boxed Pillow Ca-'.-s and Ti-pc, Brid^.^ Sets. F.eq. SI to .y.'.'A Wed Spec.
Tuikish Ti-
Sltfcl flooi
va.-t library of criminal infor-v.\- Testfor
. Iron, ano .ifi fieid division nffi.v-
|l"..iled -I.a;ccu;.liy liu-ougluiui
jtlie l'i-.ii.;ii Slate.- ar.di;> i'i\-.-'.\-- CapitalTonight fo.-;;:cd stal1e rationing hoard.
lime and asjaiii. coining and snin;;!'I'' ' criminals and elements in and: "As I said, political storms withIhcdestructiveandslartlhij:oulsidi-ofKurope.1solhackAu.s-imilitarysetbacksoneofI •(InvM
IKditor's .Votf: In the third ilaininz It, ihe national defense! ^!' 'hem busy.
Also Mr Or have you ever slopped and
force of a whirlwind, llccich for Dignity
Hitler walked inlo
furni.sbccl reception room \cith ils
instalment ofIhisenerossiit!; iwerereceivedbythefifty-sixfield!r alsol' --Morrisonadded,"Itwonderedaithemysteryof Ihe Iria without lirinc. a sliol. Kvill sweep riinrchill away the -ame intervii-w tomorrow. Mr. llnss !offices iliii-iiiK Ibe fiscal ycur end-i ' ' >i'cly essential lo give [ico- budding .snowdrop in early March,
iBiuhatyruir rc'isianre is little round table surrounded hy
il'':illicr Jglm'a Medirino
-only relieves c,i!da bin easy chairs and a sofa. The whole world has forKullrn them,
by a warm spring shower?
'has tripled ils personnel since Ihei stntul °" tll(!ir fco' "'"'ilifc fccmcd so lull of trouble that
$1.44 and $1.69 SHIRTS
"\Vorld-Be.fitcr" and "f:.ssley" hroadcloths. Mostly fancy pal- lerns. Atlach'-d col- lars. 11 lo 17.
Slrcet Floor
tive law enforcement lo IIIK withstands a bombin- better shook hands and «aitl-
aehievr' full nalionnl strength. thai, any other type of structure. --It seems a shame lhat material In c;ises investigated hy Ihe i Jiicirril. skyscrapers may l>e. a success makes so many of us for^'-t. 1'. B. I. for the year ending ;lilc.ssiiiK and a very valuable ad-i the only things-worfri rememher- •lime 30. 1911. there were jnncl to civil defense. I wouldjinc."
filS' cnuviclinns. more than !say that nue would he relativclv
in any previous year. These safe in a skyscraper anywhere l.\rr i/nn worried about one. eonvictinns represented !K> per from three stories above" sireel nl tilr's prnblrms? I! you nrr. rent of the rases investigated level lo within HI floors of (be irrite lo Hah Douglas, Trie by the I-'. B. I. and .brought In top, always depending on Ibe l.utecll Sun. and he tcill try In (rial. height of (he- bnildinc.
-! Broariclotii B.I;F. I'ndTarni sii'1 inp
'-- Olton Fell \ "linersrm
6Sc Street Floor
HOUSECOATS..; .~T(I Woman's Cotton )'i!III HoU
Ko<.-:liU'l nnd
flora! flr^i^ns,
$1.77 Second Floor
Children's Wear, in the £overmr.cn1 and defense in-: du.-trie.-. when -eau-hed through the F. B 1. fm^erprint files, have ,revealed prevmus activities, often
j unfler oltier nnnies, uiiicii vcould
j braled at r>.30 a. m., instead
Third MODI
OPEN 9.30 TO 5.30
Kitll and twin si/.es. Closely tufted on heavy .-heeling. While. Rose. Tnrciuoise. Blue. Maize, and Peach.
Strcel Floor
and slate law enforcement or-i'° bomlird-onl people than lo small voice as plainly as i have duly witn tlie F. B. 1. immediate!^>;ro'll'-' nf officials." l.l heavens of a summer's night
and afier-Christmas Markdowns!
^1^;^i^,^ undone.''
Toiletries— Hoot
4-$I warkrrl ;'-> a vimfH-'i fiU^ni[>' ,ir,d
Atncric-n shall he ni<ii:iiainrd foi \ ilr.T rlnh llrrr
<<InhX\\ T,«cr,- Tlrrr l>TOThr rl^rtoil
V-- '.; •,^'jt'T^r.-
of I]il]crkiil--;i;irli<.'ii- took ddavntage of Ihc season's initial snowfall. At left—Shoving off at the hill at Shedd park are Margaret Rynne, Eileen and Marilyn O'Rourke. Center—"He^re we come," shout these kids Hete was a man without any
monev v.orries, and that wa.s ^'.-hy ti Shedd park as they tool: advantage of fhe Christmas holidays, left to fight—George Donahue, George Gath, Mary Gath, George Hughes and John Gafh, Right- •Going through Kittredqc park,he couldn't understand why he was
merely a< in;: s ihe looh of an- A ra.-:tc of ihe formidable mixed' I wa- dii'1 ID Irav Bejlin for the wheat en' Ihe coffee j;oiii£ to imijic'dh'idy placed into operat Imore ilifficull and y t easier than ca of the Spiril.
nn oflicinl .suicniem oilier mini. th suspense and Ihe | '^ll!rij i v, iDiin a fev days, after rot in Canada or -Soulh America. Willi ihe outbreak of war,Iheioiirs. -And, after ail, you kno., it is
e .Japanese were Riully "When Ihe \vfii came, [ felt Hint feelijiy of iu£ unj'eal, [>er-j''1^'.1' disregard of interim- ,,0.,
•iir- in Herlin a.s chief cen- "I could sil theie behind my % F. K. I. went inlo immcdialc ac-i ,,,|()r(. ,|irfi(.1|lt ,„,,.„,„,, o[ (||f.:ihe spirit thai makes you tick.
peace and 1:0111111011 setue were not V'lded the room. It .-ecmeri very
iriyfjean t orrespondent lion, With smooth correlation, it for for the next I'O years and lei
:Allli IJ lllril (>n sma •'.ncertainly as lo where the encinv " - " TM
lost and therefore slrjod time and again blinded hy f veil and bis golden calf, jfc
he srini assurance of ed the war Ic gc on, and
, :lor}'. President Jtou.w." misery and destruction if
.will striikkee". My best practical a,dl->| -ll
'your worries and b1lues.
the ...... moisture,of perspiration.'""* "'"'• pr"ljl for M)m« doctored Vet ] do not ,,e:,,,ii-e ve,-., n.^iu. l'i"l'i';:ai»la I wouldn't take, al-
] ,ce nn Hie subject would he first\-
Some 31)00 Japanese. Ger- to l v[ y01 v ant lo lira
man, and Italian aliens whose The Fuehrer Icioked at amc.<«igc, . * lo hold his annual!voll"S arid healthy. Roosevelt, is freedom was dnnnernus In this
j) easily.. I ,- ifia .
he '.I) years of Kooseveli. 1 am
ApplrhlossomCologne, Kcs. .V.V. \Veri. Spec.
Wir.lcr Hats. Swcai- crs, Baby Bonnets. Boys' Blouses and
The tirst mass wi l l he eele-
Novellie clu'ts. Viokt. to 51.
Street Floor
'I'",- vapiial gets ilsfirstleal b^rt- *lfltp lu scc thal res are rationed ui test lon;i;rl according to federal rule. Joyce
llt'inrs wilt be darkened, wiii ,-etvc withoutpay. strcel lishts turned off in part
BOOKS . . . Afinite'
Slicrt Floor
Tbe K. B. 1 i.. winking day :.:n:
iiicht lo proicct tlic ideals'upon of Hie cily anil all ordinary- which the United Mates as a free, civilian activities baited when and tolerant nation was pvedicat-l the air raid sirens Wow some- ed. Aide:! hy ihe law enforcement! time between 7 and !) p. m. agencies of every fl.itc, it is utiliz-l The hlarknnt will continue lor
"liul Ibe iit'.xt 20 years will nol ,,o M,,,d,y canrecfnumllyv «wnhere thne most ''' M'- ! '
ill all citizens bluntly!'.:erinan people.'
e due for tremendously' A cold rain iniNcd willi a h| r liehl before him on a lablel b> one spercb i.efore Ihe N'axi parly iti'"01- "c i furthermore a presi- country were known to Ihe prepare f,,r the problems thai pa]s ,|1iU ,,,,., (hc m m d , '
l " 01 hi., military adjutiint-. Willi- llcl11
s.Nes. rigid price con- sleel had hcgun desfilte the p^ili:hC's i ^lancin^ at the man whf !lir iradiiional Munich heer cellar ' alrcaciy silling in office for F'". H. I. as a resnjt of months
Iwotd arise from such attack. ,, , , ... llor anc! an(1 hc evcs that scc
a heavy ralioniiiK of << leen regarded a.s neco-
H as luxuries
vcrnmeul moved In
in violation of all of painstaking sifting and care-
Olj had sunli^ln peering out of fast- hj-ijuj-m [f, niessa^e he scri
hlr(1 time
(erlnmly, all factories must be , . .. }, , asNe() him H vo vo| cvfr
I'crhap, aflei- Hie many lii!ks!
na clouds. We reached the 0 riiibledi.1|K| ,.OJI1(, inhrviews I hii've bad political tiadition and customs of ful surveillances. .Swiftly, they
cjn The |>ad and pushed it 1 8 an In a cu
door Icadm^ into Ihe central , , ''"''?'•;ahtne nnd w„,i,l,h, „others before ami'' ' ' ''- ' ' years be must were, (alien into custody hy
of Fuehrer headquarters \^[lv\\
ooked not unlike a coinfoi t- ictween hi- kn. rv
wank'd lo wel'"ilhp off"i c face Ihe voters lo keep -onieibm^ off his chest. Kcepin;";"'iJiiba e vo '-' or set out. He practi mind thai even at that momenti'mHe.toh!aicdc to gel into a war with
tfie very swiftness nml sure-
with incendiary homhs. Nothing is niadc. them flutter ahoul? If }-ou more important than an adequate closed your eyes and listened, you watch over anil protection of .such could imagine il sounded like districts. Remember, incendiaries whispering voices."
:0 prevent |iricr in-
ynd snlisciMii'iil infia- ai>!" li-jntlnv iod^e. Inside the IvnoHs lion- tn \Vnit
sal forward n;:a and h-ld lus!,hlnn;, 1)K, „..„. | IR1C! R ain
ness with which law enforce- -mall hall with ils mounled deer Thcie was a moment of hc.-ila- j Ihis master of ,\'nziland had in hi.v P Koi"K until now. j ment functioned served as pro- head.-, fb.nkies willi booted black- linn as his eyes came i,, resi'pdckei Ibe w ro j,ollr |lc. |,a,| f,x^', "He and I are at \var, and even, tection to those foreign-born j pants anrl while coals wilhotlt .-iraiKht upon me, strums no (ioiiht. for .Nipan's, allack on us and Ibejif be fjoes into bis While House innocent of wroriR-doin^ who. [iiihlic was, l ricc Admin- •orai'iiieiil look our ibin^.s and def- for .-plil second lo identify again ^iib.-equent declaration of vari/ot a fourth term, I will he here. if lau- enforcement had brok-
oncern to a laii;e sec
can and do come by Ihc tlioii- snnds."
jALl K>1
"' " is so. foi it is the voice
-of Ihe hreexe c.xprcssinp; its gentle
'iii Hender5on'.s decision c.cnliatlv steppe.l aside. So did Ihis miulal beforehim. 1
nflRinM America on the part of Ihc !If not I personally, (henIhe next
I make a suess and Fuehrer. Germany not go\ timized hy nn outraged nnd
5 1 01 lluoiigh ihe swaying After an air raid ha.i hit, Mor--!" '' ' '
.stify him-jis Ibe i\-o licmis]>here.."
F. B. I as the nation prepared iUlL>MI nus-v- " necessary, inveiil
1 ilnvc lieo
"When Ihe lime came, I marcltcd 'as il swept away ihe'Daladicrs j (ells how Hitkr plotted to ing .lun.> 30, 1011: more than four!' '" "'h'"n m " bombed out of to life hy Ihe warmth of
n v . i t l i n y i n ; ; r o l o r s a n d d r u m . - . I t e y n a u d s . C h n m h e r l a i n . s a n d e v e n t - 1 t h r o w . I s p a n I n l o w a r a g a i n s t t i m e s t ( n n u m b e r c e i v e d t h e j " TM I 1 0 l "l c h e f c e l [ i i K t h a t t b e y i t h e « , , „ a f t e r w i n t e r ' s g r i p h a d icatini:. Wliere v. a.s all Ibnl his ually the Slalii^." The right hoot1 Ihc United Stales with "sneak- preccrlinf: year. ,"'"'. .' permitted to suffer i|1Cen loosened from Mother Earth
Where is stai hcmbei s. [dug inlo Ihe carpel agnin. lliis time lillti" attaclis on outlying | T o mainlain the perenniallyhigh " 1 " " ' where is Scliuschni"^ no\v? The ,atmrisl \'iciously.
blacked out, an.I jirobalily all ,Ian-,5U|0(| heneath a lai-c t'ree, and
Kor rones. listened lo the ruslli'iig of the fully mobilized !•'. II. I. ami "Any Attack misfit he made, leaves as Ihe cool summer hrecic
two tilings for the wounded, Oi hav.' you ever felt the cool As an indication of the ficmcn- shocked anrl homeless, first, jjive spkishin:; of a summer shower
;asainst attiick, 6S.-3GS matters por-i50"10"1"^ f()r "'0»i lo do, but was relieved hy the »e1nt!y falling 1 tear.s upon your check. -?
American Pacific possession.) [level of ils efficiency, Ihc F. B. I.!.. 'cm (be feeling that tbey; Or have you remembered when
after the declaration ofwar. Wartime duties have, not caused the I". I'. 1. lo relax emphnsis upon the rcpular violations nf federal law's over which H hns investtsntivr jn- risdielion. The tendency tti- \vard incrcasrd crime rates during emergency [icrinds
If Morrison America far away from the bealen palh of
during an air raid, he would make man.
below--surface shelter. 'Tnli! your anthnrilirs
for j.,u..s..l, s...u.^ch' !
inK done for (bem sniti '" -vou. "JI.V Pclu'e. 1 give unto v011
iheir posilions \\\{}\ local, county I "^othinc is more dishearfenim; dei ing Niagara and beard thai still
CHENILLE BEDSPREADS gani/atior,s were called inlo aclivei'>'an(l '" "nc after line, (alkinr to heard il while out under the slar-
jis our r.vperience here tlial a steel ,lrrs
MEN'S COUNTER-SOILED must be offset by more effec- |frame, concretc-reinforrcrt build-1 As my friend leaving he
>"ts. Rer. i5c. W ed. lOc Jersey?. Reg. T3c lo
ropean possessions in the west- I render Ibcm undesirable for posi- ern hemisphere.
i'liil'!it-n's Manicure
of at 6 as originally announced. | Other masses will he- a! 6. 7, ' lions of [rnsl denir.ndinp unquali- American officials rin not doubt ' S.30 'in upper and lower
lioubiirant Doubt'.
rnnipacl>. Perfume
Stick'. Novelty
Powder Jars, e t c ,
T.e: -J.V 1,1 S.'.IW. l/2 Off
Street floor
SI.OS. Wed.-Special Cirls' Dresses. Ilousr-
39c fied loy.-.lly
I -lust av the 1". 1!. 1. surccss- ! fully met Ihe chnllcnce of or- Ihe inha'riian's of Si. Picrre- Ali'iucl'-'n may prefer Free French i ""Hi"! 10 lhal of Vichy. However.
cburi-hi. 10 dow mas?', and 11 .".I i.
Former Local Tax Secretary Rationing Administrator
dii color of Ihc Mass. >n of Taxpayers associs- ioriner c.xecutive secre- ts:y of Ihe Lowell Taxpayers as- so-iaiicn. yc-terriay was named state adiiiini.,tra(or hy Ihe ncwh-
skyscraper like a homing; rMherlhan animprovise,,;;!-
help you. fti.t column note np- The irHlenlifical ion divi,-i(^n of "\nu see, your subways are not pcnrs tiniiy in The Sun. Hoh
the K. B. I. is providing a service a.s deep as ours. II h because of the ufmosl importance t..o. .t.h..e °"r *"h"a.vs are so deep (hat government, lo law enforcement|I>:I>"-V "r "lr"' could be.Inrnecl in- nKencie.'. and lo all war industries.:!n ^belters. n,,i j |,e!irvc that The files of this division contain;'" 'Vl'" ^»rl«, anyway,
iciU nol uidilioti iinmcx in his column, icill use ui\\y initials.)
First Mass at
St. Patrick's at5.30
over r.l.lVO.OiT(i sets of fingerprints, j r a l h c lake, As nn example of [his aid.there s(-rnPrr. .
ha\e been instances where finger-
print.- of applicants for- posilions i flafiiC A
u\\\f. Jackets, clc. 85c; fanlird or kidnapers. Hi" ifsues involved sre considered
Si/cs I lo 15. ]>,'
xi.Gtl to Special
I c\tortionis(5, hankrcMiers, and antomnbile thieves during Ihr ............. $2.98 last decade, it is today meet- Ing Ihc rhaUcnce of (ho equal- ly dangerous and even more
dcslriictive foreign at;entv
AH of ll'e i'airiiiir.- cf the f"d- eral bu:er,u of inve-ii^aticn ai.- -b'-ir^ c.tili,:ed lo sl-'p tbe subversive i r.icnace. 7he.-e ijicludr tbe -.vorlfi's nio.-t lii.-ir.rin <-iiiiie labor atorj-. 1t:c gg^. uirr,1i(ii-;:tioix divivjon wlrcb l- a
55.?;;. vv-.-fj. to Second Floor
Fh, " ''ii'il than thai point alone. :•- an' seen a= involvine not the Cf-K'd failb of t're 1'r.ited !'-. hi:: tin- ruic.-lion of the K'h r'oei. which, if put lo .\\i< in Ibe Modif-niincsii. Mir.iiri 1" -in extiemrlv critical -iiua-
!>: it-..- Finish.
ar.t. Ihc board .- tir-t duty is to .<ei WASHINGTON, Dc-c. ,1.'i i\'P< — ;p unit.,.m each community of the
'-en.- and civir
'. With this soiiri "roioitimifreeofvi^-ilan-
T.i inimiti.<. I'nn TIM:
]jus-'ii''ss iulolleci lhal you have
"And as I listened, it told lo me
•'""- Wilhnut Ibe ears: that can hear
successes are empty fail-
I.O\VEI.l, A change in" Ihr mass schedule for New- Year's day at SI. Patrick's church1 was tinnounced today.