Page 4 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 4

W ASHINGTON, Dec. 30--Those subs with which (he Japs annoyed our Pacific coast shipping were rvl from sneak bases in lower Cali- fornia or Mexico, buf part of a long range surprise fleet Ihat 'I'n- klo hns long bf-on building for thi* specific purpose,
Fanlri-stit1 though it sounds,
osi? hoals are supposed to havr ahnut 30 of thorn.
TJu'ir coming is Jio surprise lo the navy. Our a d m i r a l s hav<* known (he Jap-s
this type for sonif limr, but
ill frffiiii'C n faltq time. nin'rli'le, nlert-ile/oises on iir y'.'tf "i the I'neiftc flioul'l <i:".k<- mi /ittnek on vs «s iliffi- ruff for tl,( J'l/n, «* it v.-filild ;as .1 military leader. At the very \,f f«r jr.- w.c i') attfirk the
ilasl ho will ho head nf some top
;military Mratppy borir''. or will -nu, y,;-,^,^ if slighlnly loss •havp one of the ro-or<<inaiTM| nr-w !|oat)^omr"f0c. Hitler, has boon put ;allied rornmnn'ls. |flrl {f!(.nm -rjv tj,e P.ods and Brit-
ny parents and relatives of soldiers and
worry unnecessarily about delays in ' of their letters to the men in the armed or about delays in pelting replies.
?rc are many factors which often hold upj MTcsponclcnec. Many soldiers arc on! duty watching bridges, factories or other spots. That means that lettors ;ed to them at camp have to be rehandlcdj warded. In such a situation, the soldier >r may find himself without writing paper ips for a reply. So it isn't a bad plan to
iriOi titf ftr.ri if Lrnhy rV/f l ' i ' r / V .
postage and writing material for an when you write to that boy in the scr-
patient about, unavoidable delays, and it them prey on you or cause unnecessary
H ilh California only fiOOft
milcn from Japan, hfitcfrrr, it
it possible the XQQQ mite sit-
fifr-Kiih it'ill continue tn men- sneaky viciotisnt^s, dr-monMiatert neic maritime tear emergency
er Year
ere must, he a lot. of people in Germany Did yuu lift Him ii|', .">mr-i •en't greeting the new year too cheerily, O'lit ly, on your l-inff- ?
; -^ JKJ n
Uid y<m .«in£ lo Him thf v. year ago, in a New Year messages, Hitler Mnlb'T dn^s in rm-?
l)\i\ you hold His hand ni
:uunir-r! 'A'ith nn oiiin' usually a.s-j . 1 1 in
hi t!i f
/•'<fr /-,'*fs/ ]>* r- . Tn lout there vttl
j Did >ou Dlclicrs, the year 1941 will bring consum-JTrinn!;s
CUT i r y
r- ;m
And difl He ':ry:
of the greatest victory of our history." IJH ynu really think I!'- r;u
, the year 1941 came and went, and as it ;f 1 Irll Him ihinn.s
e; draw, si rai^ht and i men put over the labor-mana^r--
the great German army was in disastrous
iwal on the Russian front, while Hitler's Me if 1 sprj.k lo-.v? io'nary force in North Africa was nearing POPS H(: mulct si jmM UK- nn'i
?r Fuehrer has added the United States as T'-ach nn hnv.' In \,v?.\!
Cdd \va.s just ymir lillN- llnv ny. And vnu knov.' l li<- v.-a\.
lulls. ra[>al)lo and dejtciKlribh1, ;ts .5. .^Oi.lG.J.
sjiy professor and i:hairman of' tire* fitt'l Inhoritc*. \ Hf did it in his usual sonorous,
TH1 m^ fo]- you knuw!
:o annihilation. Having added Japan as an I.m'Hy I,tidy flrr-^-ffi in hi
oil ars trii.stworthy. But the •v,- >f';ii•- has se'Ti a slc-ndy de- Ihe quality of the tiel[>,
the senate labor committee. /•'or four days Ihe
Finally, when an 'a^reemr>n( np-'mclodramalir; manner. On one prarrd hopeless. Thomas n»wtly.nrr;1:;ion j10 Wadcd into the indns- proposed a tluce-point formula:i
11) no-strike, no-lockout jjuaran- trialists ns follows:
mplclc victory, which sccmccl almost with-
sr's grasp in mid-1940, and again in mid- (Vinlini>:-icfn t]luiirrnai
nas time rr.sprnhles a kinder-, ^arllKilomew, Mnit hew, Thomas, - ^:n'len. with bi^ti school ano! col- the .von of Alplieus, Simon, jIrue student1s in its empl-oy, The 'Jiaddeu^ anri Judas.
of this' war. they will have built for themselves, a, the expense of the American people, the most £i-
ow has receded farther than ever. id 1942 is another year.
Ifehtney Ihe ridie; da\', \\ e became jrjHicinIs iir* stooping o\ er biu-k-
a dev«|n[imen! in . \\ ;n d.s To j.;i\v rveryono ami his
il of Rents
will mnke vasl profits at th? ex- 1
\ ti'ftile, in a minor it'ny. Hitler has the world guessing again. As his armies refreaf in Russia, Berlin-inspired rumors Li;,\HY COMIXG
^ozc from neutral capitals fo keep Eufope on edge as to next Nazi move. Map spots possibilities.; jrai/nrwv^Arht^^
ramie thfin tin most hateii ioe. union leaders fiad never spok- [•>en some hi^h ollicials here aie rn to one another before.
rryjii" cut for nir ha^rs al Vladi- A]ipaivjuly Mr. F'.oo.sevolt f o r - vostok, j=o otir nomb-'-i's t-an avr-n;^ got to ajinounce the appointment
doubt bo done in turn. Rut it is pa-.ed of L'. S. I.nbor Conciliation only wisp to understand the Ked Chief John \\. Steelman, KdwarH
Lovely Lndy div^sr-rj in M!M" Tr-arfi mt> Jioiv tn pray: (](,<} '.vns jiM your little I: Tr-ll mi- whJit lo sty!
Lowell. Mn=:-. """""
viowpohit. If thny can take Hit- Macauloy of the Maritime commis- lei-, they can ^ei Japan anytime.Ision and Frank Graham, president Th'-v' rlrj not wish to he d:.stric:t''<i of N"f#! C!aro!ina university.
Do Ihr- ArifcHs' win;-,
other forms rue vaiia- men no-slrike-or-lockoul a»rer- >f, ment.
In cnnversarinn i
by decisions; ',"5i creation of arbitration agency.
-: arp lliPi'O'
\v ;nii'"h [lopulalion m-
local ni^lil
indical ive of somclhin^. |><i.-.sibly l<t kr-rp on tlu'ir ynod ^tdo. Tln'.se
!.Ioe Curran. scrappy leflwin^;^'
1 plants, perfect in every
vtilli life,
Lov."I!. M;t-s.
I)enr M!': Thr untnial liirin^' of , •
"<*:nl. Our tlif/1'itinitx /'(j'l1 "it froin their' main enteiprise. i It N the nnly board to make
; lielji at tlK- Lowell poMnflico to:m.l'r's 'ii'.s^t in th*-' dflivt-iy of Uio mail; '
'decisions the first day of i\f opera-
iins in t he p;i>l /ow years hoeii • i n ''"
our ({criifinti. Our air tfrfici-
i/ones. i !t lrUi.-.t;y-uide
is likewise the first in- round!. to reach a
i-iji-lii'rii ojily with tho animal i•~ ' j 1 ->
'.•.artiir-e 'duration.
foi" the
kin^rlom. Certnin practices car-'
brothri 's rhiidron wnrk in order LESSONS IN ENGLISH yniin-x l^'ys aro out looking for a \Vords Often .Misused: Do not
ing n-; ahoirf his ans\cerini; ;i co]ii- frw rxii1a dollars; they can j;et al >a\v "[ ihero unliE my father pliiint jnatle lo him aliuul 1he; Christmri -, anrl don't £ive nuc'Ji wakort me." Say, "I Jay there nn- <|iiali!v of enterlaiiimenl l>Mn<;Mliou^lns to Ihe fluty entrusted to'Hi my Ir.lhcr woke me."
the limes. Tlie chairinnii \v-ns tell- l 1
I head of the C, 1. 0. .seamen, wiso- before existed in any nation in the j cracked during one recoss:. "All
iGaul is divided into tlirre parts world. The ^oveniment is £0in£ janrl the MaiiufacJurers association tn huihi all this for them and they
!<;ot four of them."
which may he
mechanical excellence, that ever
: 1 jnirvcypd in a local establishment. H»'m. Orion mispronounced: Finis. Pro- lie made Ihe cnslomaiy check-up v\h<-n \ou anri I mail a letter, -nounee t'-nis. lirst i as in line, not! ashington, the capital, is in the lead in rent anrl found that a lar'-e iefnsenvcl {'n so '" ^K' leali/alion that ir>s in lin. j
pensr. of Americ;u\ \iorkei's who
"At ttia same time., Mr. Moderator, labor is bcinii greater or lesser degrees. First, the prob- been Ihe proper spol for Ihe par--dress. I would venture a putt's,] .Synonyms: Destiny, fate, for-t Incked tin the closed shop r',v- I also .s;iid it -\ a? acceptable tn nsked tn neee[il a proposal
morc aggravated there because of conges- ticular enlerlainer,\vho, by Ihe way,'Ihut if ihe same caliber of help.time, lot, doom. j »uc. The. tjrnnp jfrce/inj; the status quo nn Hie ichereby industry leill come.
was lisled as n comedian, to put^was used during the year as is! Word Study: "Use a wort! three dcmnndcd tlml c.lislinij shnp . the hub of the country, and second, the on his a c t . The particular ad wasjcmplnycd at Christmas, yoiirjlimos and it is yours." Let us in- condition* he frozen for the
t of Columbia being directly under control!banned pronto. Anyhow, the rliair-Mhanie.s of having a lelter deliv-iciease our vocabulary hy master- duration of the irnr. The.
man told us ihal in ihe pasl sev-icnM would he about TiO-M. jinft one word each day. Today's
grcss, it is subject to forms of regulation era! weeks the source of com-: I have ilurinf; Ihe weeks just I word: Circumvention; act of sur- union delegation iuxixled that ay bo Impracticable in most communities, plaints lo the license commission jpasl .spcnl of my time ob- roundinf, as by sfralasem. "They the ctnaed shop he subject lo
, a problem which has struck almost every Inuk in Ihe cm],lny oMhe cily'sl""1 chances are nflO.flHO out of; Often Misspelled: Occur; one r.j player and n .1. /''. /.. ami ers accepted Thomas's pk- in- oni ni)n !5;tnnl!y. The business delegates
0 through your home library within Ihcj'io 1
fsml'thrm noM vrar. I will lie .il H O W C A N I1
wrong side." .^iiire our two
make n-ntters more unbelievable i ' TM' «»
!he had ,- roommate who looked:IP'-'tol shots m thc army. He docs
ew days and see what books you can sharer . '' 1 soldier or sailor. On Jan. 12 a nationali, dgn will begin
lis merely as an opportunity to be rid but dig up some hooks of the kind that you youmightliketoreadyourselfifyouwere
Ivcn your spare books can help win thc nployment Vanishes
1 J 'or 10 years, one great, looming problem has!J.;;TMj.'^ :j' - •'
ung the United Stales like a blanketing gray ' ' """
• unemployment.
low it has vanished, a mist suddenly dissipa- [me result,*
v the war. The National Industrial Confcr- faulls pointed < remedied. Hov,evi Board jilaccs unemployment at around \vqones. and i!-,e
000 which it: considers' the "irreducible sMtar.! Ihe NYw Year
chiefs in n wmc-moiithed hotlle:MneAr!hiir
ilike a twin.
But (be name did not altogether derive from even this. II was. in the earliest days of Briggs or •Webster "Oh Skinny. Come over." arid Wamri.cht was pine hoy. Thc niek-nrur.e was a natural. Kroai firsl rb-^aien lo plebcs and laler on from generals to private sol- diers. I never saw a man whn didn't liV" Wainripht. After lea\'i?^ We>l poini \^e joined his. don-l father's lepiment the old Fir ( Cn-
mm." 7
I ith the army and navy about to expand •ndousl\'. we may soon be face to face 'with tiial laboi' shortage.
ir .in esi^rien. ed mnn and!
ashes and v.'aste dvision would Iiave: l. "'- "'at it will reach it.s arl-j Occurred, occurring; t\vo r's. ('. /. 0. re.prescutnlie'cs drad-
iliniiilr onhThumnrnl. Tin- ,-huir-. wliic-h I will mffllion hilfi; wa< ._ L. ,!(•. L 0 prosi(i(,ni rhi1 M,ln.av; Iirivatc ta ik'wiih Tlmnn's nnd "Are voii si ill working for that, igton tried I'onl; control hy law during and man snkl Ital il app-ars lha! lhc;as -nn,l if nol linUn- Ihan could Q. |K j, p,O|)or fo, a man ,0'movpd ,hat irukl,trv hc (.aMcrl oil!Moderator Willhrn Davis Roose- Mr' Ho"k?" TMmhlc(1 Lcu'is'
•ic first World war, with varied degrees of day of Ih,: frowsy onlcilainor ml!,,. n]m-[ .vl. Mi. Slnwry Mr. off,,,. M.< son, irl „ sll. t or lo -ivc li]) all ils war prolils. On ^H ,onl (ho cnnfcrrnro" letter Note: Lewis and William Green,
tia.s been, in many instances, men si'rvin.u the service bein<; ^iven-sonn fli5co\oreti that cii'cunuTntioii (irhitrnlion the .tame leay as
employers, for the, snkc of harmony, then agreed to nut the rsxJic up to ftoosceelt. Whnlccer he decided the-y tcoitltl accept,
debilitated or entirely elimi- nated. Worker* leill come out
ol the irar itith budies broken, .s'/M'r/l.s crushed, add their unions dispersed nnd futile. DenmiTinr: at these accufations.
i act going into effect in January in Wash- whom he knows lo he anything insid*- and outside of the postoftice: was futile." any other controversy. aims fo peg rents at their level as of "T hut prudes, bul who havr linallv' I will say befor* f,'oin^ any furthr-r, __^ — — Keeling het'.vcen tlic two gro
I! was their rxp (tation thai.
worked for 1.1 cents an hour. The act remains in force until ms.lont'lu^c^ w^iMODERN ETIQUETTE 1SSrCa.ionS'Tat on nnc'o.^^lS "ui"^ ^s;±!(^' Hook recalled that he once had
so-called firsl .-lass m-li! i-lilh# is D,iIton ami Ills civwof employe-:! bus ,„ .,, :|ilN (.ha|inn,,e thr ,„.,, ;.NowitsexperimentwillundoubtedlybeaIhiiicofthe.pnsi. Forv.'liU'h:ra,•,mlnninav,-rvlineandolli-. A.Thisis acustomwhichjsplits(1uarcfv"Allthe fadions;thathefavoredThomas'splan. agoplasteredeachotherwith
d a s a l a b o r a t o r y t e s t b y o t h e r c o m m u n i - w e s a y , l h a i i k e o m a n n e r I h e t a s k e n l n i . t e d : M . f , n s „ , h a v c_
nmercnco A. F. 1- president, who not. so Ions h,^,^-1'^^^ ^rl TM"' all^hc''| h ht'c^yos"'^.!^^!"!^ "?*7'^^ll^'^S brickbats, throughout the
which rent boosts have fallen all too often fl'hn.;p now whilr wonlrn \viafor In them. service ceased In,. However, it is still Ihe "en'irVrnVi', riirnin-hniit ri^ fnnv ,!•,,- ,*t i : . .,. •j .- -*- : <'onforenre \\'ere vorv rnummv, •"" .entleman- ijirouxnnui inc loui (I.IJA nr< bower lo the nresuionl s decision; ' ,, - „,,.,,,, *j
i:..._ •!«!.._. ,. - .- '
part of the people least able to bear them. cloves inembers nf the Iraffle art .inn a mnrk nf gnocl-brecd-lwran^Mn. Thomas, jnrtici]ia(insiani|, without further discussion.
childri'ii and the could nol be ex- one's pri lei'ence waid ,f. C'onntn's s:\iri hc ami 1t\e jiecled lo do any heller. This|Jiosloss nsk
men nu fh^ t rnffir 5f]n;nl woi-c ;:iMleful for Hie z\t\ which will
in food when thclcil remark during a recess that tie
rfemihek the.
ixtil <tKf,'(ti time out to ratiritf. Din-iiiy them: jtrirute j»>\r- )f'f-;»'s thrif jrrrc CoVt'Xflicit hit fiti!!, ;r/Mi rar.s- n»t a rfrIctjate fjvrl trbnxf ]>re*enef, nrwu't tiir. ffiifff reart- ch'lwltcr jrnx
new scholarship lias just been established nnk.r rlH'ir work a litMe less un- conilnr taiil<> during (lie colil ^in
University of Illinois. We don't know mnnth.-\
T it has a specific name, but it ought to lie
the American Scholarship. There is sonic-
lecply American about it.
lis scholarship goes to some young miner!
M A. T. saw
f nev^ stories Ihe
.sijuarl arc wrarin^ v.erc prf-;r.nlec1 t niofhratot, li.slcned a^reer! to si';n
to Ihr pnlici1 offii'ers tiy The n^w Of euuise. as was said before, (o a woman, jpatienlly without saying a word, i/,7,')1 IS 01! tV !',y
! ;uiim a
WASHIX(iTOX. 30 Major c-neral .lontithan Mavbew Wain-
this wnrk was done iw a fraup of Q Should rn e refuse 10 lelliHis only observation xvas a point-! 'u (|1P Cnd
I>ON or returned lo Ihe ollice.
he slt«r\- \vhich h:id lh«' mo-1 In many lari;e blocks the mail wriiten
.1/ HI
in wliich it vva< cnitendr'd
i of Hie year -A.TN Ihnt of was stuffed in one box or dnor h IInllini;1^or: h. ',vlio \v,is sli.le without n-sard for the vari-
A. If jiossiblc, it should he tvpe-
:tually working at that trade, br the son ofI nr c'i^ht da\> early in <1i-|o- OIN priiple and a]\ivlments lo PROBLEM A DAY
miner. The Illinois Mining Institute hasj a series of such scholarships in order to! c mining engineering training to young
lost likely to profit, by if.
^ery time someone opens up anopportunity
lis for young men on the make, we feel|;'" "-'' "'' ~ i"r;>y'
that we are in and of America.
Spare a Book
\\hnm il ^^as addri^s^erl. I have
fcfn the.-e things nnrt know them The h;i<p of n trian^lp is
of the I>rep;rre m
i=»i;vf KtS sin
northern i.u/on. It hath a pon-
to h-^ li-ue.
Thr pci'ple v\bo mail rinds spr'iui
rmii'li fimi- anrl Tnoney on ihes-1 and would like to he sure Ihn! they i.M-h tin-ir desliiulion and no',
and nlriiunr 12 /t. if a jj
V: Inch
ilhisf rntcs
Ihe kind of
derous .Munid - so ponderous in- into Ifl'J. manv ;H-OP!.- «il| be-"e plenty of men min IL,owie?ll \vvnnoo-,.|m(, (|-lnwn n-|v •'- u deed that today I heard a soldier
Mil'.n.^ a 'r.oo's CT ji^t "(i''^.1i:n^,"^ •o.irse it appears evident !o] a;u- ;h-.n'\in,: persons th.u this ;- U'LS; a vVa createil ;o ;:i\e line of: >;" b.ns a soft .lo'.i on,
si.ifc and hope that the
yar '''•ill fin-! the roluinn at' - an ine\]^r;e;ic^n scho^lho)',i
s _-et >-'ii>iW,\ ^:i.l handle! Of }"i-n;ili> Sr,fj O!l,y T ,1 fi•«• • I, iiiirr li'..c ar.\ ~ood hu>iiv.s>- c;ilierrr! .irti-le f r Olli-r;;-.n.1l ;on m v.oiiin Thr peoplr of I..U'. - and other eilies Ind a t.istc;
Yours truly.
ip thc name. It if ane Ihnt has been for generations nfsn- dated irilk both thf army and the. naif], (7,1 tar as this «l ain- uright is concerned, from the.
" '
the jo'o out of
f true publioity about him thai
fn the first place. iee can
pornry b>ue uni(onn>\ I think m which tn teach the profession any history except perhaps Godon nr.vt-i- saw ,1 Ii~me at thc sar of aim^ includin the highest in le.c Sudan.
gone in for an
undoes'-a hont so
"formidable" or
with ruch an cx-
lcn<k-4 cruising
r a n ^ r - , .Here
again, jun ns with the tw«-juitn submarines uso<J hy ihe Japs ;it
;n the sprin;,'. the hope 'l'hc Itrttniier fine of tlu.t iof vi'-toiy will ho in the air ltif*ive.
icar, the iiorld fieii. elearlij Tho dfCen.-e of 1his r-ounti'y- ultnws Ilillfr is Hit Ivrntidn- •cnirifs iiiM, ihen Hitler, Ilien the
hta1C' to a re prr>cj11ativf nidi llC »V(.v X()l(.h( I'et'Iidrixi- I'tc for kcifunu lltf. Frfwli t» their }»,n'>ral>l>' /J/<'</.'/r, ^ r i t r r fo xurrctitler (heir {1c<t. Tf>t >t
t wn>? the names of thnj f'en'ffd H-lmt t>'i'/ht l>r done
lirenl* ,-ifi'i'i to have n>fs<le ' (ion i. about seamen's bonuses and
. ri'Ml ouf thei i' jieciJ i'finedvin*;,
i'I it is hi^h rim<• that soini'
ou^'hi \v;is ^ivcn lo them, so
n't! ! fjf '.-'•}me tiling \'.'ill not hap-
•n auain/ rorno next Christmas.
I'ji to h'vo or six venrs n^n: 1'. .\/c-jiff)cr of itie house of rop-1 One was r're.?idrnt P.oosevell.
1 l( s''fitalives for <lfi years, during JThc other was .Senator Klbert u ranyiiiK of m;\il at the Yule- L'J
(•' sca>fjn ti/'ifi been cut rusted fo ' ^•Jit of vlikli lie was the speaker. [Thomas of Utah, former univer-,
(,'hrL>I and his twelve dis<ip- Simon J'l-'ter, Andrew, .lamesI intil now ihe '[HKstom'ro nt Chrisi-'1'10 M'n ol Xcberloe. John. Philip,]
tee; (2J all issues to be arbitrated, "Mr.1 Moderator. When the in- wJtli both silies pledged to abide ;r u.Tlnr * of ihi-s country come out
i \V..
and at thr tjnt'crttwcut rejtresrnln- ' " «' "">' "o -......--------------
Im.kin, u-Mdmion', to be kep, nerd the work and who woul.l do 10 RnA j,, hy j, I''TM'-1 say "It nmsl he that Walrus faced, time so grotesque and amusinq. He'position of staff and command in
lf.«r Ihe ,,,-xt l-j nwnihs. The M j ^ tHoiou-h job of delivenn;; the, •
JA. T. has no solutions .«, make-"'''. " "»\ ^'"?st" "n^'t,^ll _ . .„
old General Blnrh that they have |was very tall. His wrists stuck;,,,,, K r i m school of war. He if one m the mnmes witl, his !eSK,nS oni!ou, fro::, his cuffs a foot and lo 0 thchm llors(>nl li(1 m anrt
, ;v:;?.<u:illy ^cl him all ho nr.v Tho t'.clivory of mail i> ^ >^''!''
overn:ii^n;. H
p.vtoff'.ce's smartest1 ,v miio\v ntar'seii "In- .o capably h.'.n'lied
j.Mr by Mr.
c,i one of our f.inwus
y>" the son of
islniA^er>. 1 am-i con- i 'iron and jive
»x in nil ihe limes in' handle such n, fi>: t!i.i- 1 v:?iif,i the :nipor',i;u job n.l it was over H\\ I never >.iw ;n,i-,iCement. iiU doinc atnt'iina oilier than;
' *
Lowell Sun and Ciiiren-Leader Tuesday'
i*uul MaUnn
Me lor. II lit i-i Arleated, nny- i,ne can brush the In/is nl'rr iiilli Hie back <il Ihrir hai\d.
Jap-. ' -
,lAMf /.V ,IA'l/
/•'tamintj anger aytiinst the ./o/j.s has brought friendship tt> the xfyfirp enemies ol th? American maritime unions, it trnuld hare dune your heart
{Pearl Harbor,.the surprise was :''- They mnij nimi\ier tlir t-'nr
— I in;; back from Vichy in four weeks. .\fanila amon*: the crac^erhnx of the1 liofird. althnuph it has been "'A diMru.ssion has been started as diistrial centers, Tliat will no functioning t^o weeks. H is com-
)to whal job he will ^et here.
• ! 'i'lu.x fit ilrh fun he rc!n\nl. IJCM1. Z7, 1911 f_!; Ilo-.v many1 kinds of pokpr Mr. Hifownlt iiivi.itpti upim
/,'V^/y's return nn r \]\c i)ii~ en-" Can- jrrtinn* "f the uttifr drpnrt-
a " • •0 - - • , . • ^ - - U
nJtl Inliir-jnIIt, (I1hIeC
fri-lnlifPiIlWoMyc..1r:^ :
ROOM;i"/-;///' niwmi-is
Thn A. F. L. and C. I. 0. lend- nulomohiles and \\ithout luxuries.
onslit Leahy rvrn more valuable
Some folks arc "rumbling that|isll Kv Kexj /a|| j,crhaps much Churchill talked Koosovc-h into!soonr,.(" nn Allied expeditionary l for»ptlinK about the JP.JK amllfoj.rf, U|) lt,rnu;;h j,a!y is certainly konrontratlnK on Hiiler. 'Inai idea f(.a|jcr] /or ].;ven jf Ji>n };?ds are.
j.=trict*vl to tbnsf: who d o . n o t l<,\-
jlow such rnatlr-ri dosHy. Unl<••;•-
jiiritiona! News photos published i1n
I American n^wapapor.s SOUK- yfEU :*
'rif.;o a photo smu^glc^l out of Ja;>;in tlirij cannot dnminatr thr <t»ttd to see Harry lAtndehcry
I'.nst riiiuii In Alixtrnlin (no infnruialiMi hrrr suggests thry n'anl that citnlinent) but
hov.'Jng thr- Iwo-man sub in op- itorla. Tlirif cannot iinadr (if the Pacific Sailors' union
thin hemisphere n.v lulls tt/t <iur Heel is allure i t i i l r r , anil aterl.
It is inn- I heir i-h:ir;t'-ti'i i.-Jir
and his enemy Frederick My- crx itf Ihe Maritime union go tiff, arm in arm,for a drink after the firxt meeting of ihe
! ace o\sr coastal Khippiny for ft at Manila and Pearl Harbor, hn* hoard. Thfxr tti'O comrtflitii'c
Notci Punning on Gall's name,;
them. if a provision was adrien
open-closed shop issue.
H7i<V! //»'s was rejected the labor organizations icilt br
I ri
I p
not kno.v what fear feels like.
Kut Skinny ncrcr seemed consciously seeking adcnnce- tncnt in any icay to annoy his comrades. It sctmrd all in the day's leork. lie. managed
to keep all his friends nnd to remain n good companion in any group, from the: hairy packers of his father's Indinn- finhting days tn, steankiest military hand-shakes. 1 Children, especially little Hoy? ,
imply promptiy accept Skinny as h^r.-iinr!ourrrd fc T\H> thai a rotunin on\-"ilh f'i'ii fdr many veais. In":-on theirownar^e.callhimby
( tho damnable sit- i.m
vali-;.. Tl.ere I s-^r\'ed side h cnn I sharprn ?o\vyipj uation in t h e Philippinrs. it or- l
o'.is'i a piece of tine sandpaper.
*. hut
cofonial narj-.o plus *fu':
or-t Americans
mitch I b^
\voi 1 h
while. (lently part of thai srrvir,- over the \eiy ground whrr^ fi^htiiii: r.o\\\ He know? it
t h a n
that name, and take ss much r»f his Ihr.o as they ean wangle. My own boy is his God-son.
l:e hns the clearest nnd bluest of eyes ar.o. except in periods of slow and righteous ancer or deep con- cern. I never ?;r.v them lacking the twinkle that 1 think hascar- ried him so far into the hearts o!
The name Jonathan Mayhew WainriKht will go on thc rolls of honor but it will be "Skinny"
l'j: tirifjkt
'"'"• »Ji.Vi)
' Wainrighi who put it there. In no \Vainr;sht. all his life, has beer, nrr.iy are there two better men ?:diior, Libi-rly Hobby dng he struck HVsf Point, no- 100 per cent soldier, tic worked.1 than MacArthur and Wainright. Journal, P. O. BON9,Vi. dreamed and played at it. and put;What a shame it will be to this I.o.veU. Massichuselts. body ei-cr called him or . everything hc had into being out- country, if. regardless of c\cuse. thmiijht of him by any other standing Kvcn Mac-Arthur has they are abandoned with their name than Skinny, fc'.vrrp/ in nolh'.riK rear his record and his- rommanrs through want of re- formal dress nobody thinks cspenencc. and considerine liis "nforeeir.ent and equipment after otherwise sfilt. >e.ii>. no officer lias. . having been pushed so rarelc>.->ly He w?s in my nvnnany of radeis he ii,-,,- pone wiih honor throiiKh inlo MK-I-, a trap. I know of no and in his oiipinal plrnr.skins Mem- every srl'ooi \\-\n Ihe army has similar case in our history or in
are hein<: reriuired to do v.Hhout
unt icitli fat surpluses icliile
' c-ilmi' ioLniire> maninothnre>r H"Biilhl" and "John." Roth labor groups £ave a sisnifii-ant indiealion of (heir
- „ iirivate views regarding Secretary when (hey finally.t-nn{.n Perkins, when she. with
Hie employers anil|rh,,r.,(.lr.ri,tin in<,nlnps.,_ invited
cly." -Screen Star Ilobert Montgom- 'ni'i f in /) / o y e r ery, lieutenant in naval intelli- Mnlhni* \\'nli. A. .-:rnre, has many inlere.5ting tales in-e*itfei>t, >i'i'd n^w>ut . h i s e x p e r i e n c e s a s a n a m - f^v, (irtil'iti'iii* ,\. tniiiiivr- ririvcr in P'ranrc. But his •"".-/onif1 ;> nhniit ihe heroi>m of a frunl! force nf iicotrh infantry,
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