Page 26 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 26
North Baptist Church Meeting on Tonight; New Year's Party
Firemen Rescue Horse; Football Banquet Tonight
fo The Sun
)in.i.i;ru( A,
fl oiii 1 he I 'f'l.ti y] '-I 11:i^n i c hist i:i;dll tini |,;i.i •Ii a ham II',..: ;,' Ih I.illIf 011V.-.!i>:.i
1.- ml'. 1;,
Lowell Sun and Citizen-Leader Tuesday December 30 1941 cStJNTY NEWS
-,tead of Wednesday.. Fn.-t S-M'fit. Harry Pcavcy of Litllcloti. The
^l r-ir liflrl tiii full
fltu bniirij ".; i ('''lii-lriy n 'I'll? !H,'iny fl jrni Mrs ("hnrlrs j-'rn fid lo k run Hint
former pastor nf
:i:u nil
( ur Osi-rtiirns
A Statement by
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company
A s/
We make this pledge publicly to our national government and to the people of the United States:
That we will cooperate unhesitatingly in every effort of authorized govern* ment agencies to prevent unwarranted rises in prices of foods.
That we will continue our efforts to reduce the spread between prices paid to the grower and prices charged to the consumers.
That to this end we will continue to do everything in our power to assist the farmers and growers of America in the orderly marketing of their products at the fairest possible prices to them.
That we will make every effort to hold our inventories at the lowest point con- sistent with good service to our customers because hoarding, whether by whole- salers, retailers, or consumers, will cause higher prices.
That we will endeavor to continue to pay our employees the highest wages and to give them the best working conditions in the grocery business generally.
That we will make every effort to continue to sell food at retail at the lowest gross margin of profit in the history of the retail grocery business.
Today we arc providing food for our customers al the lo\vest gross profit rale in the history of the retail grocery business. This means thai we have achieved efficiencies in the distribution of food never before attained. More of your food dollar goes for food and less for overhead expenses than ever before. No other great retail business in the United States in any field is operated with such a low cost of distribution.
No one in the food businesscan control the wholesaleprice of food. Only the government of the United States has power to do this, and for ihe protection of our people this power in the governmentis now a necessary power.
ioclay, with the nation at war, we believe that no private interest lias any rights in conflict with the general public interest.
Ihe armed forces of ihe United States arc today receiving more and better food than ever before in our national history. It isequally important lhat all of our people working and living behind the lines, men, women and children, shall be belter fed and better nourished than ever before in our national history.
"'" -' ''" C
\ /'1I
,,, ||,r.. picturesque and attracts much attention from passing motorists.
n>i Ml
10'Aii iiKCMn:.- v.i i l h« hold' m The mid-Meek prayer .«ervirr.
the to-Mi hill on Wednesday c'.r-- for both Baptiri (, v ill
Jiin_: at a in see if the volets v.ill '<> held tomorrow ni'JH at ~.'M
lo purchase a mow jilow.'o'clw1: at the home oi Mr. and
.Mrs. Arthur K. Dulipn on Ili:h
Joins Army Air Corps; Many Home From College
iSnerial to The Sun* NOIi'l'JI CUKI.MSI'OUI). Dcr. o'l Wimei: V.Ynnore of Tyngsiwri'
:.!;l! •
".''.'^ GROTON CRIB—This crib situated on Ihe lav/n of the Sacred Heart church al Groton is veryli \vatf'r'n't'ec't, rjrrm'i1''?
Four Escape Serious InjuryasMachineSkids and Overturns
i"K' I'liimsemeivt of (heir iati(ih- to Private William! Klann^an, son of Mr. and Mrs. i.eoj Flanagan of .Nashua road. Private-
»» is stationer! al \li|r|,,-ll licld, New Vorfi. Nu dau- has i;.'cn
:-'•'! tin the v r-iidin-.
-"•ir. and Mrs. I-'red i;,--ni- <,f I'Killiinrl. .M...., aie usilin^ al ihf' of Mrs.t;ihcl s^ivi-iit. Mid-
-• t|iiarlei>.
"Hht. "Chick" Boisvon i- a> l ho seiiffal rlirairniaii.
'I'he mam libra,! ,,t n!r. (-r.n. ler will r-e open lo.jay from 1
in- Uiemlel of :'
•I. has enlisu-il in
stiect. hasenlisu,! in ,lle me-han- ," ho'no.« iml I
ir-i.1divisionof,hei:s.r,rn,vair' ^,n,'wi,ht ,
.''""•^tteejhQfQp V|[fHI^ in 11 lhc U C
•'orp.s and vill ,epc>rt for rlutv »,^ ln" "10
,l,f-\v"",-'-°' Clifford
' '3 "IllUgC
Organize Sewing Cliub; Plan New Year's Party
S '- n l
"-..! -»! 'TM -i,ln-e( I ,olbe
Other oulstandinc
Liberty stieei. Lowell, where liic '] -s wj||i her sjsic.- a!1(j f;,,,,. r'.aalnud Mr.-. Thomas Monahin
(.KAMTf.\ II.LK, PT. ."11 -T;,C of Carlisle prcfiricnl; vice lurkRI niir.-r- at the Bur- :
iSpf.-ial lo Th" Svini
annual bn-incjs nie,-tin- took nlice • ' •'•"•
fm;r',.r,i i.y , a,risrm,is'parivi!?[L;lli!"10"'v'-lill(1'taMhch»menr 0|!l,crs r|r?(i(M. fo, jhc c;nunj:Mr. ,-,:vI Mr,. Vin.em Daly Or year were Mrs Bessie IVc'erson1''TM"'1 ~'n't- -wnday.. .Mary C.v~
is voted lo give 53 lo I!K A Cinistmas party, : of small gifts, was home ot his parent-, Mr. and Mis. enjoyed, and refreshments were s.erycd by trie hostess. .Mr. 1'cavey, who1 is a government employee at l-'oi . Dcvoiis, spoke lo the group on ihe subject of defense work AS
Morris Dfjueeiic has jclurned :r, lis duties al Koit liustis, Va . a!U-j I-pending the past two wr-r-ks at the
lohn IJotujcU"? of River sireei Miss Theresa Holland ot Mallapan1 is .spending this week at the horn of .Mr.-. Cora McLnane.y of Fourth
Coy .Seoul uoop ">! \v:l! meet at Abbot lull on Wednesday ^ at 'i.'i'i. j-;vcry mr-mber is
it Ls out ill the l
ami riiii-s. 'I'ho next meeting nf tho association v^iil h-? hold on Sal-
•';'>.':';' !'^f'e adv.).
lefi lo he pic-en! ar this 'ii(ia>', ,lan '2'i, al UK Isoiiie <'f Mrs. Maryaiet Sni'jr, at 7oS Str-
Special Town Meeting Tomorrow; Notes of Interest
A ni-'-'-iinj uiiii'h n!l ah tai'i v.iuijrM voiunipois arr* lo ntlriirl "ill !>' h'-l'l a: ilif Oijler town ha!! t'Hii-ht al 7,'Jd o'clocl-:. Iii- >truetioii ',', ill '<•*• ^ivc-ii hy (;u> r'ile.-, riii^i ,-iii /aid v,ai"iion lor
Vuu.n- piopie of the Centisl -nd I-'IIH P.iipiisi cliinche; a i e :nvi(cd lo liie parsonage on Acad- 'e::iy i,,ad tonii'hl. al 7.:;0 o'clock 'vhcre ti.ov v,ill he quests ofRev.
'."ipo.-ial t., The sun
TV\l,SI!<)i:<), IJ<.-. ;;M A M>C- " "- V>'ilhsni A Van Arsdsle. !ui- enli-lod in liie I!.' S. army air -jotii- and left un Friday for inry yes'erday aficrnoon v hfn a ' ' | Christian Kudeavor met in ''"nit Devrii.-. 1!<- expecls lo he
J-'oiir \fi\nhs rM'.ipe
car iliiven l,y Merrill Thomas, dfi"'-'' ^vnn^elic-a! church on Sunday
--ent later i<> Missauii where hf "'ill he stationed. Ho is ihe son (if Mr. and Mr:-. Burpee V-'ctrnoie of
(or conservation of mctaUi' '•''•'< !<akeview avenue, skirided on ievetnni; v.dion the (iexotionnl ever- and lo rollffi old automobiln numb<-r i'1'? icy -urfare of the Black .\oi tii <:'~f* "fie led i>y (!t.v. j. [;. uun.
nally or^.'ini/iffi plnles in Ihe town, fiesidetu; are;1'03'' an'' oveiturnr'c!. Oilier nc- 'an and the SDH^.S condiicl.'d bv 'hi* vill;:«c. and altenrled Ihe
vely on a na-iask"d to co-opetale ,"nr) leave all .-Ui'aiils of thr- car.Omni• Flint and "erijcii .SaiL'f-ni. A .Ne-,v Var's
Chelui-i'oiri liijjli ^chuul for thiee years. Fur the past few years, he has beer employed as derrick marl al F.'s <iuarry.~ ""
Charlotte ilaire, riau-hlcr of .Mr. and Mrs.-Milton llairc, former resident of Xoith Chelnisford, "'ho arc now living in J'url-moulh, N. II.. i.s spending; the week vsilh .Mr. and Mrs. (JeorfC 'i\, Swallow on Middlesex .-treet.
i C'ollcsc students who arc .spend- ''' i in;; Ihcii Christmas: vacations here ' :wilh !licit families include (ieorpe.
•N- .Swallow, ;;rd, sun of Mr. and Mis. Ceui'Ke N. t-.allow of Miri- ;dlese.\ street, and a junior at Eow- '['.'"" rul''1«°- lirnnswiek, Me.: Lee.
. . .. . ...
discarded numhrr pbt^s al any ol ;I'-ohfrt and Parl-in- dit.-chie!. re- l"iity n-a- planned to take place —'reivr-rt onh nnnnr bruise--. The a•'t'' t'jh-e par.--oiia^-e on Wednesday cm slutfft-er'e-d' s"lish' i r'iamnee and e"^'''."''a'in« u: '-'S"'r--n-in- at' f"t p. m. with
v Ir
washable to pioceed after liein; ' ]' 'n-'<'nieiii:s in chaise of Marian
Sm^5ir,'^£SF!l;:l'!! CheI msford
IcKmip al Nashua. ' The American I.e-ion v ill he lidst lo us mf-nibei'- ami friends at
(- , „, ,
Garden UlUD Awards a1 New Year's eve partv al ihf k/( J n r*
" "
Made; Drum Corps Plans Minstrel Show
Special to The Sun< CHJOL.MSI'XIKI), Dee.
n r- nl:(
V-uinri, al la-i iminCs win-, of Riorfr,,, ,irl,.k. No|.,,, n,el,n=- K\, V
s .-
of the Kenwood mi.-u,,', of Si \1,-.v.eddin- '-<»-.l .o, UK.<.hai-Rf of Clianaien P.omco Milol,
parly „, aid of tl,,: bulimia fun I' ford. Nn dale I,;.< i,fe» <^t for !\v'- ,
.'"SemeiHs will he n,
l.'T.a Kibe:' \ , ' 'iii-ti ni -s . liuir-rira roar t _ .'; Odia-
]<Pmbe. L.iiiu
Lionel O.-ear
'''•';:C:i i>-\f.-, iv,-.vell I-'ra-er. Slani.-y Sawjan Chri.-iir,a« holiday and week-end
>iui]inr I.cIJIaik-. Irene i.aPoini,- "iiti iheir s.-,n and dauchtfr-in- .See r.rlv.i
;Mi.-. i'alrick Ci.:-",)"tt. Kichaid M( - law-. l)r. snd Mrs. Clifford'~VV. Fu'r- A nv-iin; ,,f ;i»- Boy .SniuJs wi'l
»• •'«»'<-.. Kiberr\
, P ..-
Ihf loner
' eri AiiJiini, ^i:- hii.-h., in Orange. While held in Abint h.ill tonipht
i-m'ni A nipeiinc1 of ihe Mirlilie^N l h c r e '"^ v'" l!l1 meeting of ihr iOi,-iiv,iii.-r rx|,r,i, i,, "simvrf'Norih PnM Masirrs association v'xs f 'm"'] "lh "lf>""k' <]"f '" '•"" 'bank- ;o all wl:o ,i--i.ied ,n a.,, held last Saturday ni-!:t al tb<-. iloil(;'''1>'- • •-''Il-=- Thomas 0/Conno:' [WAV din-inn Ihe 5i;ece>-r.!l season." "ion;- of Mi:=. Be'rnire" Smith on ',lfIN.c''v Vork- Vll'° j> S'endin- liii-
niernher- of the Meihudi-i chinch 'icsii, Harry I.. Woodman. Lowell: k ho.-p;fal. J-' lii-~ jcr.oir aie rei;iie.-ted to tv^ ,t! Uie s-^ctftaiy. Ilalph A. . Knight. 'k-enj with hci- purcnls- Mr. of Mrs. Otis Pay -,,i H."''' on'Chelnisford: treasurer. Mrs. 15er- h'ri'iay »,; f o r a relioai-al. in- nil •:• Smith. Lo'-vclf. anil auditor.
Mr.-. J.-.-e.-h t>»?ie!!o of Persii-
"---V:^. • • ' "• :..-,',"-- ' ;^.^^i?&-':V^%^J^^t?t - ••-.:*•-•-••'"•• -".s^«---"•-^-
FAIR GROUNDS STARTED AT CHELMSFORD—Worl< was started Saturday at the Golden Cov<; grounds to construct it into an Agricultural fair grounds. The p<srl< has just been purchased r>y Chester G. Grccrly of the S. E. Greenly and Sons,
Hrule. Wilfred
Gelina = Brn.iit, Can!in
onws Monahin