Page 24 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 24

and f&UUJfll
I.\ U7I
Be Patient
Many parents and relatives of soldiers and
sailors worry unnecessarily about delays in delivery of their letters (o the men in the armed forces, or about delays in getting replies.
There arc many factors which often hold up this correspondence. Many soldiers are on special duty watching bridges, factories or other vital defense spots. That, means that letters addressed to them at camp have to be rehandled and forwarded. In such a situation, the soldier or sailor may find himself without writing paper or stamps for a reply. So it isn't a bad plan to include postage and writing material for an answer when you write to that boy in the scr-
Lowell Sun_ an(^ Citizen-Leader Tuesday December 30 1941
V1C°'Be'patient about unavoidable delays, and!TM"TM ^^u'jtTTl'*"* *' ^ T'" """" in Russid< 8e'li"-in'Pif«l —
don't let them prey on you or cause unnecessary worry.
He, in a minor icay. 'made Iliem the most hatcrl foe, ittiion leaders had never tpok- P'vc-n sonie hij1tfi ollii-ials hoj'e|r aie en to one another before.
who aren't greeting the new year too cheerily. Onlly. on your knro?
|)i<l you MIIK in Him tin' w.'iy
A year ago, in a New Year messages, Hitler Mntlifr ilor.s in rise?
'TISMM in UK- drHiviy of the mail
i has in Iho past few years been
'hum<>ii v.'iih nn oriar usually ns- 'I. In
GOAL: Dokor S. oulh AMon-
: raid base
this hemisphere as tony as oitr fleet is ahoie tenter, and alert.
and his enemtj l-'redcrick My- ers of the Maritime union go off, arm in arm, for a drink after the first meeting of the nete maritime tear emergency
"Soldiers, (he year 1941 will bring consum- Ti'lliru: ^Inrins of I he v. 01 Irl?
So the year 1941 came and went, and as it l( 1 It'll Him IhiriKs - | Mirtl llir same tiling v,'3ll not hap- slud. 'I'lu- other forms arc vnrin- ment no,-5lrike-or-lor-kout closed, the great German army was in disastrous DII lfi«' Anils' \^-in;:s |pen apiin, rnme next Christmas, !tions of these. .ment.
['id vim f\i't trv mation of the greatest victory of our history." And did !!'• cry!
i j'k'd oui thcrr nfod r^mcriyinfj, i 1,1 present n( "The Last Suppei-?"^"""' "•'•
withdrawal on the Russian front, while Hitler's Me if 1 spp;ik If)1.1.'? expeditionary force in North Africa was nearing
complete annihilation. Having added Japan as an ,.,„„,, ,.,„,, „,,.„,,„ „, ,
an enemy. <;'"' lVils •'"*' y°l" mtl1 H
Hi carrying of mail al thr; Yuio-|I'f'sentnlk-es for -lf> years, during JThe other was Senator i. ison had ht-on entrusted lo:01^'1' °[ v-hich he was Ihe speaker.ri'homas of 1'tah, former
1941, now has receded farther than ever. And 1942 is another year.
ffltllfftl f»f Roillc l/UllUUl Ui lit 1Mb
I'elnuey the olher 'la\-, \\e hci-am,- odicials are sloopinf; over liack-
.•icqiinintod with a tlrvelopmcrit in wiirrls to ^ivr everyone and his
lorn! nicnt life, whirh may he brother's children work hr order LESSONS IN ENGLISH indicative of something, fiossihly keep on Iheir (,'oorl sirle. These
llrc times. The chriifman was tell"- j.vnl"ic hoys AiTi out looking for a Words Often Misused: Do not in^ us nhfiiil liis ans\\'orin^ a co[n-|^'u oxtra dollars ihey can j;et nl , say. "I hiid there until my father
ainS 111 fOlTC Ulltil 1945. ofthe stuff belnj; put forward as le- ollicc. with one possible exception!MQDFRN FTIOI IPTTC
i dclihet ations that on one occassioin ;,.0nfer with them, he didn't. After " orkcd for 13 cents an hour.
— !C. !. O. President . .. private talk with Thomas and "Are you sliil working for that,
W ASHINGTON, Dec. 30—Those suns with which the ,Jnps annoyed our Pacific coa^t shipping were not from sneak bases in lower Cali- fornia or Mexico, but part o( a long range surprise fleet that To- kio has long heei, building for Ihis specific purpose.
Fantastic though it sounds, these hoals are supposed (o have- about 30 of them,,,
Their comint*
is no surprise to
tlir- navy. Our
a d m i r a l s hav?
known Ihe Japsp
w<?re building
this type for
.some time, hut
we have never
gone- in for at:
undersea boat .so
"formidable" or
with such an ex-
tended cruising
range. Here Paul Mallon again, just as with the Uvo-rnan submarines used by UK.' Japs al Pearl Harbor, the surprise was r.--
jslrioicd lo who do not fol- |!ov,- such matters closely. (Inic:- |iiiilinn»l N'ews photos published jn ^American newspapers .some yc-ais ;;if;o a photo smuggled out of Japan : showing Hi" two-man sub in oii- Icralion.i
MAN ABOUT TOWN |SUN READERS SAY: A discussion has hr-r-n startr-d as runelionin^ tv\-o \ceeks. It is com-
l.'iW'iy l.ndy fllcs^rd in iiluo - ;
'IV'.'irh n!': hn\v Ul pTMy: ;K.IMor, J.nuvll Sun, fiorl 'A-jis ju^l your link- Hoy, ;l/nvHI, M;^s.
'IV'H !«!(• \vh;<l !o ^-i>'!
I.owH]. Mas*. Ore. 21, ion
Tins ii'iich con hr
many kinds of poker' Mr. Hofisri-rll i'i's:fs-(r</ rif.
dotiht he done in Htrn. IHit it is\Chief .John R. SteeJman, Kdwarri only \\-isp to unders.tand the [led i Mucauli'y of the Maritime commis-
viewpoint. If they <-an take Hit- sion and Frank Graham, president ler, they can get .lafuus anytime.
Another Year
There must be a tot of people in Germany Ditf vriti lifi Him u|f. srjrnrl iin^s : hrlfi at llir Lmvell postollire lo
was "Uncle
l.rn/'n'.t return orrr thr , jrclionf nf the utale i!t'/ui
ti'ltfetatt. he Ovunr,«rli*n>l>o1ui'hutitsi-c*h[ni<>1n
They rio not \\ish to hr- districted of Norfli Carolina university.
J)i-fir sit ; Tlir annuiil hiring of
from their- main eriloipnse.
our ilci'iiioii. Our n\t- tdtii-i-
It is Ihc only board lo mako drciMons the lirst <hiy of its opera- tion (about seamen's and /onr-s.i It is ]iko\v!se thc first in-
I ami it is hi^Ji rtime tliaL sonic • AXSWHRK r WASHINGTON, Dec. VI - Do you tcnll)' (liink ]l^ vaic.s ; 1 houjrhi \\;<s ^i\ on to them, so' I. 'Jlitre; draw, straight andimen put over the lalior-ii
Make noise? Anrl can !!<• h"ir t-'p to five or six years <tuo -• MtJtibcr of the house of rep-- One was President Row
' ^-ou k n r n v 1lu \\-.-i\-.
cline in t!i« qualily of Ihe help, . les: Simon Peter, Andrew, James unlil now ihe postoltice at Christ-;the son oi Xehcdce, John, Philip, mas time resembles, a kindor-jUiiitlKilomew, .Matthew, Thomas, «ai leu, with high school and <-ol- .lamer, ihe son of Alpheus, Simon,
[ roposed a three-point for'milla: f l l no-strike, no-lockout guarnn- Urc; i'2> nil issues lo he arbitrated,
as fr>llr>',vs:
Mnrle•rnlnr. \\h•e"•n- t*h"e- J"n•-
Complete victory, which seemed almost with-
in Hitler's grasp in mid-1940, and again in mid- Commission Chairman Thomas U. leL'o slurienls in its employ. The ITIiadrieus ami Judns.
conveisatioi! wjd
b\ decisions: CJ) creation of an!"' this war' thc>' "''" have bu!H nbitration agencv. !fc" themselves, a-, the expense of .\'ole: Punnhi" on Gall's name the American people, the most
,Io<! Curran. scrappy lefUvirif. ' ^antio plants, perfect every hcatl of the C. 1. O. seamen. w-Lse- "m-e-chanica-l- e'—xc-e-l.l-e.n.^c^e. that^ ~ev.~er.
Mlh both sides pledged to abide i'lustnes of Ibis country come out
dulls, capable and dependah! -1. .101.Hi. ' professor and chaii'man well as trustworthy. lint the past •1. Ireland. senate labor ooinmiltce.
t\>:ra ninl litltoritr?. \ lie did it in his usual sonorous, .Finallv. when an agreement an-'melodramatic mariner. On one ally, Dor Fuehrer has added the United States as!'''1""-'1 m<- »'">«• '" iTMy: f''\v years has seen a steady de- 5. Christ and his twelve discip- For Intir days lite 12 cm peaml hopeless. Thomas, • , - (occasion he wadcri into the indus-
lackerl during otie recess "Ml C,uil is divided into three purls and the Manufacturers association £0t four of them."
/ttoi/cr and 12 A. /•'./,. and
('. I. 0. representatives dead-
locked nn Ihr closed shop is- 'hem. if a provision was added asked to accept a proposal
District Of Columbia being directly Under Control!'""11"1'1 I"""10- Anyhow, thv- chair-:<-linnrcs of havinK a loiter ilcllv-jcrease our vocalnrlary by master- conditions be frozen for thr Of ConereSS it is &SUllbJiert (n fnrm<: nf rnoiilnfinril""1^1 '"''' "s lhat '" ""' |i:isl sov' ''""'' v'°"1'i b<' <1'"H" 50"3n- ;infi "n<1 W01'rt each da>'- TodaVs duration of thr tear. The
pi laint made to., h,ii,mni annh.o,vu,li tihiie,;ii^- ''" '•^1nl;ls-- a-mi do—n't- £ni-v-e- much: waked me." Sav, "I lay thprc 'fl|u(iality of r-uiiticrr!i?pimnnmient ibioeitnj^; ithouclrlis lto the dull>y entrusted loitil my fr.tber woke me." purvneyie'd in a local establishment" !jt'hem. j Often mispronounced: 'finis.
un- Prri-
before cxisterl in any nation in tho world. The government is going lo build all this for them and they will make vasl profits at Ih? ex- pense of American workers who are being required lo do \vithouf
1 mn<1 th rlls1 1;
WaShilieton the canilal it: in tbo Inarl in i-nni "II"' m'ad"e th"e cus°l'on'r'in'yry cchheecck--liiip|i!1j W^Vhtelcnrl ynu and I mail a letter,j nonncc ,'i-nis, first i as'in line, not
Mctoiiiii^iuii, LIIL Lcipltdl, It, ill IOC ICHfl 111ICm and found lhat a lari<nv,>, refuse1"w''e' rd'no so in dm realization lhatjas infin. trlic k in K
The A. K. I,, and C. 1. 0. lead-,automobiles and without luxuries. •rs accepted Thomas's pb in- M the same lime, Mr. slantly. The business delegates Mnderalnr. labor is being
Control, a problem Which has Struck almost, every truc'k in U"'' emplloy nolf tthe ciilty's!i'Ihhee chances arc JlOn.DSn out ofj Often Misspelled: Occur; one r
!alshers and wa;lsUl 1(dKvisinon would have! l.l(l!iln f
CltV ill greater Or lessor drm-PPS Firct fhr. ni-nh "'"' «' " ''^ » »-o»l'l hiive!l,' .0 ir) that it will reach its ad-iOcruite,i. orcurrinq: two r's.
v,nvv ui ftiudLLi ui iLbbl.,1 tltJ,lLLb. f l l S l , ino plOD- hren Iihfie I;,i,r-oO],HM- spot forr- thire pnatrvlres?. I would venture a Riies.S: Synonyms: Destiny, fate
also said it -vas acceptable to
iem is more aggravated there because of conges- li''"l;ir''rilorl'linov'"li('-h.v'li"s''n>';tli:i1 '( 1ho saillc ''iiibcr of hcipUune, lot. doom
it, < i • V 101nib OI ICgUlatlOIljer-al weeks Ihe WPUIT-O of ,0111- I have diiiin;: the weeks just worri: Circumvention; act of siir- union delegation insisted lhat
,tnat may be impracticable in mOSt Communities Mllai"ls lo tnn license commission imsl s|>enl most of my time ob-jioundinj'. as by sii-al'aReni. "They the closed shop he subject. to harmony, then agreed to put of the tear ivith bodies broken,
An act eoint? into effect in Tnnmrw In \Vnoh'I'1? ''"'>"' 'I1 '"""' ins'""r"s- m-n ><-">"Z Ihc service being piven;soon discovered"lhat circimivetrlion arbitration the same icny as the I.S.SKC ii[t to Rooserelt. spirits crushed, and their
j-in av-t guiiij, IIILU LllLCL in January 111 VVaSn-lwIiom he knous lo •„•• anything inside and outside of Ihe postollice: was futile"
H'halrrrr he decided 1/icy
any other controversy. it'ontd aeccftt. unions dispersed and futile.
Feeling between the two groups It was their exp elation that. Demurring at these accusation.?.
ington aims to peg rents at their level as of Jan [hl" i"1"1"- hul wllfl liav" ""''Hy ' «-iii sayhofor-soin)!anyfurther •
\ 1Q41 Thn a/^l vr.r,mi>-,c- i,^ f ci io
crlr c%<1
< r- i ' ' ' '"'>' won't stomnch some thai tlif service inside the post-1 "
became so tense in the Hook recalled that he once had secret:before ruling, the president would:"
1I1C a C l l c m
Washington tried rent control by law during andi);i(iinn'° cnl"lili""i(1"'- 'n^ chair-:whid, i win memion imer. ,,.^.
,' , .
aftnr thr> fii-ct \^?nrlr1 n-n>. ,,,;*U • l i r ";a" •"ili'1 th;U '' ai!lfl'lls Hi"' Ihe as -jood if not holler than could:!
diiti me nisi vvoiicl war, with varied degrees of d<ai-y- -o'f t"h-e- 'f-rmvsy enlerlai•n--e•r •in •be expected. Mr. Slowoy. -M•r, 'offer hj.s S(.-u jn . for a man to-moved that induslry be caller! on;.Moderator William Davis ftoose- Mr. Hook?" rumbled Lewis.
success. Now its experiment will undoubtedly be !s;o-called first class niphl clubs is;|),,iion and his crew of employe!^! bus lo a woman?' street car or to Rive up II its war profits. On;veil sent the conference s letter Note: Lewis ami VVilliam Green, 1 thins; of Ihc past. Fnr whic-h •, arrieil on in a very line and cfh- j A. Thb the two factions tliat ho favored Thome's plan. A. F'. L. president, who not so long
watched as a laboratory test by other communi-i' say, lhank goodne
cienl mannor ttie task entrusted I't ihem. This service censed lo lie i:nod. once, die mail left thc
Of course, as was said before.;
a custom which jspill sc|uaroly, Al t h p ^plovers: while making no secret of their ae,o plastered each other with to have become obsoleteJ voted iro: al! thc ahorilc.s ye,, irlisappoinlrnont. the emplovnr, sizzling brickbats, throughout the ''. it is still thn centleman-j Throughout the four (fays of bo«et lo the presidon ', decision conference were very chummy,
ties: m which rent boosts have fallen all too oftoen ,
on the part of the people least able to bear them. T4>ruiil]vr AUlmllCeirnlilcCaUnl
at the University of Illinois. We don't know,mor whether it has a specific name, but it ought to be
mhers of Ihe wear'ini; \coro
iy art inri nn nf d-brced-!w'rangling, Tlioma ' I artidpatins and. without further
calling one another "Bill" and discussion. "John." Both labor groups cave a significant indication of their private views regarding Secretary Frances Perkins, when she, with
s:mtr[ul fnr
A new scholarship has just been established niiitr rhnr vi-ork a
called the American Scholarship. There "is some- thing deeply American about it.
This scholarship goes to some young miner
now actually work-ing at that trade, or thc son of
such a miner. The Illinois Alining Institute has
set up a series of such scholarships in order to
Q. Should a er of applira- written?
ciatinn. H rnlcill
r ilrntllnrk thr rn:jit'tiir
fltl t].<l;rd time r,til In rtnm
talked frankly and hlunlly. we've cot work to do? We've got.
olher 1'acl hot; it will give ;|,e effect of written about
1011 in
(.'Inirlff K. Hifnl,. i>re.'iilrnt
oi American Hulliiif! ,1/i/f..-, no time for frills and society."
provide mining engineering (raining to vouncr r IT. suit a.-ifli1 U<im Mh'h main;- Thc people who mail cards sprnrl
John I., l.tti-ix carried the hall tor the C. I. 0.
men most. likely to profit by it. r-loiHiicnls thr story of IVun .mil ^riucli time and money on those
With the army and navy about to oxmnd
tremendously, we may soon be face to face with coicv of people r>n<! on.y , n few: this mailer like any Oi^il business | .an actual labor shortage. i'r•atiricd articles of condemnation nun would. The p opl •( Law-1
exrerienco. ano ronsideiing )-,is enforcement ar.ri equipment aflrr otherwise still. ^
i'orary it uniforms). I iliink 1 in whiel to teach thr profession any history except perhaps Godo'n never saw a figure at the same of arms including the highest in the Sudan.
fnr fi;-1
v.;is stuffed in one box or floor' \v,i- thnl nf slide \vi1hnut lcgard I'or- the van- (Uis p,-i>ii!e and npai-tmeitts to
jmntlr ,,::: rr r,>un*ctlnl
t'f,f n itfl'-fin
.Screen Star Knbert Montgom- MVJS tLr el'ief ': o~, jt I n if c r ery, lieutenant in naval intelli- .-•;iW,vsiii«,.. Matlicn- »'oll. \. gence, has many interesting tnlcs I'. I.. rice president, an.l about his experiences as an am- Criiruc Mrnini, nnibitiaiiii A. hulam-r- driver in France. But hi.7 /-'. /.. sci-rctnrn, iliil ulosf nf favorite is about the heroism of a the lati.-ji'ii for 'hf\r iirutip. small force of Scotch infantry,
ice officers by the nr-w | this work was done by a group of
, U ^ vi *
rator, lislened'^rccd to ,i^n m, avin- a word. : />ir7V 0/f.|7*FS'
: of ihf. city. Lieut .1,1111 .1. v onnors said lie and III
i children anrl die could not he ex-
i pcctcd to do any belter. This hr
m nn ic tra((i
mm nn flic lUrTMalefnl f"or thc s
;group of carriers wetil from house
•to house leaving mail on door- A- Xo; if your hos'ess asks if!
'Stops. slurling il between floor i'ou prefer light meat'or 'dark iyers,"
! knobs, or Iraving it any place it >i' cream instead of lemon wiih Tlnnr-ut's rrncl-
} [o
. 'I'hei'* \vr-Tv m:iny >IHMC.I of
Ev o?i.'ape from Jhr wn >ns w^s ':and would like lo he Mire lhat they base, what is the length of the
... pry time someone opens up an opportunity s. ]i ua> a >tory ihnl. linf] reach Iheir destination and .not
j| ,,,.,,.,
- Hugh Johnson
like this for young men on thc make we feel proud that, we are in and of America
Can You Spare &Book
Go through your home library within thJ"-
next few days and sec what books you can share:-1' with a soldier or sailor. On Jan. ~12 a national!"' campaign wiil begin to provide books for'the^ armed forces, sponsnreri by ihe American LibrarvT Association, the Red Cross. ;>.nd the U S 0 ' '~'
Libraries and other places will serve as dc> positones in every town, and every good book!
that can be sparer] will hr found useful Don't use this merely as an opportunity to be rid oP trash,butdigupsomehooksofthr.^\U(\tllat think you might like to mui yourself if vou
a soldier.-
Even your spare books can help \vin the wai
Unemployment Vanishes
For 10 years, one great looming problem has
overhung the United States like a blanketing t sky— unemployment.
Now it.has vanished, a mist sutldenlv dissina '•
ted by the war. The National Industrial Confer '•'
fmnnnTV^f" lmcTMl>lfiyTMnl at around! I,f300,000 which it considers the "irreducible minimum."
rythiiK, in-'l-,nl:n.;- a hnp;iy cw\-ifind Iheir v.ay into someone- else's hnmc and then pnin.-tbly gt> to rest
Explanation—Sus- right, i'. O. American
no resnluiions to make ';'o 1'iroken.
and uci
can I make smelling chiefs mand in
seemed convenient without re-
gard for regulations, which ro-
<iuired it lo be placed in a slide
or- box or rolunred lo the oliice. A- If pBssihlc, it should be In many lat^c blocks the mail
Ion;; stalemate they pulled no up Iheir attitude with the impa- punches in their exchanges. They tient remark. "Doesn't she know
in r10- \\bom il ivns addressed. I hav PROBLEM A DAY
r inijiorliinrr sui-li as IIn1 s'-cn these things and know them nd Stag's rnttamr hilo Wmtrl lii be lino.
The base of a triangle is 1-1 ft and altitude 12 H. \t a litle is tu-awn parallel to llio base, and nt a distance of two feet from the
ccinfrrrnrr rlwmlirr »'ir.-i -rtl vilh r>t>rn linstili(ii In/ unrcrittt'ciit rr/)rr>-flt/'f-
U'ASIIINGTON. Dec. Srt—Major ! General Jonathan Mavhew Wain-
which illustrates
the kind o(
r. Srvrnlcrn
in rhc lire or wastcbaskct.
onlv way to he sure of good rvice is-,o hire good he,p.rhr
; then use propor- northern i.n^on. Il halh a pon- = »g ot the line derous sound .-- so ponderous in-
the c of thc year
•h'-s and we pr
l^t'J. ninny people will
n^ resolutions lo be V ,.,(|ncrn ino work and who would rio 10 and J! by 1?. Ihr next U n mthp. The }] j a Ihorough job of delivering the
e ' - plenty of men in Lowell w-hO']inc
drawn. Divide thc product of the twlief they liml thTii next year. I will be glad HOW CAN I?
be lhat \\alrus faeerl:[jnie sn grotesque and anui>lnc. He'position of staff and command in
mail. If Ihe postmaster cannot
Dl,,^U,U-,«.l l .
old General Blurb lhat thcv have was very
in the lunnics with his leggins on w-rong s:rie."
Since our I wo
.' . .L*
stuck|,n o E,.in, schooi of lvar. n« is one
•t him all he
ry of mail is a S.K red p :i- povernmcnl. [1 is. ^^ r disinterested young-, ^
shots in the army. He does
^>-mi i_i lyuci i c
n/ .Inliu C. lion he m-iitcn hand or type- \ntiotinl M
.*... H is to the deed that today I heard a soldier
wide-moiithert botlle! MacArthur i.-tofficc inspector w'hoi(.<('nlainnij; a glass stopper nearly Wainright f the Cbrislnws season, j^] oi sub-carbonate of ammonia go down
Itttt Skinny never seemed consciously seeking advance- ment in any iray to annoy hix comrades. It seemed all in the day's trork. lie. managed
to keep all his friends and to remain a good companion in any group, from the. hairy packers oi his father's Indian- fivhling days to stcankiest military hand-shakes.
Chiliiifn. especially little boys,
simply proniplty accept Skinny as - one of their own age, call him by that name, and take as much of his time as they can wangle. My own boy is his God-son.
He has the clearest and bluest of eyes ano. except in periods of slow- anil righteous anger or deep con- cern, I never 5aw them lacking ;lhe twinkle mat T think has ear-
fried him so far into the hearts of his associates.
[ The name Jonathan Mayhew
'Wainright will go on the rolls of
<ffuc observing -o:irse powder frOTn and pour on records a
his favor did not s^ : S ! Llven If1 Ihe most heroi uld have Mdoorr,ce w.Melil' tod.,,OVl",r '|'hc"'a'nl°mon|a_ ' ' to harcly of American con1
,lf those i ing thc mail. n] oui above was in the i:wr,.-likeablack
Q. How can 1 make milk la^te m a n d o r s, an like cream when il is necessary uiisinc Ihere a r e
£t' yov.lh in a jo'.i Ihe full lime work pis'oftire's smartest win.low marked "In- set capably handled year by Mr. O'Dea. i one of o\ir fatuous n of the boss , I must con- ss thai, in all the times in ttv.t
Waimight might tv
of line sandoarrr If not overdone, hut Wainrkh.t's
formidable colonial name plus the
lack of true publicity about him Take indicates a real service lhat ........
nron and give it to ihose who can! In thc first place, irr
handle such a big job. Ii. is ,1n| skip the. name. It is one that
has hfcn for generations asso- ciated nith bnlh the army and thc navy, as far as this Wain- icright is concerned, from thr
•riyht :<-r-,.t
t'crrii p/p.
Ihf -Skinvt" ;,i( T-S ;70J1C— m profit
' ('-as r:n>lf /irs-f ca ic/i e,; West Point •- i *'•':f rnrfbi •:n•-s
rek th.i; 1 visited thc postoffice, important job and needs bette l.-iii,i it W.T. over 100. I never saw
i:vm have-;],;,-, ntv,\^ an;thing othrr r.ian.iceni'ni.
''"•". '"."!1 •"•'•'•'i'-n;,' ;>'.;.s!,-i( ^,0-or hut it will he "Skinny"
past, with; jf.idmg a hook or just "dooiihr-.g " «',' of thejof course il appears evident to .uc iieotijanj- tliiiikiag prisons that this is gooes arel-usi ;l ;,-,[, crcativi 10 give one of
i- w'H.iho "special boys a >clt .iob on
Yours trulv. .'OSKPH W. HKIi.LY,
;ii-r/c<rfi'iK. :Wainrigi-.t who put it there. In no
uainrighi. all his life, has beer, army are there two better men
i cIiMnjDv- go\c:n;i\ent iine. This :s a on\ini:;;ob for ,111 experienced man ..and oUimn'nnt for an inexperienced schoolboy.
Lowell, Mass.ichusclti. body cter called him or
thouoht of him by any othrr everything h : had into being nut-, country, if, regardless oi excuse.
:^nin\c«l \vilh worris nf prais.- for' Let's gci. seasiii'c. ami
crtttcism. irence and othet" citio h3d a^
He in my company of cadets lie n.-, officer has. having hcen pyshcrt so earelc-=!v ia,- Rone with honor through into such a trap. I know of no and in his original plcbcskins <(em- every sriido! which the arm- has similar csse in our history or in
nse milk on cereals or in coffee? I few
A. Scald it first and (hen serve that can he free-
-hat ,his help migh ;lk<1 1 bofon- i( is lo l
"i °
nientIheoldFirstOa- There I served side by sj,-e h b or many year.-, inci- riontly p-arl of that service was be sharpened by Columns and newscasts on Mac- over tho very ground where he is several inches Arthur have been thoroughlydone. fichtinc now. lie knows it belter
thedamnable,sit- ( •; of white paper. Q. Hc.\\ can t sharpen scwin" nation in t h e P placing of ar. inex- machine needles that have hcrom'e cnrrcil lo me that
l_he job out of the hands of ehil-j be done
u-itli tie fled if LcuJ.y left Vichy.
-Mr. Roosevelt. apparently,
thought Leahy oven more valuable as a military leader. At the very last he will be head of some to;> 'military strategy board, or wi!]|
t'itl require a Iany time. entiirfiilf, alert rJcfctises on ur fii'l.? of ihf Pacific should it;? nn ntl'H'f; o>i us (is diffi- ult fnr t!<,cJtif);i «••* it would 'c ji/r it3 H'tir to utt'ick iIic
.,.|v 1 (,'"<S><•1• -f iei'.'tli |I - 1 •
lhave one of ihe co-ordinated new , ,/' \ ',, , ''"" * J' ••"* lallir-,1 commands, loathsome foe. Hitler has been put
11 b Rc i Some folks are grumbling that °" "V' " >' "" J iChurchil! lalkt-d Roosevelt into • ' .;,'!"• J
iconc-fiUratinf; on Hitler. Thai Mea called for. Kvr-n if ihe Reds are
00 a Alhcd
!forgetting about Ihe Japs and:' ""' " «P^ilionary for«> up through Italy is certainly
( is Axis "rpnsr-, driven rack in ihe spiing, the hope broader fine of this of vic-toiy will be in the air there.
tear, the ii'orttl licit, clearly
slioies Hitler is the formida
hie toe. ft hf is defeated, any-
one can brtiffh the Japs ot'fr Mtil l\ AHM tcith the back of their hand.
They may conquer the I'ar
I-'ast dotiit lo Australia (no
information here snij'ierits
they leant that continent) but
they cannot dominate the
norld. 'f hey cannot inradc of the 1'neifie Sailors' union
H'illi t'alilortiia only 61500
miles front Japan, houever, it
in possible the ROfill mile sn-
pfr-snb n'itl continue to men-
ace our coastal shipping for o .at Manila and Pearl Harbor, ha.s board. These tteo competitive
The «rand old man of Ihe Ame;- crying oui foi air ba^'?s a> \ la(li- Apparently Mr, Roosevelt for- °" " "'. ?'!'. . ??^T.. . . ? «.' "«' - ">»<"• Mapspt>hPo»ibiimc,. i<an nrivy. Admiral Leah), is com- \'0>tok, so our bombers can a^'cn^o ^ot to announce ihc appointment
l Mlt ca t i <0 k 0 n ed 0 to N
ing back from Virhy in /our weeks. Manila arnonj: tho1
'/.-fjodt-n stiat-ks of tin Japanese in- jf ihe hoard, although it has been
.'LOOK AND LEARN to what job he will gel hero. (iiisirinl centers. TJial ^'.-ill tioi jiiKeil of t'. s. Labor Conciliation
lilr fur I;ft piny tin: Frrnclt country is the P.iver their Ituilornblc /ilrtli/c, i>>:'i to surrender illfir /iff I. Tl I kin^lom. Cfi lain pi at-1ices cai'- \ 3, Whal were the names of tlio. fenreil trhnt mi'/lit lif il'
eifi_i \n tlir l-'ftr I-'n*t ]n~r- flustr y-'.virlr- council to reach R n'tttcil fitiitj ,/ir/j ,vifrrrs.>-rs. To warlini" (0-operalion basis for the rrtrici-c ur<iv>i<t <<>s| there trill duralion.
DM yon liolil His hand at ni-_;iit . virijiled only with 1he anJUKII
demanded that existing shop open-closed shop issue. out irith fat surphtRCif tphile
When this icnn rejected thr employers, for the sake of
labor organizations n'ill be debilitated or entirely elimi- nated. Workers tvill come oui
holiday jjrectiiiKs. But -Hirinp the
he had r roommate who looked
a Iwin, FfiO.t; COMIC
Hut the name did not altogether derive from even this. II was in the earlirsl days of Briggs or
t O i Skinny. Come over." V; n i "hi was pure boy. The was a natural. From en to plebes and later nerals to private sol- never saw a man who - \Vainricht. After leaving
Editor. Liberty Hobby day he struck |1>.«/ Point, no- 100 per cent soldier. He worked, than Mm Arthur anti Wainright.
Journal P, O. Box 9,V>. and played a! it. and put What a shan-.e it will be to this
formal dress nobody thinks nothing rear hi< reeord ami his comnianrX Hirough war.t of re-
name than Skinny. .V.vrr/i/ in standing. Ev MacArthur has they ar<- abandoned with their
The dr-ft-nsc' of this country <om<s lint, tlirn Hitler, then the Japs.
I'lttining nnyer against the Japs has brought friendship to the. sharp enemies of the American maritime unions. It noutd hacc done your heart i/oail to see Harry l.ufldcberg
e"" hie 'o
not know what fear feels Hke.
* (:rlla
"; P? .niui-.i
a|1(1 Bl
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