Page 22 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 22
World Waits
F,D. Message C'cintIn 1'ro It;i
: :<
' Hello everytiody. A man wall-led
iinto my office the other day and 1
as he siit down In -aid: • I thought
I would come riov.n and have a chat with you instead of willing lo you."
I s;iid; -1 rim ^laii you did, ij-^- rause 1 triiil; i> [K-isonal fiiendly visit is tlw ;;i'0i>lcsl tome in the \vorhi pnicuhu-jv- if one is tce!m£ kind of low."
-Thai's just v\ hy I came lo n-e
out rulhkss KLiliiUlcm foi Ja T
1reach erous ;i1l»icks on !; the Philippines, Wake anci way.
^^^rr^ ^^m^Sf ^-^*^
!t MBis anticipated Iliat th jiresident nouM make suoil iif.vh Monday un his jtroniivr lo jjur a d^Trnlrd ai't'oitntin^ of ]ii-> M'>sJniiy \\ilfi Jlrilisli I'rinir Mhmd'r Winston I'lmr-
tinal lici'oal en llhl.'-!i>:n •
larly :K jniirc-di.'iiriv muiiirr'>u>< in the f'ftcirk' l.y t.v .J;i|'«nc'se
''' '*^fi$tf/TM2$$$$*'$M$i£TMiis
•v . i
Secretary of Stale Hull xii'-'c ,,,. ,
vs'hal iniiy 1/e a preview of the- "'
prcsidem':- annu.-il inc'-saxe when limes llal oven the fi
\ nu have such Innj; stretches|heen su iiusv .sharpening u[i >'our feedin;; iuelf wtthoul woiry about tion phui for national ciefense *kcs your [iruhlem hcith ^ruvvn flnll and unresponsive lo the
Mil on. ,-ind ii
jr.- o; ins;-rin^ on-:is'on,f
^, ^..^
tool: adflvntage of the season's inflial snowfall. At left—ShovingMaril'/n O'Rourte. Center—"Here we come," shout these Iclds off a! the hill at Shedd park are Margaret Ryrvne, Eileen and iiiujii;v v u lllc .
for d s"lid'e yest•erday'were"Xandra' Vurg"aropul'os on t-he sled, and Lucy Reed.
.feeling kind of blue. ,
Without rrcanl lor previous
politics or int'Tiiatiojml vicus,
outstandingly vuenl member-,
o f c o n g r e s s v i e t e i l r i n n i u l i j i i i
in rulcl out rase Hint Tokirj ami
nlhi-r Jajjnnese (itics fir suh-
jottod Irj Hi,, same Implm/im!
homhillK that \i|i[iolle*<' liters Hitler Rants at '.:lv 11,1 tci Miliei tnd iiii//led •''''' "' I h n t r''"'-' i "Perhaps men, if I vvnnleil lo. If rimilnuril l-'roin l!nc-k I'niri-
meted oill In i'l-arl llnrlxir, fltlfneiefi have lii'en vigilant, •ome office on me am
| Y ou remember in Malt. jrich vouri" man tamo lo
19, the see our
cision lo i;mc ]'i'! H / i < > .
Manila utirl other racilie viay
stations litjiij; tttr Amejirini Roosevelt'sActs
Amons Ihu-e retalialinn wer I.eadei' Baikley ton K, \\'heelei
i' ' I l l f :->]e '.'. . r h f n r I h e d :
1 1 H ' ''!
i l . : M
Itonal lav and ol Ihe |>i incipk-.s of yet lost and therefore -lood bad; -M.!(fiti m Arcjtuiil there .uddcniy/111"11"11""""1 -N'pws -Scrv-k- America do uhal il will. humanity, and even nf the rules lime and aciilji Whirled and nn Ihe biick f my ni'L'k I fell I v.a.s not even to puiilWi wlial j.,Vfflu, ftm) „„,„„,.
°' dc«'-c-v-" Vp|, „,„] )lis ...jiden ,-air. lie wan'- I Jie slight n 1 ol |>eis]dratioii. »a> snici, .'Ncepl for some doc-tored I .,., . ,
Heii'l'-i'i-tn their In'- v.oii'd |im ,u -.s'l'Mll'f ""';.ni:el oul
ho-.1,- to li^ht Ihat \'.ai-. Over [cfass'-s are being crusher! in more «hf.-i,lioril|1)r'tr- we '.ki1ll com" out on to;>.mid jway.- titan one by the burden of
Ready for War
company failed |0 hack Ihe ci:;arel hups a Mil/, of unri'straineil temper fl" AiiMria, and al the end of thai Si'"pinf; for a way to justify him- 1 1
the tv.o hemi=[ihere=."
i F B 1.'T the nallcm "rearedi TM ,"->'- " ncce«arj,- inven' I^ '^^^Z -T c^m lt ",U^
manufa'.-utrer^ down in iheii ele-,i")<i autbority hit Ihe man nearest j " "'- de-pile all the mischief and,se!f hefol•,_• the deed. — -- - - t h i s volc.-mo. That has happened ."I'l'"'-'''"" a^ainsl me !iy' paid pull- 'llitij f!eh It Agnin
I lm\ l:iLol-alhcr -Inhn's Mcdii-ii: v\-hirh injt only rflioic? C'.ld.i h-j :»iildmp rctisl.iiico tliroush
i7ariinr\;' D FATHER JOHN'S
little round trmle surrnunded iiylwhere u Hchuschni- now? 'rhr! almosl viciouslv-
sln0 1 nn 1cir
has uiplecl its pcrs.innel ^incc thel" ' " '"' »"<'ilif« Ecemcil so full of trouble thai
•«d So
i. h
n i
and see (fiat homhecl-out jiersnus'in answer to a broken prayer vour — vvhile the i|iinlificalions for some nnt handed hy one atenfy to heart was suddenly filled with a
$1.00 Famous Double-
Woven Fabric Gloves
Only 50 psir of thr.'e superri quality plovr-. Blark onlv. Si/cs K lo ''••.
Street Floor
Women's, Misses' 50c Ski-Skating SOCKS
,-•-- iff•-j 1n
Slrec! Fiooi
j'['rained since lfixr> f( ,r just .such
:nn emn-em y. the graduates of 'mmeclialelj-. Try to make the pro- you."
1 tiie F. B. I. Natinnal Police acad- cess as shorl and sympathetic a . Then I said lo my friend: -T
emy who could i>e .--parcrl from ' possible. have stood at Ihe foot of the tliun- their positions with local, count ".Volhinj; is more dishcarlrnini; deriiif; Niagara and heard that still and state law enforcement or- to bnmbcd-out people than to small voice as plainly as I have
Silk I'mni;
Slice! Floor REMNANTS
HANDBAGS... $1.00
TOILETRIES... Appl'-Mrt<-:-oni Colour
Refuse to Quit Seizecd Islands
C.n,.in,,r,l !>„„, n.irk rnK<-
'/2 Off
lOc 2c
'-fi. Solriirr. idc. l;mc-'-'i i P? Ll Jrj.rA
IE¥«/ELRY... Co st u n: e .jev. eiry.
Sited Floor TOYS . . .
Tnbtc en' Cian','",- lo ?1.
1/2 Off
1/2 Off
j Tl'.e hoard's fiist duly is to set WASHINGTON. De CP>_'i'P "nits in each community of the
An-.erira hall Air.crici-m
C till. T—Kf f f
jii'-:ii,n<: m«' !•. •
l'L'.C jjtf-- Cjli/ -;.-l InK'ij.i
en very ,-uccessfu! financially, !!«• ije^an i uohin^ liis knee, in;em[iirf; within 'Ji hours anrj selile wiilp nvvalie, and ready to ael. vti y of Ihe tei ri'olo CJeniKin raid haven't you?" He said: -I fine
lie sal loiuard au'ain and held his
(liiniiK the war, he wniited To i;ct|11 0' " voters tokeep' fully mobilised I-'. B. I. acid
• t h e t r e n c h e s o , " n , " W o r M ' w T l " ^ ' ' ^ TM ^ M c t i F * . B » . ' I . TMW a « s
P » - r e " f < e « r s - S « k ' y s c r a p e r " in Air Raid
> ' « ' " « " " * " > ' " " ' < * " ' " " • » « TM everv tiling, too, hut he was wor-
ried also. Our youn^ friend told him Dial he lacked one Ihing, and Ihat was s|iirilual underslanding. I said to my visitor: -You have
lnr .-ti'ulle<r"r' SUil'ii m L'hurchill or RoostvHt ' c'.-;ii-.
^ -.viih ;, Sivn-l,
- h.iud. |[.- -1 >:••• i Itnhs Kni-c-s 'could siij^f, a deal with Ihe RtiiHi
• as*^MMiiiiife .<f
luiov. wily hecause as you knoxs-, I YOUNGSTERS ENJOY FIRST SNOWFALL—Weather forcc,ssf with sleds—as shown n the pictures above of youngsfcrs w or Lowell yesterday—snow, followed by liitle boys and qifls haven't any tjnsmial problems.'
at S'nedd park as they fook advantage.of the Chriifmas Hughes and John Gath. Right—Going through Kitiredge park left to riglit—George Donahue. George Gath, Mary Gath, Geor h'-' couldn't understand why hewas
against ,-ttack. 6S..'!fiS mailers per-["TMc!h'ns< far thcm to (1°- oul'tea'ib upon your cheeks'' ° (Editor's Nnle: In (he third [tainiii!; tc, (he nalional defense !.??,.„ f,n\,l!-;; - , , , . , . ! Or Iulv^ Vou ever slopped and lime and at;ain. coining and ^oin;;: ' '" '-liininals and elcmenls in and! "As ! saj,). political sloi-ms and instalment nf tlil.s cn^ro^lnK iwcre lecc-ivcd by the fifty-six field Alsn' -Mr- Morrisim added, "It wondered at Ihe mvsterv of thc
1 1 1
^ith the dcilntclive nncl str.rlllnq "ui.side cif Kurope. I got hack Aus-. miliiary setbacks one of theso day 1 1 nlls
force nf n whirlvvinil. ]Inliiial willuimijil ltirintg; a shot. .will sweep Churcliill away (he same interview tomorrow, Mr. Huss joffices ilui'inp Ihe fi.scnl year cnd-i ' 0 "1l"tehnlyv(1eshsn(e>ntial to give |iuo.!!nl(ldLl1i, S,i0,vlirol, j,,''eariv ^arc]l
Iteaeh for Difiiiity ' VW\'hen Mt'hICc time came, I maii,-clhiecdi ;^as it swept away Ihe "Daladiers. tells how Hitler plotted to ]tnK June 30, mil; more than foiiril''rl.r"' " » hombed out nf:]irou,4ht tu lirf, by tne u-arraUl of' throw Japan into war Against times llu number received tlicj"' »"'"«.'he feeliiiR that thryithc sun after winter's »rip had Ililler walked into the plainlv n with llyini; colors and drum- 'I'.eynaucU. Cliamheilains and evenl- the Tutted States with "sneak- : preceding yenr. ilvl11. "".' l)p permlltecl to suffer ihcen loosened from Mother Earth
b"iilins;. Where was nil that big.ually Ihe Stalins." The right boot
[urni.^hed reception room ^^•itll its Mitt" attacks on outlying
,. .. . . . , talk then' Whei c is Sliuhembei c.!dus inlci l he camel atiun ibi^imm'
easy chair, and a soM. The whole,„,„-,,, )ms [0,-KOUo,, n,om. .„„, ,0.
«as ihe fmnilia, lepi-nduclion in day Austria is as much a part of but C
miniatui-c of Hitler's ]iersinrvl,the T'"hird Ileii-h as Sudelenlaiirl. days
style in receptirjn ronm> nnd cfrui-: Kiiciw my pcciplc and I kmiw\ 1 liav
cellories, at Munich and Bei'liujwai !f we must fij;hl for a c|e-]<ui ih,e island, where is F'lwhimr anri IScrchtes-.iden, all slipjhllv oiUcisi. 11 ;ls '" "h» «*l! suniv in:then'.' 'I'hey don'l know u-hy°lheyi
3 to Off
Second Floor GIFTITEMS..
Sticct Floor
Girls' ioat>.
; -)lJ*vJ as Ilif I". U. I. Mircr>s- fiilly mot tlip rliallrncr of ur- 85c paiuirti cftn?^ f*t lii(lni\por>, lo extortion;-,!-:, hnnkrobbrr^. tim] aiifnninhiTf thieve^ dnriiic thr $2.98 last dncftdi?. it i* today inrrt- ins; thr clialTriii;'* of the rqual- ly (IjinsrroHs nnd rvrn morr
at the inhabitants r,f St. Pierre- c-hun-h'. Jfi (low ma.«\ and iiliielon mny prefer P're^ French 11.30.
•nttoi io lhal nf Viehy. However.
" issues mvohiv! riT': crmsirlere'i
•-:f ^it;:l tlinii point alone, former Local Tax hey :ii. ^pen a; involvinj; not
i!> ii:" L-inici faith of the Tniteii
.^•v. -nul t'l'^ cue-lion nf th,:- SecretaryRationing :er,'!: tl"el. xvhirh. if pi;! to Axi>
f.trc you worried about nnt rnnvictions represented JIR per frnm three stories ab^ve' slreel at fi/r'.s problems? If yon nrr. cent nt the casrs invi'sli^ateil level tci within in (lonrs nf tin- irrifr In Hob Douglas, Thr hy the F. IS. I. nnd lircmsM lo top, always depending nn (lie LntvcU Sun. and he ic\ll try lo
Second Floor
... l
CHARGE PURCHASES Go"On Fe~b. !st Srorr^npn^!„,'~"
^i /.
v':; -m
»-'^ -»- > n
lich. Cer-i have heei: added briiiKins the lota) ovc ""' ''"' tllr nl tape the teachings of your childhood and
and Mer-Chrisimas Markdowns!
heiKlil nf the huildinc. hflp von. Uif. column note np- "\ nti see, your arr not prnr.i daily in The Sun. Hob
First Blackout
Test for
Capital Tonight'
6361 Toilclricj—Slice! Floor
•'.,„ ,(..u)wnj, ,
One 'o"fit"h"es--i 8i
nrr K xlo dsl l
n- -r,^scmi'l
, Uncl.ei-gi-oniid canals. extend morce:war first broke mil in Kuronpe iniV ""' ' ""'".» " '"" <' " c<l when; you wondered if it was worth
h a n 10(1 |lli|cs lm(ie] the .slrccl.siio.-iO. Fifleen hundred special a»cnt.s!U'?."wd a"1 "ln nK1-st' .while, and then you remembered
Shed Floor
BOOKS... \Vr,|
Sliccl Floof.
wliifh the I'nitfrt States as a freo antl nnlion wa.- .ircdic.-it- ed. Aide^ hy if-.e l,<vu- entoi-cei-iieni aRer.rie- of eveiy stale, il
isioi:]'.- eveiywh^ie. With ! weh of i ;oie>-tion (reo e;" t;s'.;i, oin ari-.ieil foi.-es wil
ruilian nelltilirs halted when tile flir raid sireivs Mow some- lime hrlwrcn < «nd il p. in. The Mftrkoul will continue fnr t.i nnnntes.
. > r H I M t U r nS ( l u l l \ \ \
1nc^r ntfr
a^'eiit force lo ninre tlian 2S'00. and
1 i;ii'lgc'-nilvi pn.siiinns bav-c been broadened,.another, passed from one bnan! to: peace yon could not understand.
.'•JV .,**,.• '/••>..
• .. -• • .
fcp>: ^S^^fV•: t..•••
By mcler of Ihe president in :lial vnei-ked Londoi-'s ancient
i;Mn'.in0- .iL;i!r.tlion II v,;ts iujl'ih»' \var over here u Ollhl j i r j,j ,| , ;. ,; „..,,. (.],.,,.,,(.,( have, c'vei-ylhini. 1 touched seemed
., . . . loturntoi/o!d." o
''.xprcssec, the conviclion lhal ..\V,n." I said to him, "lliere n Aineiii-,, m.t-ht Kei an occasional ,,ulhj lhj. m,iUc, v;ull V(JU t|]al raid on her costal regions. ,..,„,, ,jp ,-cm(,initie(|. v'ou have
n''ce-,-ary lo hiiil him on '.-.itJi Men KooseveH be Ilien'.
-queslions; on Ihe contrary, il annie.i would be in all vital s:]iots.
;v,u!!ld Iiav-e inlerferefi -.'.ilh his of the i-ontineiil and inside from v-e.-'ti^atii'ii-.-r perlainint; lo
•a- du<- lo leavr- Berlin foillhe w-lu-at or Hie coffr-e f^oin^ lo immediately placeil into (ipeiaiion.!nnre cliffh-iill and y-.t easier than'call of Ihe Spirit.
he released an rifficial stalcineiu othei mini. '.'.Jlh -u-;li'-n-f and Ihe nn<-ii.-,yi tea v,iihin a fev-- days, aftei !roi in C'anada or .South America. \\'it!i tlic oiithreak of war, the^aurs. "And. after all, you know it is declariii.", IJie Japanese were ?iiil[v 1 \Vllcji thr1 w;ii ciunr I lell Iliat (eelin,; (,( •tiling ume;il. i^ei--, >r-ai> in IJei lin as ciiief (en-1 "[ c-ould sit Ihero behind my gun.- Y. 11. 1. vvem into immediate ar-l "More difficult because of the"10 s!lilil that "«'kes >'»« lick-
IlieiHy ;u in/ .is Ihe I .'ds of an- A tasl
of "wanton disregard of inferna- pence ,-<nd common sens v.eie not veiled lh^ i'iOm. II seemed vei-y European ronesiiondent for |fur thc ne.xl 20 ycnis and lei tioii. \','it!i smooth correlation, it nneerlainly as lo where (he clie.nv'Alul il is "lat -stil1 sma" voice
BeyonriHiegrimas.suianren[c<lIhewartogoon.midhrinuVclTduniiipelsfjic':-vei ultimate victory, President Koo-e- niis<:iy and desiiiidinn in i],r
vclt svil! tell all citizens i>liim]y:Geimnn people." li'']rl in-lore him on a lahir that they are due for trcim-mluusly A c-olil ram mixed with a hit "I uf hi- miliUiiy tifijulanls increased !a\e.-. ruid price con- sl'-ei hurl herein despite the patches 'JUI ^ I 'Ill-ill;; lit 1iu- Jlian trols and a heavy rationing ol » sunlight i.ecrin^ out of fii:-t-
. have heen ro^anlcd as nece.s- di ivini: clouds. We r.-aciiefl UK on tlir- pal aiul pu-h'^d il a-vav-
|M-<.|.aL- ia1wouldn'tlake,al-1.1B2>'lyHfiaeisiiowf Myearswillnot
Ih'iii-h I liJicw.that within a fcvc'"you n'(1 ''OOSBvell. [ am frrclhun was ilau;;r-nms In this sec y. In try to visualize and sn'ir''-11
f the (oimidaide. mi.xeil
dnv.s IHliltll"e,iwas l» hold his annual i!l>lTM(l ""S-"' '""ils helalthy. HRoctuisevelt is
iccdi before ihe Na/.i party in ' "° f"'"ie.i"iore a i.resi- country were known In the f lcm alr
prepare fnr the problem'"s .t,|'"' tel.k..-cl: th^en^yo^u will develop t_he lttt p;(] (|iat mjn(j tha( u|i
1 i: 1( r lvllh
the dui:e.- uf co-oidinnlinj;
In any rase I was lheie|ihe i-liniinel lo Hi Urals we could a^'e. snh';tai_ e, anri rc'laled r
more 'u |e-s by -loyal" r-ornmruid ibe busy builclin" up our now J-iu- exe-'utive calh:d upon
'vithrnii li-ins; clnarly aware of the J0pe. independent of overseas and law cnfi-rcemr-m officers mohili/a-l,^ ,;„„!,[ )ie ofiserved. "In a intellect that you have
Lowell Sun and Citizen-Header Tuesday December 30 1941
^ <- :
shifted li-oin peacetime to wartimeIwill strike. .My best practical ad'-!01 tlK" Sl"rit- lhal l'nn lalk awa-v
duties j ,'IT nn the subject would he first!>'°.V' wo!'.nf;s a n d bl"c"' ,
.Some 31101) .Jaimnev. Cer- • tn study carefully where tlif most! -Bu! ,','. >'°l! "'ant lo hf" ,lhat num.andItalianaliensvvliose ;l.rnlmhlcareasnfattacklieand,}^1;lalklll«t0you'you"ll1llavc
i'- liailitional Munich beer cellar. I' 1 eady sitlins in office for) I-'. B. I. ns n rc.slllt nf nlontfis
I'cihnp.s. after the mnnv talks'"" Ihirrl time in violation of alii nf |>Aiiiital(iiiK siftniK nncl enre-
id MIIIII. interviews I have- had iP<>lil'ral tradition and customs of ful Mirveillanees. Swiftly. Ihc'y lilac-Iced oul, an-.l ,,re,bahly all dan- ,,„„,, |)(_,llci,,|, ., ]arf,c f,.«,„_ sn(1
(crtainlv, all faclones musl he , .l;ke(i njn,. ..llave ^ou
!lils land. In a fe\v years lie must! cer zones. listen.:-d lo Hie rustling of Ihe
;listened lo Hie rustling
allack niichl he made:leaves as Ihe cool summer breeze ••miethirii; off Ills chesl. Keeping in'ca' v»"i<-'c or gel out. He prncti- the very swiftness and sure- with incendiary bnrnlis. Nothing is ninclc (hem flutter about? If you
silie.s as well is liiMii-ies. The Kot'CTinneiil inuvod steadilj lo [iretrnt iirirr
(Tfnsrs anil Mil>M'i]iinit inl lion.
Of vile! concern In a lar;;e sec-
tion of t i e public was Price Admin-
i.stra.tor Leon ilc-ndc^ons .decision CnIucini,.in.u||iyv ..,-.,<1-,1,,1,,.„,-,n .,|i,:i.rniio,.;. So did "''- ni"i'lnl iietore him. auainsi Ameiica on the part of the'If not I personally, (hen Ihe next[ en ilovvn, miplit have heen v-ic- After nn air raid has hit Mor- '1>OUCI' througli the swaying inc. n '"' a' iuy '1|ice ''Ol1' cvcryboiiy else around Ihat house. "I !-:«'.iw how to wail,- theneiv- A\is. 1 would make n RUCS.S and: Fuehrer. Germany will not EO| timized by an cmlra^ed nnd iison believes il i.- essentml' lo do !"anciies an<1 "'UtennK leaves.
" on cigat-ct.s. L'ivinp you the iincomfui ta'nle fed- "»•' nidutii sni.l siuid.-uly. with apay Ihat lie had a hnd consi-ience.jdown hefore Rooso'velt and I c.ini hysterical public.
A Ihife-honr conference with in; Unit none but !!ie Kuchn-i-'<|Uick draw of lirealli. and MVithou! knowing it. I was a :<ort wait until he is gone. j r in v ai1 j
'^lass door leading into Ihe rential
house of l-'nchrei fieadijuiu'li-ts liiiiuU iif-U'.een hi-, kii'T-.
nnt1 wore tnhen into enstocly hy
olu c asnl (flt:c l!lc "Any
that Inoked HOI unlike n comfmt-
aij!-' hunting,' iod^e Inside ilie
small luil! with its mounted rlcei There was a moment of hc.-iu- jllii.s imisler of Nazilanrt bad in his
hearts, flunkies with booted hlack lion a.-, ills eves cam- lo ie-t;pocket the /ero hour he bad fixetp "He anil I are al war. and even tection to those foreign-horn districts. liemcmher. incendiaries.Avhisnorinq voices.'
l'anl> and white coals without .-iraij;iit uprm inc. Miivins no doubt for'.s attack on us and the;if lie goes inlo his White House innocent nf wronK-clnini; who. can and do come by thc thon-i '^1K' Ina! 's s°- ^OL' '^ is [3ic voice
Kmiwt ilcnv tn \\ait
mind ihal even at that moment i ^'. hAd to set inlo r* war with nmre iiii]iorlanl Hian an aclrrjnate'closed your eyes and listened, you ; m r ness wi t h which law enforce-
1 1
, To maintain the pei-rniiiallyhiRhi.,,-!'" '"' ' ., ,. |by a warm spring shower?
i American Pacific possessions.) i level of il.s efficiencv. the F. B "I.I ... , ."' fc(vll»K l]ll>1 they] Or have you rememhered when
" " "
annther linarcl. Until that still small voice within H Itbey have n<d heen lowered "(Jet somelhintr dnne for them >a^' '° >'011' "My peace I give unto
Full and t\un sizes. Closely tufted on heavy sheeting. White. Rose. Turquoise, Blue, Maize, and Peach.
Street Floor
mips nf officials."
\Vnrtinir have not
ransrif tin- r. H. f. to relax
emphasis upon the reglllar
vielalicicis nf federal laws over
which il IMS investigative ju-
risdiction. The tendency to- Iradiel u', I shall have K
ward increased crime rales failli in kyscrapors," he said. It seeming successes are empty fail- during emergency periods slrrl '
$1.44 and $1.69 SHIRTS
"Wrtild-FJralor" snil "K^lcy" bronrtclolhs. Mostly fnnry pal- tTllf. Attai-hffi onI- lai'f. II In 17.
Street Floor
prints of applicants ('or posilions Children'sWear. in tlir- s^verninenl and dofons^ in- nu.'-ti'tcs. ft'l^t^n sciivched through Hie F. I" L fin^orprinl file.', have ic\calon previous activities, often
llian any other type nf structure. II seems a shame lhal material "Indeed, skyscrapers may he success makes so many of us forest
Winter Hats. Sweat- lie;;. -~>'V \\Vri. Sp( ;: i9c ers, fishy Bonnris. Revs' Kloii$.\; and .li-rsejs. Reg. 7!V to
| linger 01 hrr narao;-. which woulri rnpeaii possessions in the west-
IOC -51.??. \Vcd. Special 39c f*<" i">>--ll>'-
t in
MILLINERY.. Tsilovrl Fei! , H Black. \Vir..\ Gr--
eil Tailoieil B; ii:-,<
ii i
hii''"." i: <if i n\ f >; u:;ii i*in .1; >' ro to >''.ip I ho subvt%i>A »•>
-capitaleelsiisflrs(realblack-'stat" °scctUttircsare',; o«;l test tonigr.t. eeording to federal rule. Joyce
Homes wiil he dxrkened. will serve without pay. street lights Inrnrrt off in p.irt
Second Floor
ti: protect the irit\-,i,s upon of the city and all ordinary
l,-anizatic,i,s were railed into active duly with the F. B. I. immediately after the.- declaration of war.
mtl in line after line, talking to heard il while oul under the star-
lit heavens of a summer's night America'far away from thc beaten path of
MEN'S COUNTER-SOILED nmsl he offset by mnrc effec- frnnic. (-oncri-lr-roiiiforiTil huilil- ,\« my fiiciic! v as he
achieve full national strength.
In cases investigated by tile
V. R. I. fnr the year rndiii!;
June 311. I!UI. there were jinirl to civil defense. 1 wcjulcl in fi!8"' convictions, more than -.ny Ihnt nne would be relalively
"Ic'-tTiirt^r foreign at:'"^'1'-
r<s>;-!ant riireetor of i'ne Ma-.-. Fericiaii.jn of Taxpayers as.-o?ia- tion anri foimer executive secre- tary of the Lowell Taxpayers as- soiialion. yesterday was named 'state administrator hy the newly.
: foi;v,M state rationing board.
" Morrison were
'Tnlil your authorities
vVithoul thc c<ir> lhal can hear that slill small voice all material
tive law enforcement tn ins willistanils a lininhln^ better shook hands and said:
you. I am feeling low and don't 1
would arise from such attack.
.,,., . . . .. . . . , .ler.stands and the eyes Ihat see."
' eep going until noiv. ment finielinned served ns pro- watch over and protection nf suclr'-ould imagine it sounded like
nment took our lhin;.'.s ami for a .-[.lit second lo identify aqain Mih.-ci|iient dr-elnralion of war:for a fourth term. I will be here. If law enforcement hail hrol;- sands." ' [of the breeze expressing its genlk
As nn indication of the lir:emen-
oflicials o! the American Tobacco should be heard or seen, lesl per- ' - - ' "-'ilei! three years'of lather i-rinfes.-ot-to him. He was "Then we shall see what is what j (IcilK nit'rowSP m.""I'l'i,p"',r"^n"l;ir1^"n"f""i"hr">'lhem a hiiouti d*iriiInIIkK. S.jcetrnunludUl>v, kKTMCCiI>' i,"iI ,• 5' ' i rcmemheterl
1v\-o things for the wounded, Or have you cvcr felt Ihe cool
shocked and homeless. First "ivei plashing of a summer shower ! lon OU1 (acc aml
blessing and n very valuahlr ad- II
"e only Ihings worth rcmemhcr-
in any prcvinris year. These safe in a skyscraper anywhere
'['lie indc-ntifit-ation divi>ion of
the F. ii. I. i> pioviciin^; a >eivice:
o, the u'mns! impoitance t.i the: "" " «.vs "rr sn deep that column, tcill use. only initials.)
deep as nurs. It is because jt'itt nnt mfntinn name* in his 1 stlw
overnment. lo law enfcirrement nlall>' "' ltlP|" r""l'l be turned in-
nKem'ier. nnd tn all u; sbelters. Hut I hclievc, thai
Tlio filo-i of thi.* division contain en New Vnrk, aiiy«ay. f would First Mass at over 31,COO.OOr> sets of finirci'prints. rather lake a rlianee -in a sl;v-
As an example of this ain, ilierc ' scraPrr- liavo licon instances \^]ieic itn^er-
St. Patrick's at 5.30
m\VKU,-A change, in the nia^s 5ciicdule for New Year'? rtay si SI. Patrick's church was announced today.
Thc tirst ma;.= v.MI he eele- hratcrl at S.30 a. m.. insleriri nf at (5as originally announcer!. Other masses will be at 6. 1.
lio;ji; of trust demandinp unqunli- Anieni-an officials rio no! rieuot S.W 'in upper and loiver
j rondor them \ni(!t?siroblo (or po:-i- ern hemispliere,
llcte was a man without any
money worries, and thai was why
the things that I should do anri the many tilings I should leave