Page 21 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 21

 THE LOWELL SUN clock and
Pages 6,
Associated Press — International News Sen-ice—THE COMPLETE NKWSPAPER-Unitcd Press-Associated Press Wtrcpliot*
verything Is ;u.i
Capital City Kept on Edge, Scanning Sides for Bombers
63rd Year No. 306
Lowell Mass. Tuesday December 30 1941
X 20 Pages 3 Cents TOK10, Dec. :tf). (OlTicial broack'iist recorded by AP)— A Japanese military spokes- man declared today that operations in the Philippines were moving according to schedule and predicted the
Drive for 300 Volunteers Gets Off to Fine Start
LOWELI, More than 7(1 citi- zens from all walks of life re- sponded last night to the call for auxiliary lire fighters during the present emergency nml were quickly enrolled at a session hehl at Ihe West, Sixth .street lire itation.
(.'apt. \\'m. 3. Corhclt of
the fire department, in charge
of the auxiliary force, today
urgently requested nther men
in the city fo register as quick-
ly ns pnssihle in fire stations school for volunteer auxiliary firemen got under way af the West Sixth street station last night, war, was attacked four limes Strong Japanese throughout the city so that by Japanese planes during
needed force of 3flO could he under direction of Captain William Corbeit and Lieutenant Joseph Gallego. Primary objective t!ic night.
Attack Fought Off North of Manila
of the training course will be the organization of men schooled in handling emergency situa-
Last night's session wasrievolcci,- j . .,, . . . ., . . . -A communique of the Malaya strictly to registrations. An- tons dur"19 possible air raids. Volunteers may sign up any night this eek at any of the de- commanrl, said some damage was
he forthcoming payment's firehouses. Shown registering, around the table, beginning at left—Robert Cot- done,to thatched buildings and lire am n J
fortified zone, front ditpatcheA to the newspaper Pravda sairt today. The correspondent said that the Germans had proparrd
'(•iui al his sidp, aniMirnndin^ over the man he hated.
"He u'unts lo run tlie world and roh us all of a place in the sun. He says lie, wants lo save Knglaml but he means lie w.inl.s fo hi; ruler and heir of the British empire. "I first, saw this sonic years ago. who Roosevelt be-
Ti.rcc * - J° " - Sill, Lieut. Gallego, John J. Savage, Albert LaFerriere and Charles P.Carr.
tics \vcre reported.
II was asserted that the Jap-
RussiansBlast Need of Important Money
In every fund drive, like thnt now goiiiK on lo finnnee the Red Cross, Hie larger ;;ifts are what makes possible tlie large quotas. We are socking SflO.OOO from this eoninuinilv
TwoTeachers anese, had suffered enormous casualties In uu attack 0,1 the Perak river line nml elsewhere. it was added, the situation was
'The Japanese claimed tin? fall
f Ipoh. (he tin renter on Ilic PC-
off -slrong" Japanese arlillery and infantry attacks nbout GO "miles north of Manila loilsiy as United .States army planes appeared over Ihe north I-ti/on fiKhliiiK front.
Afi[icnrjiiier of the Ainerienn plnnek (MiKurilliif; Hint nir re- inforcements mny Itnvr ri-nch- ed the Philippines) uns Krcpf- <-d \iilh <'hcrrs in tfn-. linllle 7-onc.
FromDefense for immediate Red Cross war emergenrie.-. and v.e can jjet it only it there is'a ready response from those who ean give the more considerable sums- say from S50 to $1000 or more—to serve as backlog for the multitude of smaller givers to whom a contribution of n dime or a dollar may actually represent a greater personal sacrifice than lhat made hy
I nnllmir.l „„
r n t r
I 0
Singapore, raid free since APPLICANTS FOR AUXILIARY FIRE FORCE—Enrollment for the Lowell fro department's new (he firsI days of the Pacific
A conuiiuniiiue issued liy Mai.
Crawl Over Trenches! the man or woman who contributes more. What we want Raymond J. Amiro Drive Over all night and continued today in in^cur ;J'|N (o rule tl'f- leort'I).
Through Barbed and must have is "importanl money" as Ihe vernacular the Cannnnlusin sector, which lies
Wire in Advance
MOSCOW, Dec. "0 f.iv-lhfi
ppcech usually calls the larger sum?. There'll he smaller Kifts in plenty, but they won't he enough in make ihe quota. ^'">, if you arc one of the forlunale people who can afford a Bigger gift, make that gift arid make it now. Time War-needs wail for no man. We're afur SOO.WiO her" and we're away behind—too far for our credit. (live whaf you
and Grace Watters
due north of ihe i apitnl. By PIERRE J. HUSS "During the night of December
War Bulletins trrnchcj?, dugouts, harhed wire Governor's Words May Knife . Raymond J. AmiTM, teacher ofj:CroF?. for f'jfi.Wi as this citv'j KOMI-;. Ore. 30 (Offieiul entanglements and blockhouses •commercial snbj'ri<, v.ho was ie- sharo of ,t 55<Vi(iO I'I'B'I war ch^si ISrnmtras! Krcnnleil By ,AI'>
In one sector, hut Ihc Rus- sians broke through Dec. 'J-J
in several places simultanr- ously after crossing thr. river. (The sector u as not idcnlil;<::J.
but probably rcfoircd to the :iv-r
Cnniii p.l ]'.1C<- Pl hr
Skid Crash at West!ord
Haverhill Man
Suffers Broken Leg
'Special to Th" Kun> WKSTIORI), Dec. .",'•>-Alivrr K. Watts of 13 Doane stieet. Haves - hill, injured ]r<M ni^hi, when hi? machine skidderi on Acton road, stnick Ihc rear of another car and then n-ishc.'i into
a tree.
V.'atis was laken ir, an ambu-
nuiillier of hiRli rxgilnsive iWhrn I began to show him that meddling in European
:lion '
(INSH—,\n Allied military ronnril hn^ nr>w IK rn for- nmlly rslahlivhrd in DnrnK- kin'^. n i;n\ rrnmrnl vpnkcs- tnaii :uirii*nri( f-d toila>, and '•Irjis lsn\r hrr-n tatirn to rro- Jilc Milir.rrlinnle inachiiHT\ .
me. not Ir, fa\-e and pro-
>lnnufachlrilli; (n.
Saltonstall Cautions Cities and Towns
Against Spending for Fire-Fighting Equipment; Hurry to Spend $74,000 Here
jherc in defense v.ork. His rosig-^he finance committee of ihc ram- Alhem. It rlaitnril the raid
nalion \vas -^vilhnut stiei ess." is effective immediately. .TiniKii an)K,nn'f-d the foiknir,^
! Miss Giace V.'aiur.-. teacher in'fiifls lo ihr drive isi Ih mini ol < 111 Xf.KIMi. Drr. SO
:all conlrol of himself and Ix-s^ui his campaign of vilification, •\Vilh hisKullits and Kiddles he' -- : •
McDonougfi fo Begin Move Destined to Aid Defense Program
Billerica Sailor is Missing
Family of Lester Smith Notified by Navy Department
\Vit!i the < ity ><-hed- c-: ru live apparatus
u'liti'-'ii ''-.-.ihf.Ts'^Yi sj'eiv/ini,-.'"' Thf uo^ rrnfir, in his ilr r-Jar-
I'iKts anil I.'-niti.-ui], Inr. lirrlrani A. McKiltrifU
B!IJ.rHICA--\Vorrf rcceixetl fi-o:n the navy rir ar,,;.:'.].;rl Im.i. hut anc:-';. .-r;.-;i'r-. ,''.Mar->: 0:1 ci,r,\i1rifr;d b.ii.i "I.'r j,rr. ni'
lance lo St. John's hi-pita). l.o-.v.
ell. where- ho vas foum to h?.vr
.sufferer! a fr.iclurcri right Ic-j. la- r.ior.t that Letter Smith of I.ON this amount to ho for inipro\r- '.Vnol-.M-cif, Rr.'! AiY^iirrsn Cr-.r,. rtr.ilions of hot'n le:;> and ah:,-- ingion read, second class >•; mrnt nT thr- (irr dopartmont.
fcnvr lirrr, with Sr1,00ft i»f 'rrnft. Oft a -hat:-- VM" IJ^lhlr-h-rr,. of the U. H. r.avy. is "miv All liut SOOno is tn he us*l for
n>ac .me >.<is „. n^^^a.^- fc,i!c)wing action jn pcrrormancc of i>r\\ njuipnifnt and four piros TODAY'S SUN INDEX a(;ed and was lowed to a of apparatus arc to I)? }iotiKht.
forrt Rarase. The sc-cor,'? car ir.- his duty at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Hctni;--: of the <3'.-]ay in oblain-
volvcd was r.o; rtamaped. on the morning of Dec. 7. inVA T.?V>' , fir<? c-'V^r1'-"^'''- cxtro:riC Anmsemrnls lfi|] na,|jn
Serving in Army, to
.Such n step has heeu re«)ncst- cil nf all communities by the. federal otlice of production
U. S. TRKASt'HV Seaman Smith, wfia is the son : ha~ been puisued by tiic Vjty u^^i^ 3 U . <irrek »»•, 1 of Mr. s\nd Mrs. Lester Smith of in i>;aci,v orders for the af.para- |>litori»U .... I ft, In, It Sport-,]
nutlec, announced today he will bis resignation as cbaiiman
or Hie Republican cily commiitce tion conuniltec on Iho quc«- at. tlie ncNl rcRiilar meclinc on
thr thin! Monday of January,
WASHINGTON, Dec. "0 UN? -- 1
lus. v.ith Ihe bit!:- due to be opened Mallon
ne\i Tue-day. I'carson. Alien t I7 . ( lassifiril
\Vhetlt, or nr.t •!,<• Kovcrror's Hiii-h .If.bnsnn I .> Mr». I!orisr\cll : K,Hrilila Hopper iiK r,ff any n l.'ella Parsons 13,10, Al \\illianr
iats nat
Lexington road, this tov-n, WB.S ••5i.i3S: internal rc-veniiif, ?i.K>,v said to |-,E.VC been attached to Kr
t II. lo . Wnmrn's
Treasury balance LV-c. i7— V.. !^^,- 1
'1'iie llciiahililalion committee will nice: Friday and. plans will he formulated for the' submission
54,537S!0..Vti; cxpcndi-1struck n\ .lap bombs in the si flUaclisft Ptari HMbfir,.
('apt. I'rarson will continue
as n mcmTirr of Ihe rommil-
trc, as ,1 member nf Hie llc- of the nintler lo the incoming
ritir'i ami trtuns at,'fiii^^t ^jif nrl-
inc ninnoy fnr firc-ficMini,-
riju.pturnt, until it i> kiuiun
\\hat con(;rrs.v plans to <lo
\\ ith If cisiation apprnpriatinK
I.Ott'KI.I,—Tlic placing of the I.ovvcl! Trade school on a j-'l-hoar basis lo meet in part jdie. flon'.atui of Ihc nation's war- niinstries for skilled \vork- School Committeeman.irrFwiII be soiiRhl by School Com- n;itieemen Cleiiicnt G .McDonough.
\K\\ ^'0»Kf bo ::••; .AP- J},r
of the present school year.
the <}<>
Stock Market
SI'i and ovrr:
.>Irrrirnnf k
I vbriclsr \\nrslcd Cn., Inr.
Thr >[}rikeviiiail cffdinrd lo Middlrsfv Cn-o|n raliir hank i dhu!s< Ihe persnnnrl 1t,t Ijn- r-r its inline-dial' fmir-
Kurope into the wiiri
at km f>r a vfat*- nnrrpc-ncj lir- ' !
1 1 > oi K :-.-- r-;r! e<[ .1 i,/nrj Mr.r) on
Goes "AllOut" for UncleSam Children,CowsandHimself
rirriiir <iriil Mar I i
N"w Yoik . oral >car.-.
lioin in Denmark, lo It.u l.'mlcd Slate.'
d Ins farm near here since
rmi -* r.J \hc war, cautinnrd
1 t
;•. rj-..v;---; :r-(yr'r> ir.r(*.r t<vfny nrvi
I'rri- i> ttif'n'il or j'j;i- ':r,n^ in', !"'i]-|i";
•.,.f,,i.. .
'^' '< >''••' <•>',:'.'. ti '..'>:. it;,;-i nv^'mcrii
Pearson fo Resign as G.O.P .Boss
SI00,000/10ft for MIIli rrmip- v.:i- i"i;i:-!r;j<;M fur T. S, ,SU':1.
mrnl. An-.r m.-iji 'l'"]-':\:'}',r,> . Anaror.rirt.
\\ith tlir A[)pro\at ftf Uin t'nion", is-\r.r>\t]^ ToL-;-1•-»
city COUIK il, M.i> or Ashf lior- "11", S'--,n^ F','>"lj.|fv;. X. V. fVnUn', ro\\rcl .^9(1,000 f'»r civilian dc- So;:lhr:r, P<viJi'' .'ITK! Sx\r:lv.^ A:r-
r t
Tninir^ ... IR, 1ft 16 ^ampasco'ipirs
lias alrenily conferred with I'rani; G. \V. MeKillrkli, chair- nmn of the Lowell Kchahilita-
fait of Manila before .Ian. 10.! At the same lime tliei spokesman warned thai Cal-; cut (a or any other Far Kasl-i ern city would be homhcdj OpenFurious by the Japanese air force if! il were converted into a sup-! ply base for the Chinese'
Jap Planes
Bomb Assau
Meanwhile, Ground Forces Attack With Heavy Losses
government at Chungking. He issued the warniiid, he siici,
MANILA DEFENSE LINES—The U. S. war department says that
SINAPORB, Dec. 30. (UP)
—Japanese planes opened aj AM M Jt,_| .£ furious assault on Singapore!All iV oi OT
land key points of the Malayj '
1peninsula today as Japanese
[ground forces attacked heav-
jily, and at heavy cost, on the
jPerak river line 300 miles CheersTroops jnorth of this island.
riy KUAN/, WKISHLATT WITH r. H.Alt.MY, ()\ XOHTH in these buildings ignited n small J''R().\rl', Dec. ;iO (UP)— gasoline store. Only four casual- American defense forces fouglit
I.OU'F.I,I. .-The campaign ]Lowell chapter. American lied
hccnusc of reports Hint plans Philippine defense forces had been consolidated in Pampanga
were afoot to transfer Dui'iiia Province 1 1 ) , indicating a new defense line midway between rorul transportation facilities niul
personnel from Hnngnon to Cul- jManila and the LIngaycn gulf |2|, where Japanese Iblack ar- nitln.
Tlir .Japanese nnvy, tne'nu-
rows!, have driven inland. Manila heard a report that the Jap- anese were falling back from Tayug (white arrow.) Japanese reinforcements were reported landing on the southern front (3.) Observers saw the possibility of a defense stand in Batangas Province 141, if need should arise.—AP WIREPHOTO.
whllo, Ksuril
n ronimuniijiic
I'nice Tlur
U.S. Planes
Hitler Rants at Roosevelt's Acts
Tells Huss President Started "Undeclared
War on Me Through Speeches, Boycotts and Political Intrique in Europe's Capitals"
(Millar's note: Yeslcnlati Pierre ,/. Huss, for eight years eliteI cnrrcspnudctit. t,f lnlcrnnli<,n«l A'nrs Kcrcict, presented Ilie first, nf tlirce instnhneiiln nf nn cxcluxh-c interview given liim un the Kiiatcrn 1'runl n fei'' weeks <ir/o bij Adolf llitler.
(In it. lir dinrlosed far Hit first time Hint Hitler is fear- ful of Prrsidi-iil finnarretl i:nd Ilir United ,S7n(cs, described ilrninnticiilli/ lion- tin: fr'imlircr is preoccupied ifilli Ike ap- piitlinn lil.-fliliniitl Unit hi tins risittil destruction instead of i-irlnri/ npim dcnuniii niul disputed of flic chililish story that Ilithr "r/;fM'.'f I~H!/X" li'hin Itc in nvum.
(Tmlny Iliifx enntinurit l/n'.-r e-rtrnovdiiiary dnsc-ttri, im- RedCross Gen. .lonolhan Wainv.-rl^hl said dfrtt-QTfd i>\i /((';,- turn direct ({iinlnli^if:, of the iilnn It'ho I hat figlilinj; had linen in progress tnnii finds himself nppnsnl I,// nil the. democracies in his
Accept New Posts
(Spcda! lo The .Sun)
TO\\ NSKM), Ijr:c. 3d _ Two more high school leathers, have •submitted their re.'isnalions to ac- jccpt iicv,' po.sitions, bringing to 'four Ihe number of teachers v.ho ;have left heic rincc (he beginning
Kan his undeclared war on me through speeches, boycotts, fused an iiulttinitf leave of ah-1for Red Cross iclief work snrRivl —The [Inlian hi^h rnmninnd ;md political intriguing in all chancellories of Europe.
IPlans to Buy Fire Equipment ponce, has re.sjj;ned to hc< ome a .over Ihe $'>:',,ti(>ti mark today w'itb rrpnrlfa Inilny a lirilish nir
'first aid in5lriictor for the!Ihc release of numerous special rnit) on Orrece in \\hlch n I-A'cry time I reached forth my hand ho slapped it down.
Russians have blasted Gnrman
Iroops from drfcnFcs on the Oka|
river, including one clnhoratcly| can—a little if you must, a lot if you are able, nut DO !T!
man v,ilb medium ailillciy and NKW VOKK, Dec. 3(1. (INS)—"Ja, Herr Roosevelt— launcheil an attack on a one-mile and hi.s Jrivs!"
front." Mie communique said.
The dastardly conduct of Ihe enemy ought to be quite enough to shock you into action.
Numerous Special Gifts Boost Local Campaign Total
"Our forces held thHr lines. Tin; now-stwvlinK Ilillrr added lliis as an aftcrlhoughf. The .Jnimncsr nre rnnliriuirig iHf .scrmcd (o be lulling fo himself, forgetful of the Aincrl-
$23,000 Mark 2!)-:',ri Ihe Japanese shelled Cabana-' 'Conyi iglit Reproduction in v.liolo or part strictly prohibited.)
.American Keel (joso at Aloran-[Kills.
;dria. Virginia. Hr. has been active' Chairman Wilhrun (',. spciicc c.| Imnifis \\rrf dropped near :affnirs was not so easy and might be dangerous, he lost
<<< nnafiy's
1 th" oh'nlct" ilfniocrrtcie;.-. hut i
Hold Other Posts
I.OUT.U, Cap! Joliri H. Teir-
.son, Tr,ernbr'r of Ilie school com- management and McT)onoii£h
— fcoptinuci) on. rose Jjirco -_ I.,. f<»ullnu«'} on . Thi«
   19   20   21   22   23