Page 20 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 20
Boston Without Ship Passenger THE LOWELL SUN Boston Chinese Offers $500 Defense Bond
Service for First Time in History
BOSTON, Dec. 30. <UP)--JT!oston "pns without ship passenger service today for the lirsl time in history.
The Savannah Line Ocean Steamship Co, operators of the last, passenger ships to (his port, aljnmlonrrl such service Boston. NY\v York and southern points.
Executive Editor
of Sun in Navy
J,0WKLl. - rr.'-ic Sim claimed ttiV fiiiolher of The Sun fnmily vr«t'-n!r.y Whf'tl Cli'JlU'Ill C. (.'oMfllo. '?'•! Ari'iover stnTl, enlist"''! in UK I'mted Stiitos navy.
editor of Thr- Scji, li.'rl l^^n prim.irily omipici) v.'ith tlie liandliim of v. ;u iupv-s. ptt'turp.- and mrtps siru-.' (l-iiiumy in- vaded I'oland -HI Sfpl'-mlifi !,
Britain's Minister of Home Security Advises on Civilian Defense
Herbert Morrison, lirittriii'x hrunc .srcrf('irit mnf minif;'fi nf It owe fifcttrifif, </</»• int» his iccnlth vf rsjtrritucr in directing cii'ilimi tlt'ffttxc t>i fiivc America FOWC n<h-ir.r n to hnu: to cnpc u:ith nir rni>l in thr following fsctnxivf in tcrrifu: with Intcrnnti^im A'cw$ SVrrtec Corres/jymkn Inez Kobb.
By INKZ ROBB LONDON, Dec. ,'iO (INS)—In Ihe realm of civil defense this is a neighbor's war, Herbert Morri- son, Britain's minister of home
3 I Battered Soldiers, Some Wounded, Reach
Manila—Claim Japs RawRecruits
Admiral Muselier Refuses to Turn Over Custody to Vichy
Hy K!N<;S1!U!Y SMITH WASIIi.wro.V, Dec. 30 'INS) - IlcKiclaiu'C uf Ihe free Krencli to
withdraw from the Norlli Atlantic i land ouljioMs ol St. Pierre and Mi'iuelon today was undersloorl lo le complicalinf! Ihe efforts of Sec relary of Slate Hull to settle the emijat raising problem.
Admiral Kmile Musclicr, wlin led the surprise naval coup that resulted in l-'ree French occupation nf the islands, is reported to he sluhhorllly op- Iiosed to Ihe restoration of Vichy French sovereignty over Ihe liny posesiinns olr the .Newfoundland coast.
Following his occupation of (he
| INS) The |)lrtm nf Air A.^soriat'1; a[)C'rn!cd al full |>ro'iiic-tion
a ,-i| rnin- 1
1 nitt'it .s'/(/frs .'c/irii ti' it f
KCNDIV N. .!..
i. :in II. A. F. offircr. four ficor* ;un| !00 int^rnrrl Chi- f'lifi'.'r.s who s\ITO rrlfasrfl ""' i'ai'ific war hngrnv
ulriirl;' \\'lml hna l>rnt itniic inln this area. | toration of Vichy sovereignly Henry Ff. Arnold, indiVatin*:JKi>h <Rj N- Y.
ing v.itlulia\'.al of r'n'iv' lioiiiil ' which tins control!'.-:! th'<-• Ir'fouuvv,'a;ufn-
Han [Position that Ihe good (ailh of Ihe international fame.
Sun- I'niled States has been pledged to Whclher the 39-ycar-oM "Flying i-fsped Ihe Vichy sovereignty of Colonel" v.-il! he j;iven active scr- those islands as long as Franc \pit;e, whether he will he assigned
.MANILA, l;t'i'. .'{<> M*.'SJ Tin M -im-* K-iircivri soUtn'-i:-. son wriLjiiflr-ri. an'ivnJ in .Manila [m thr M'jrih'-ni front 1od-ty. ITIII iitX. ''inrii'>, fif fierco American ;u Kliftiim n':-i».1;mi-e finri [he ftni'l n-t'iila! u't'.'t^JK-ss of .T;t;j morale.
Miiny «if thr .Jaimiirsr s<jl- <lirrs Miry dt'C'ltirnl, arc mm.1 rnw rrrniits,
A runniter "f Mir m'-n irarlij ;
K to lake lo llir opnu ]o;i-].
i ;uK'>'.' pn>
! v,TiT> 1,'ikc
['•d. di-;irn r-r] ;md u Uriid ihry lint] nol | two d.ny>.
Tlir-y iiJTivt'fl in
xlmustfil ,'iflrr hiking ovrr inoun Vr-ll.
primps of milivr
"It's either a ro-onrrnlivr show A dinmnlio story of how 380 Brit-
or it's nothint; at all," wild this ish and Chinese officers and men
brisk, witty man \vlin Is rrspon- escaped from ; on Christ- Buried in
Mble for thr vast nir raid [irernu- nins nioinin<; am'. .i^hl their
tions network and the titanic, way through Jap imval units to
civilian defense effort of Ilntnin. safely reached ChunK^:rnt todfiv. Weird Coffin
"This iici&lifoor's hnsinrss,'' rrm-
tinuecl the home security m'mis- Admiral C'hnn-(link, nnr nf
in any successful civilian defense dicr.s nrrivt'd on the KWOIIK-
jiropram. Kvery ciliirn musil frrl tmifi const nf China. a weird coffin, a oonorcU'-weiyhlrd ' he lias a stmre nf rcspcmMlriltt.v They estva|ied from Hon^koiif;iniidjjet submarine, as Hear Ad- il, the M'Ui[K" iiHoard five nnval ajieodbonts nnd imiral Chesler Niinit/ prepared lo|
Asitesatinfrontofthe then(orfour<lnysofftheSouthtakecliarKeofIhePnci/icfleetinj of ft fireplace in his lartrc, l-jChina c i*l battled Jap nrival "\vorkaday slyle." j
CmiNGitlNT., Dec. 30 (INSl— Marshal Elenri Petain thanking the .lapaneso forces suddenly in- latlcr for his assurances lhat
I-ranee woulfi remain neutral in •peen the United Stales
is restored in Ihe islands, French America's most famous I Americans regardless of our atli- Kian^si provinces. Amhassador Gaston EIcmy-Hayeis lergh, Uld rast
I ' K A K I, HAKFiOIi, December •W (INS*—A would-no Jfii>aii- tory, about 8(1 oftirrrs nst> invader of Hawaii slipped "Every citirrn must [ilay n. jmrl nnd men nnil 111(1 Chinese stil- bc- n (' ri t h the waves today in
creased the fco)ie of their atlaeks
on (lie entire central ChineseamitheAxis,
ter, "hi essence hnils doivn in at! seriousnesstohcinj:your tirij;h- hor's keener.
Mir boldest nnd mnst rnnmntir. fii;ure.sIn("hiFirst*rmvnlTiis-
alt k P( nrl
Army Leaves Air Associates
achieved some success with •tnpanese capture of Kaoan, 3.~i miles .sniillnvest nf Nan-
Latest vo]ioi Ls said the -fap.^
.still v.crc rushing reinforcements from the islands nnd Hie res-
colonel, followed other erst-
unils in a "hide [ind seek" en- off the South Cliinn
ly, r\hruisiod nv thrir or- hi- Mirvivois niarlr a land-
admitled 20,000 Japanese to establish an observation post solationists.
at St. Pierre to watch the wire- Symholizins the national
dent's foreign policy, Lind- hergb enpafjod in extended speaking tours under auspices of tliR super-isolationist Amer- ica First committee.
Chini'M- rrpnrls sniil Ijml rnrty r.ti ( Kristmns inornint.'.
srnlinc the nnny, lifnu;.! tlic |nirly slr.illliily
finc-p Ocl. :v.
IMill's .V.i. / (i-Miin )"ir I'-'C inl-
Cfil. liny M. .Intir^. n-]irr- under cnvi-r nf dnrlill
mains neutral in the'war. to a technical post, or whether his I,V.\.V. Dec. 31 (UPi—A special
plant over to rmlmr (•. <'n- litlrn. nr\v (irrvidctil of company nl ~t |i. in
and \vitl3tlrcw ttir
in li. J)
speeillinats armed ll nn<l
i:lins eacli nnd cnjmhle
siile a flock after its rapture. On" Ky -1. KDGAK 1IOOVKR nf ils sisl'T ships was w.Tflird lip Din-dor of the Federal Bureau
manner in which the Free urre matters of intense specula- ressional district tonay to fill the
i ?i r ' ' rn o
WASHINGTON. Dec. :w UN'S)— \s war wi t h .startling ferocity en- I Knifed thi I'niicd Stales, tho Fed- ral Hiireaii of Investigation nf Iho I riiited str.u-s department of justice
Mount Minton, 97-year-old groat-greai-qr andmother, who nursed soldiers returning irom the Civil war, daily scans ;he sides in Highlands, N. J., as e volunteer airplane spoitcr. bhe
LOVE CONQUERS ALL—Mrs. Robert Leonard, 27-year-olrJ Ibridc of three months, whose husband, Sergt. Robert Leonard of the U. S. army was trans- ferred to Hawaii two weeks
In Total Prizes
v llcn
|ElectionToday in 7fhDistrict
It furthermore feels Ihat (he application \viit bo turned down, el'-ction was held in (he 7th con-
t li^ cnrij-.t. n Bi'ilish
'i'ho pnrl v in- informal ion niin-
eign policy and ' volunteered Robert K. Wood, al<o has volun-
rilmos! • vasion
of (lie Ireat^ri Iho
war. It'll bo before my 100th Irnm a Iree hea: ^'arson's l-rarh 'was in i°r '0 days and wnicn
birthday, too." — AP WIRE- he- cached her husband. "I'mall
.lup^rH^c1 in j-olrjit't
VICIJV, Drc. 3n. (INS)—J-'nnnrr J'n-iiiifr F^loinirtl Dnlnilirr, l.onn liltnn niitl fonnor Cm. Ouslavr (innicUn h-ft I'nrt I'orlnlrt ludny alter hi'Inji hold nt Ilio fortress ftir srvcrnl rnnnthv
U was rrpnrtrd that (hoy wrrr hrlnn latini lo Kinm, whrrc they will tio placed on (rial fnr llicir prul in loading I'rnnt-o Into tlic umutTossful ivnr with (icrniFuiy.
One-Legged Chinese Admiral Leads to Thrilling Escape at Hongkong
islands, the admiral conducted
jplcbiscile and reporled I hat the
fishing folk voted OS per cent for
the Free French cause. He there
upon announced his intention of
lesislihg any efforts lo withdraw
Free French control, nnd issued
i ACTRESSES LEARN FIRST-AID—Film Actresses Myrna Loy, left, regulations reportedly forhiddin- FILM STAR WEDS—Irish-bora screen actress Maureen O'Hars ships of "any nationality" from en
jand Lili Damita, right, a member of the Red Cross Volunteer lering the territorial waters of the is kissed by Will Price, film dialogue director, of McComb, Miss., [Reserve Corps, were among attendants at the first-aid class islands without special permission. after wedding af St. Mary-of-Pines convent in Chayawa, Miss.,
security declared lod<u. niCNGKIMr, Dei: 30 (INS) — Jap Invader
'conducted by the Red Cross at Beverly Hills, Calif., yesterday. Mrs. Charles Miller demonstrates bandage technique to them.— AP WIREPHOTO.
Japs Increase Pressure |On Central Chinese Front
The American government finds itself in nn emharrassiiiff position over the incident, he- cause of promises given Vichy thai no attempt would he made, lo lake over the French. possessions in this hemisphere a* lone as France did not turn over Ihe French fleet and Afri- can basest to the. Axis.
This promise is understood lo have heen reaffirmed by President Roosevelt in his recent message lo
yesterday.—AP WIREPHOTO.
Lone Eagle, Heretofore Leading Isolationist,
Asks Permission to Join Armed Forces
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3D (INS)-- Dec. S, Ihe day after Japan's sneak
Thf-M* ni>'n fought in Ifir, Dani'irtis sector of (fir nnrth- rrn frunl. \vfii'rc Ifu-y urn- MihjiTh'ii In virimis muchinr Kim fin* nnd other hnnicr
lir' from supimrtmi; -la[) naval
unit?* which funnt llicin to re- tin-, where11[inn tin- .Jnp;un'sr hinilfd in rrinsiilr-rafilt' force.
i Snnif di the: soldier^ (old nf »M»
; countiM'inj;
| Ienrols, th* 111tie nat ivc motm i fain prrojtl*'. Unlcl l^r<-d and nnin
[ nr\'oi-Idrlnss
American liluejnckel^ nnd niarlnr.s Knve, the trnililioiml lionnrs In tfie enemy dead as HIP .la|mm"ir. enmeshed in the Miuill i-nift, A\as senl (n (he ImltriNi *.[ Ihe linrlior. \auil workmen were nlile to r\tri-
enti- the lioily n-f tine -Inimncv \vlifi ainnirentl> uns the pilnt of (lie liny submarine, lint were nniihlr to remo\e the hnily nf Ihe ^nilo^ wlm \ins he- lieved to have heen thr rmlio »|iernlnr. 1 The two-ninn 5iihmaiine, on- of
it least three so-niileil Miirirle nn- li>liiil;l tirticll' /)!''>•'-.'i'•- lilt' ieiwnter ve^cls I hat JKII lieipaloii
sneali atlark on Pearl ln\r- i'ec. 7, xc.'is lioislerl al"Ji;;-
troops crossed tlir. Milo Ti^fic less station there. He already has unity hchlnd the war effort, and that a flank attack sent recommendations (o Ihis ef- Lindbergh, a former reserve
on th" beach oulsiiie lac hai-bor. on its conniiu:
of Investigation (U'ritlen Kvprcssly for Inlernaliona! News Service)
especially without prior notifi- cation to the Knifed Stales, conflicts with Iho spirit of the Monrno doctrine in thai it constitutes a forceful transfer of the political control of En-
Lindfirrph's Miter isolatinn- P.cp. Lawrence J. Connery, D., Kni in thn past at times turned , Mass.
into almost n personal feud State ^en. Tlinmas J. Lane, I.a\v- with President Roosevelt, his rence Dcn:ocral, and County Com- commander-in-chief. imissionpr C. V- Nelson Pratt, a Lindners:'! dropped his isolation- 1Republican, sought to represent
isrn officially in a statement on 'the district.
.V) years old, v,;is found . . . . , . - ,
said: "I'll see the finish of fhis body of an iinnicntifierl man, aiiout the telephone for the call that
— —' ——
B» «VBC9a *»* 1UB.I'
i r p i - - T h e
<n a
iright, dear," said he.—AP Photo
S.lo V. SI.
Admission 40c, plus (ax ii^i^-iBia^o.-wAiiii^a^a^aUia^tiiiaAai
after their marriage, waits at
Lowell Mass. Tuesday December 30 1941
To First Massachusetts Flier to Bomb Jap City
for Months
ii "l-'iltli t'nliiiiin" '.a tttr
while opponents of the for-
Thr head o."this group. General as lias one of its rno?t ardent for-
lit iirrrxt it* ni'.tii'itic*? Tlt<:*c ;;dr fliKil'i'r iitf liitrriiittii'tinl
\i'ni:< .S'ci'rrrf fiJM? t/fi* nn-
Meainvliile. Chinese reports over thrm. that the man v.-fio first spanned i --------------------
claimerl a three-way, fanlike Ja]i- The slate department lakes (he the Atlantic hy plane desired ser-j vice in the field In which he won |
ront today and battles raged Vichy is now risking the Unilci! tained slne.1 official silence re-1 wa].fm.many morit h s/,lc said norlh and south of the Yonl/e States lo make those promises! ng the application for mili-jat lhat time. -Now it has come river and in Hupeh, Hunan and good. Once full Vichy sovereignty! ary service of Charles A. Lind-1and we must meet it as united
To Be Delivered
in Congress Monday
as im-|.am!.
For many months its acidi- day on a -stale of Ihe union
ties had heen intensified to mc.-sacc that congress, and a meet IIn- Increasing rrspnnsihil- world-u ide radio audience will placed upon it lo safe- hear next Monday in answer
file inlenml security of a Ihrciilened nation.
In jnvpiirntion for nelion ag \inerica sf"i'es of foreign ay were sent into !he IJnitivl Stai
\ital informatiiin for ^ vi-rnnu-iil.s anrl lo s.ii-.
~o effort.-..
Child alert
foils h;uo .\a/i am
n the I i.itcil st.Kes hn\ Iheir jntt-i.ipt.s In Vniihl caiu/eii
\\hit*- slin1\in^ sull^er^tvl furrcs are present, there has heen no forcign-direcd-d sahe-
Our law enforcement
FKKF^-Six Si.") Ocfcitsf Bouils — Card for WOO Feature on Jan. 15.
OTTAWA CHEERS CHURCHILL—Prime Minister Winston Churchill, lefi, and Prime Minister MacKen:ie King received a hearty welcome on ttair arrival at Otfa-. a yesterday.—AP WIRE-
The nmin drive \\'as aimed willing to have his government aviatoi- and until this country waS| " '".»* j ,' , ,. ntOmngsha.ChineseadvicesgrantIheUnitedStatestheright,«actol.oneofitsmostvivgiogroruosus!h^*£^£K£
J. Edgar Hoover
Says G-Men Prepared through Kian^'si already had fect lo Vichy.
President Rooseveli worked to-
an ."unused demand that.,Japan ai'i-oidcii eye-for-eye treatmer.l loi repay Ihe murderous assaulls on Pe.ul Harbor and Manila.
The While Hnuso withheld ollirial nnnntmrcntcnl, hnl il \ias considereit cerlain lhat "hen the secnnd session of Ihe 77lTi congress cnes (hrnui;h the fnrn^ality of convening on •Tnn. 5. IVrsidcnt Koosevcll \\\\\ be on the roslrurn.
Tru-ro was intense wovld iv.-
in the annual congre>sir> •nee ;r.e>s:KO tbat ihe chief executive
I in was ;
nr- A ur.itcd nalion waited th'
neM publii- appciirancc
opponents of his for- ign jMiicy i-i twlh house and sen- te v\.-re demanding today that r, aimed forces deal
TONIGHT Memorial Auditorium
I1OSTOX, Dec. 30. (UP)—Richard Kin?, a Chinese- restaurant owner, today offered a $500 defense bond to the first Masfa- chusctts aviator to fcornb a Japanese city.
The- bond will be-left in trust until SctTftary of War Henry L. Stimson decides which pilot should r-'crivr it.
Theward.ep.a,rt,m,e.nt-,to.da,ymain-| i
«<W'.e °h"ave' be" closer 11
Meanwhile, (he Male depart-
ment is hc-ing severely crili-
eiied in some quarters for Irv-
ing lo tiring alimil a withdraw-
al of l-'ree French conlrol army air corps, headed hy Lieiil.inier sj-okr-mrn in congress—Rep.
his services for active duty. teered hi,s services for active duty,
He mnde the application to In
French occupied the islands, tion today. seat, vacated hy thr> death of U. S.