Page 37 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 37

 %•••'; •.'•••.• | final
AssicMcd rrcss - InKnmtimal New, Servict-TllF! COMPLETE NEWSPAPER-United Press-Asenciattd Press W,rc,>!,o'o
Canada Guilty Powers to Be Punished
Canadian Troops Now at Invasion Points—Fight to Go on, Whatever the Odds, Until Allies Are Victors
OTTAWA, Dee. 30. (AP) nion house of commons, lauded —Prime Minister Churchill, Canada for its "magnificent" con- in a speech tilled with con- tributions to the British war ef-
63rd Year No. 306
Tells Huss President Started "Undeclared Warden Me Through Speeches, Boycotts and Political Intrique in Europe's Capitals"
(Editor's iiofr: Yesterday Pierre J. Huss, for eight ijenrs fhicf correspondent of International A'cics Service, presented l>ic f'.rst of three instalments nf nn exclusive interview given h\m on the Eastern Frunt a few v:ceks ago by Adolf Hitler.
(In it, lie disrloscd for the f i r s t time llml Hitler is fetir- fi'l o; President Roosevelt and the United Slates, described dramatically hntt- the t'mhrcr is preoccupied tu'rA the up- linlliiKj likelihood that lie has visited destruction instead oi victory upon, Germany and disposed n/ the. childieh story that Hitler "chews rwas" idiot he is unary,
(Today Huss continues this extraordinary close-up, un- derscored l>n his own direct nvotalinns, of the Man who iinic fiwls himself opposed hi/ all the democracies in his insane plan to rule the world).
widest Rain since November, IDIO., Cnniinnrri The uprnsh was led by Ameii-
i'.ice TOO
promptly when notified by Ihc BuildingsHere nian of the Lowell Rehabilila- mayor of their appointment.
Lowell Mass. Tuesday December 30 1941
20 Pages 3 Cenls
(Copyright 10-U. Reproduction in whole or part strictly ^pruo,h,i,b,,it,e^d,.), ,iN. *ic,*k.*le,*s, f,au,m.,ily includes 10 boys and three girls, ranging from two includes, all types of civilian in-
....,_.. M
....... ,, nnot be told until official inquiries ca
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. (INS)—"Ja, Horr Roosevelt—|yrjars to 24. The proud father is shown in picture above, as he stallations, such as churches, the
But during my recent visit to Honolulu. I learned:
1. That big arrows, point- ing to military objectives, were reported to have been cut In the sugar cane on plantations in the islands A 1f.\v fiours hefore the. J a p - anese struck.
-. Thnt a Japanese who ivns arrested lor allegedly op- erating a short-wave trans- mitter during the Pearl Har- hor attack was a business man who for 20 years had bceu n frequent visitor at Schofield liarmct", the li. S. army post.
3. Thai Japanese vcgetahTe d-alcr.s had an uncanny knack of knowing ahout movements in and nut of port of units of Ihc American navy because
t r-fitliiiinl on Pnir« 5evf.n Pearson to
Resign as G.O.P .Boss
SchoolCommitteeman, Serving in Army, to Hold Other Posts
I.OWKLF,~Capt. John H. Pen.- son. mcmbei of the school com- mittee, announced today he will iiihmit his resignation as chairman of the Republican city committee at I:M' next regular meeting on ti:' third Monday of January.
and his Jews'."
The now-scowlingHitler added this as an afterthought.
He seemed to lie talking to himself, forgetful of the Ameri- can at his side and brooding over the man he hated.
"He wants to run ihe world and rob us all of a place in the snn. He says he wants lo save England hut hei means he wants to he ruler and heir of the British empire.!
"I first saw this some years ago, when Roosevelt be-! gan his undeclared war on me through speeches, boycotts, and political intriguing in all chancellories of Europe.! Every time I reached forth my hand he slapped it down.!
, , ... .',, , , ,, , , ', hand! W'th A'fred' 'ef<'and James'r'9ht'
24-HourShift RationsBoard Mayor Designates
City Clerk as
cathedral, hospitals, convents, busi- ness and private dwellings, Ren. MncArthur reported.
The enemy's actions, he advised Ihc war department, "can only he deemed completely violative of alii the civilized processes of interna- tional law.
"At the proper lime." he said. "T bespeak due retaliatory mcas-l ures." ' j
A survey of dnmaRe wrought h\; Ihc rain of Nipponese explosives is virtually completed, (he army disclosed in its 3olh communique of the war.
When I began to show him that meddling in Europeani LOWELL—The placing of Ihc Lowc
affairs was not so easy and might be dangerous, he l o s tL, o w e l l Trade school on a : hour 1
{pushed Europe inlo Ihc war:'"110 si rics for si: pel vision, the Lowell Tire Ration-)
"This .survey indicates llml all control of himself and began his campaign of vilification. -''' basis to fillet in pru ! LOWKLI,—With other commodi- churches nnd olhrr centers of ' i "With his Bullits and Biddies he the demand of Ihc nation's war- ties likely to come under Christian worship nnd culture
me. not lo save- and p,.r_c-'e.r.s. ill he fought hy School Com- iiK committee was designated
f> nr A hc ","w"ho " '?ri| serve Ihc obsolete democracies, hul; nnUor,mnn Orient <; .McDonouch '1(l>' h-v M >' * -
tioti coinniiltce tfie eiucs- Al the same timr, the may- g^ains of S-2a share. .o.r. m. .or.e. w.e-r.e-, W«lA/»S..HmIlN.lvGrTJOv/N*l, DI^eUcL. .1V0t (1I11NS;SM)—- tiou. or Hpjiomtcd Cily Clerk Per- widely distributed throughout the'Trcasury balance Dec. 27—S3.-I56,- The Rehabilitation rommillee ry I). Thompson is ndminis- l'sl- '-I5-!,138: internal revenue. $4,105]- \vill inert Friday and plans trato, for Ihr hoard in <-orn- Trading was on n big sca.le.j551; customs receipts. S29,'32,62<)- he formulated for the. submission! pliancn with the \v1ishcs of the
can Telephone & Telegraph, hut I". S. TREASriiY
APPLICANTS FOR AUXILIARY FIRE FORCE—Enrollment for the Lowell fire department's new urgently requested othfr men in the city to register as quick- school for volunteer auxiliary firemen got under way at the West S!x!h street station last night, ly as possible in fire stations
jhoys and cirls of Lnweil toiiav in
Itiie form of a reMrictinn on thr-ir;
'lonslins privileges on the streets1
'',! the fily. | .So. if you arc- one of Ihe fortunalo people who can afford a
under direction of Captain William Corbett and lieutenant Joseph Gallego. Primary objective throughout Ihe city *r> (hnt needed force of 300 could he
Bii'Kfi Rill, rnakc that Rift and make it nnw. Time preffcs. V.'ar-neerfs \0aii for no man. We're afler JOO.OiW here nnd wo'ie away h' hind -loo far for ODV cr,\iil. Give whal you
of ihe training course will be the organization of men schooled in handling emergency situa-i formed.
One lr> the national emrr- j grney Snpt. nf Toller Mirharl
If. \\inn sucrrrdrd in nhtain- j
Heaths Editorials
. , . . .
Mich a step has hern rcquest-
to despoil the youth and the
strength of Ihc nalions of the
world in order lo enslave them in
: plans of his own. federal office o[ production !•', ^.rAnllr, Inral insuranrr HaveEyeson
NFAV YORK, Dec. .?n iINS)- i "I have realized a!! this lone ngr, management aiu McDonouKh rxorutivr, and Thoinns H. Thc stock market ran up SI I^.anrt I knew too tbat Ihe sabotage has already conferred \vilh Vanuim, haiiUrr,
alraosl SO a share today in (hi: of Munich was arranged as much Frank C. \V, McKiltricli, chnir- All throe members accei'l'd
r(' n^ n" coiTiimmitirs hy the
Thomas J. Fit/;:*:mid, local to-t cfonist, a.s chai rm^n.
Staler- army t>lfi v.rth volume running around; receipts. .$•!,537,810,5-!2; cxnendi- of the matter to the incomin .slate tire rationing commil- v.rre !he \acanl mil
2.oOO,'X)0 chares.
Hires, 511,2-12.542,137.
I'ncr W,
off .M
inj; th Woild war 1 V./TI- used for i!ie mnnufa' lure of arn-
Other inpinhcrs nrc ' .rnnnl
n SignUp :or Auxiliary
Drive for 300 Volunteers Gets Off fo Fine Start
t.OWKI.l,- More than ',(> c ,/ns frotn all waH;s of life s|.onded la^t. niglit lo :V.o call
cn at :i
?.\ the W'.T-I Kix(h sheet
rapt. \Vin. J. Corhcll <sf the fire department, in charge of thr- auxiliary force, today
ral nuTi rilliiirl in t;\- ihan r rc.vS Init jn anny rars rrmie t'j Lowell !!ii- mnrnin;: and
MANIIA DEFENSE LINES—The U. S. war department says rhj)
Philippine defense forces had been consolidated in Pampanga
Province 111, indicating a new defense line midway between
Manila and Ihe Lingaycn guit 121, where Japanese Iblaclc ar-
rows), have driven inland. Manila heard a report J'nat the Jap. ,,,.,,, T •
U>WKLL~Thc cninriaign JMacArthur, commanding the Far Lowell chapter, American Red
of taliatory measures.1' (share of a $50,000,000 war. chesl
land announced that Gen. Douglas
Eastern forces, is demanding "re- I Cross, (or SM.OOO «s this
FATHER OF 13, SEES TWO ELDEST ENLIST—Percy Niciios of The general's statement j for lied Cross relief work
Park road, South Chelmsford, a worker at the Wafertown arsenal, contained in a war depnrtmcnl ' "vcr "'* S-'WTM TMrk loday with espionage network, patiently organized over many' years,.
accompanied Ms two eldesf sons to the Lowell navy recruiting the Japanese employed 63bombers Chairman William G. .Spcnce c.t .TllC ful1 St01'-V °f (ll° Fiflh column. which Secretary station this morning to okay their joining the arrned service. in repealed assaults upon [fie (he finance contmillce of the caim- of Navy Frank Knox described as the most effective since
.Another son enlisted in the navy about six months ago. The Philippine capilal.
"Damitge has heen severe nnd
tions during possible air raids. Volunteers may sign up any night this week at any of the de- Last nieht's sr^-ion -.'.as ftevoU- inp Ihe flppro\al of >Ta>or : (•an -a little if you must, a kit if you are ahlr. hut DO 'iTI 1'carsrin, Allen 417 ... Cl.ivsified Irictly In irpislislion-, A:i (Iron,1"1 T. Aslie and Snpl. o[ '1 he rlaNi.irnly toiKfutt of llir ri^'iny ou^hl to bo (juiie .iln^li Johiuon I'•> .Mrs. Kooscvdt partment's firchouses. Shown registering, around the table, beginning at left—Robert Cot- ujurur-mrTil v.ill hf foi-tluniviu,; Strrrtv (irnrs;r F. l.rgrand tn ''no'.i^ii to slioc-k >ou inlo n-l:nn. it)ol ]\ilj;allen 17;iC> lledda Hoppri-
tarn, John J. Gill, Lieut, Gallego, John J, Savage, Albert LaFenicre and Charles P. Carr, ,
Cunlhiuci] ou I'agc Scicn
I.O\VKI.L-Of inlere«l tomen who appeared lo h<; I'nili'd
I hcv
l s and iv lodav.
I '
til '.'V. iy fund <inv. . ;.
H }'.'-:', Cl'r,:-:-, \];t- •,:s,l;.".- _
3 of
ancsc vcere lalung bacx from layuq [whifo arrov/.l Japanese rcinforcemenls were reported landing on ihc southern front 13.i Observer; saw ihc possibility of a defense stand in Satangas Province I4i, If need jKould arise.—AP WIREPHOTO.
C'apl. IVarson will continue
as n innnber of the commit- tee, n< a inrmhrr of the I?e- puhlicnn si e committee and us a member nf the school committee.
At prc.-eiit he is assistant in- >reilor-i;or.cial for the 26lh divi- ,-ion .-t.-ilioncci al Camp Edwards, and was recently Rraduated from ih'. Command and Gcnersl S(?4'- (school .at Fort J.cavenworth,
•Kansas. Cnpt. PC.T..-OU'S inductkin
into the federal .service Jan Jp, the duties of chairman of (he cily •committee have been performed by Vrs. Viola W. Aguiar, first
Ixice chairman.
JAiuiwmcnts . 16!H Rodin C'otnics ... 18, 1916 Sampaseoopics
Events in Luzon Indicate Big Push Is Under Way
fort and told them the fight would BOMBEDMANILA, lire. M (Al') — fiilniu'c, (old the people of go on. whatever the odds, until Japanese forces which landed Canada lothij- dial the linai the united efforts ot the free peo- Inst.wcck southeast of Manila phase of (he war must bn "an ples of ihc world arc crowned with
BlastsJap Attackon "OperfManila
Says Non-Military Targets Sought Out and Destroyed
By JOHN I1KNRY WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 (IN.Si —The war department loday ac- cused japan ot "deliberately FC- Iccling Manila churches nnd other I centers o[ worship for n series of ] "senseless and savage" air raids,
Imvc fniiKhl their wny to assault on lite citadel and victory.
LuisinNa ntid Dolores, each Crowded into the commonj
iihnut Ifl airline miles from homeland of the guilty pow-
tills city, nnd n|ipurcnlly arc ers both in Kit rope and Asia." ering oi senators, members of
attempting lo cltccl n juilc- llon for a further advance, reliable- tlis|mtches from the fronts siiid today.
til tin- north. Ihi- NYu American line, shortened iind consolidated by licit. Douglas .MarArlhur, was said to run
. i l l r i n l
Red Cross Drive Over $23,000jv1ark
Numerous Special Gifts Boost Local Campaign Total
commons, high service offi- OTTAWA. Dec. :(0 </l>)—Prime cers nnd other rtignltaricj Minister Chmchill told the Can- eager In MCC nnd hear In per- adian people today thai their son the man who leads Ihe
troops >-lantl in the key positions empire to war.
ID defend Bi itain ngnlm! invasion Iltmdicds more stood outside
and thn! when "the invasion sea- the peace lower on Parliament hill son returns" they may he engaged in Hie crisp but sunshiny after- in one "al (lie most friKlilful bal- norm.
ttcs" in hislory. Canada's Prime Minister W L
How Fifth Columnists Aided Japs in Pearl Harbor Raid
Dispatch Passed by Army and Navy Reveals Methods Used for First Time
(Copyright 1811, By the United Press)
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. (UP)—A Fifth column and
,.,.;,.i, ., In.,.,: Ihc release of numerous special paved (he way for Japan's surprise blow at Pearl Harbor. communique xvfiich described how
Heed of Important Money
coniiri'.iiiitv for imnydiiiK! !:«i Ciu-. v:,, cn-.'.ts,--nc['-.-. ,in--f we can c/1 •Hometo Loca H only if thnr. .^ n i,Tn!y }:f-T,n." from tho.;c who cnn ^ivr th" ijyuv '-on-''!'T,;ii;c si;tns -..ay IV,:ii sr,0 tn SlWul or more -to serve .1.- ha. k!o^- f.jr lh.: of smaller civcrs t'< whom a '.'onlribulion of a (iimc or ,t riolljr may actually >"fire<'iit a er'-al.T f^tj al sarrilico than thr.l'nwrte hy | I,O\VKI.I, -V.'sr fsrnc In the Hi': man or v.onwn who nin'milcs more. What we scant and mu>t hav,; j., "imroMant mnney" the vernacular . calls the larper sums. Tiicrc'li he smaller
Sifts in plenty, hut thry won't he ennuph to rnakr- Ihe
The British prime minister, Mackonie King, Introducing stnndini; before Canada's leaders
in (lie green chamber of the Dom-
On11mini on l-nge Eight
:al n;,i! ftnni
313 . (irerk News 19, 10, II Sports HI, IS . Women's
I.OWKLI, CIIAPTNIl AMKP.ICAN RED CROSS. I.'clla I'ursoiu I3;I9. Al Williams 13.i U. Riulycm
chamber was a colorful gath-
   33   34   35   36   37