Page 7 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 7

 Lowell Sun and Citizen-Leader Tuesday Decemb'er 30 1941'
Air Raid Wardens to Meet Tonight; Registrars Session
COUNTYNEWS iYour Ai.'coiinls." Kotit-c was sivm, :iic local .selectmen arc
lunch meciiii«|i.; nuikc public their choices for this . whii'h will lie Imlij at Hie church'
of Mrs. Charles- Mamone on Pine-'
X HIP animal
[hurst avenue.
I Miss Elaine Carllon,
, is visiting her aunt on [avenue for a Jew days.
(Special to 'Hie Sinn
WM..M1.WION, Dec. 30-£<!•' Complete List of Air
win Twomey ol Burlington ave-
nue wai appointed by the hoard
of selectmen as chairman of the
tire rationing committee for the.'
tuwn- All common victuallersi
licenses anrt liquor licenses, were CONCORD, Dec. CO—(.). Win granted at the meeting ot the se- throp Lei. Monument street, hiisj lectmen helii last night. The A. started a new community centerj B. C. c-'.'iiimission ordered Hie project for handicapped persons, hoard lo grant the licenses ot lie has is.sued the following notice:' Ann's, Duck farm ami ihe Black "Jn foldei number nine in Itie: Kat. Pe.mission was •.•nuitod _io public library, arid re/erred to cor-' the P.ainbow and the U!a< k Ka.t rosporidingly by cani nine ot" the; lo rcmp.:.i upon on Jan.1 until cumniimily catalog, is a prelim-'
Twomey Named Tire Rationing Chairman; Licenses Granted
land Mrs. C.eorge Otlersen. Lowell|IJI R n<?M day or two. Hl'ltl.IN'CTO.V Dei- ;;n -l,., 'road, i-elebratcd her nimh hinh-i , , • ,. , ., .
ri. UK inary check MsL o; -o diversions/
or'Nict-; ;,. aillluuil-'cd c.uh'T.
"' (Hilire anrl i-iti/en during
I lie llllSIKC Vi liLlllfe nails- Kventually llu-ie should lie a list ffi red tiic sum "i ,^j tij Ihe 1110 of several hundred, not only fun lartmnit ;al;.n i s a'-c.nmt The handicapped hul for ever\budy,:
Mr. an.! ' Mr.-. C.'orgo liiggin-
MiiM- i iimed nil.i Iheir new holll"
"ii <.'ti.'.!'iung i,..i,|. Belnuml. Mr.,,. 1 1
.n-li in tin:; the hoard lo l!:e propei- procedure tn follow re-
i Pinehurst
Defense Session
Tonight; Grange lo
C,. W. Hefty enway, F. Hood. I'.. .M.
| Many soldiers of Concord Co. Laine, K. H. LeBallistei. Jragoon. W. .1. McKeon, | II, seleclees, and members of Montague, R. Munday. S.
•rji>, rtincri liartwell and Ashleyh.,.,
r |l'iekard; fi lo n, James: A. Rows!-!,,, ,h e "and Domeuick Samhilo: fl lo U.\0"\,,,'
Mis.s Marion Thompson has b:en enjoying the with iier dm pin-ents. Rev. and Mrs Krnnk W.
few days with Mr." and Mrs. I'.!' "
,! vol- from the CfJMI-
'Special ID The Sunl
se],h ii. Junta, pastor of the r'lisl
Rair Wardens; New Center Project
'Spcr-ial lo Trie Si;n)
There will be a Hireling of se- led men Ionian at 8 o'clock in I lie town ha!!.
Tlie name of Arthur Johnson was. omitted yesterday from t)ie (list of names of local young men in the s,':vi«v of iheir counliy. lie
is ill tiie n;ivy.
Mass will b<- relelit-aied at St.
I RoMitHlale, ]
., . . ---• board, which may play n large part Munriay niKlu, Jnn. 1.' al 7.-15. ,„ tpl(, immediate business anrt pri- , Helen Otlcrsen, .kmghlcr of Mr.jvatc lives, of tile community, within
,11011 01 town lorr.-dosed pioi»-:u.ith notes of Illness for the many
criy was. adjourned to Jan. j on per.sons. lleie are '21, by way of a
S'.ic'ounl ot illness o! Pan 'starter: Anagrams, basketry, birds,
mo:i . 'liic lioanl of -e- d-iei-ker;, chess, conversation, cor-
Icftmen c.secutcci a deed lor te.-jiondence courses, cribhagc,
property of ihe Wood estate on srnpiiy game.-, geography 1 lowship degree"—the meeting he- ixiwell 'street U, theh'ast Wihmng- f— , f^M Tu^r'knot/amii"^^^ " DANCE-Shown.«lhc senior social ofthe Pepperoll high school are: Leli longM-jij^ofZ K ^ ^rar^'ii- non-paid and office expi.use, deri-
ton Improvement association lnc.\|,|ju,5] languages, paper work,"'0" "&'*£'• Audrey McLeod. t-harles Robbms, Virginia Williams, Harold Mayou and Haiel Jane . •'. ll|£"i "' * o dock in tlie town al liitc and other fniKlions of tlie ing followed by a social period and
Town Accountant Harry " '|iuz/Ics (crossword and picture),'Hamilton. was notitied of the appropriations raflia, shorthand, solitaire. s,tami)]
loanl are lo be met hy the local refreshments.
dates have been town £ovcrnrnent. Members of the Tonight at the council rooms on Mom S a, in. to hoard lake oatli as federal Main street the Ayer council ot the
of ihe various town accounts, for
colleclini;. ilars and planets, typc-(|(>ri the yea? J'Jtt. writing. For Ihe early additions.]
and Franklin
Wills in aocrxlancc rules and remilaiion:
Chiet John K. Kelley of liie to this list
on J a n . Ill from
dininc Hie blastinc at Saturday. All com- IICIIIK investigated.
iicil (m l'nc<- Klein
Members will attend Hi Mr. anrl Mrs. Arthur Raymond'mass in a body.
¥. Leighinn and Ksuslcn !•>,- han; :! In (,. Cliffnrd Opilvic .me 'due an replacement to no avail, Waller •A'risht; K >n 0. l.mii> ihen. thr observer may oontaet Hersliman and Rohei t M.,- ham; (I to 11?. (,'arltoii ('roiiiei>
Probe Reports of Blasting Damage; News of the Town
A Star Performance af fhe home of
Telephone Co..ot this town, and
he will .show a moving picture ot
the air raid setup ot Newton. The Phaion of Plow, announce the Comoro's biwid of assessors is Chief Ol-server Wood and make anH \Vfincn lla^lla^^a>; SaHH<i;\\,
school will come lo a close on birth of a daughter. Anne i'a-• rearly to assume th? annual task known t is inability lo stand his I', m, —12 lo .1. raid j'! 'U-her and
Saturday night and a 'unimaiy ol uieia, Dec.21, at Ihe L'mcison; of beginning the appraising nf all watch and his lack of success in
all the topics given will be taken hospital. Mrs. Phaion ii ihc: taxable properly in the town of sccurint.- n substitute. i!. Orville llollingworth; :> to (i.
up with town defenses, chairman. former Lillian Parke, daught.'r , Concord after Ihe first, of the New One ol the reasons for all regu- jl'aul Calen and James J. Chaple: itr.mtmn. Dec. "•<)• The
J. Turner Hood, Jr., Charles H of Mr. and Mrs. Robert \V. Pa:-|,-«,; Year. The local assessors are: lar wairhes not being tiller! ^t to n, Lenox Karncr and Gem f;e ulai matches of th Ladies' I5oiv|. Black, chairman ol the hoard ol 11 Bedford court. jBernard W. Medalh. Keiinan Da-;(his lime was Ihe necessity of re- K. Daker: 9 lo 12, Roger Kiin-'in^ team of ihe Hcdfoid Gi selectmen, and -Mrs. Ernest Mac- I'mberlo f. -Alfic- Kialicelli j!mon a'K' ''forge E. .lours. j Kevins al! mcmber.s of Ihe. Little- ball and Sherman C. fiost. j^ill be hold tonight at the Dougall. The final examinatio„n,.],B-y.-ro-n street, has„ enlisted in .i'h..eci-^,1;.,113'11 AV""lcns jton lire deparlmenl, and ihosc Those on reserve arc: PhiHptiiiKlon howling alleys
also will take place SHluiday'L-!l.:- S. navy, anrl will report Fri'lay! lc conll'li'lc Il5t ol Concord air comprisiji£ the recently organized IIonaid. Maynarri II. Mitchell, Several reports; have been meeting. !at the Newport, R. L, naval trai-i-!l f l u l w a l l i c n s who iccently re-;au.\iliai ,' rlepailmenl, from duty -Starr Sunnier, Austin linrtvivil. reived of damage beinc done lo
The P.crl Cioss "ill si an its ins stalion. Iceiverl iheir cerlineatcs and hadgesjas obseivers. .practically all mem- Many I,. Peavey, Wilbur Brov.n.
lirst aid course, during the wee'-; .Sunday si-hool class-e.s will b, includes the following in jireciiul bcrs of bolh departments having <J. \Voodworlli, airprnI one: II. .1. Ames. II. Ballon, W. K. volunteered their serviees. with jM'inney, Si., Edivin Loriug John Oaims
o! Jan. 12. Classes will he heldresumed at tlic Fiist Pau-hi Hoiden, lil 11 H 1 A:thm
nn Tuesday and Thursday nights chuivh nexi Munriay morning. Jan. iijt-ooks, X. Bnurriuin. H. H.many of them having itood several'c 1"0'1'1 " !" c' ' Whitney, l-'\- On Ne\c Year's eve a group ofj of each week at llir; town hall. J. W. Cortriinq, S. Cook.] watches previous lo the ruliii". •lf' ' J "' '" ' Westley Herlmnn, Al- the members of Ihe First Parish It is planned by the Joeal defense •I, at D:I3 o'clock. [i;. K. Eric'kson. (;. K. flavin. D. P. This ruling wa.s ncccssarv lo elim-! '" - Halhawiry, I.tingdon Prouly i Unitarian) chinch will gather r-ommittce to start another air Mr. and Mrs. Leo Joseph Hays. [Cage, K. Cooding. .M. L. Harris inate tin- overlapping o/'tlie vari- ["Henry G. lionrl, Dr. George iiln T. Picked al the raid wardens school the latter t'l Cottage Lane, announce the T. J. Hayes. K. C. llockett, H ous functions and divisions of the'(.'alilwell. Horace I. Webber, I' church and Join in the hell ,ini;-
Masses on New Year's mornm^ j morrow at St. Thomas' church M-I|| be
i). 10:30 and 11:3U o'clock. in =t'
of liie hours, previously reiiort.'rl
in this column.
Another in a series of whist
parlies will he conducted umi^'ht by the .Silver Lake Beltcriiifnt association in its hall on Main street.
Mac-1 follows; Sumitij, ,1. m.. u ,„ ;j .Sheain. Ilobnit ckard, .Staljlefoirl. N.
•Marjorie Young i>[ Tewksbu-.-y
was treated al the ollicc of Dr.
JCrnest JIacDougall ycsterriay for
cuts about the head cine So a
skidding accident. The opeialorlDr. Howard E. Robinson, 16 gun- uf the automobile was Artciie !•:.jbmy road, s the instructor. 0'is.s of Eanics ttrcei.
Jhe regular movic.s \vill be r,> . joyed hy the selected Imildinss.
birlh o[ a son. Leo. Wednesday, Hunt, (,. Hutchins-. It. f. Johnston local deiensc program.
rick iN'anolilaiio, Roland Brier, Inpt to herald in the .\v\v Yem.
part ot January. About 150 moie ijc,. 24| ;>t tht, ,.;„„,,.,„„ ]loiil,L,a,' C..1. .Icnncy, Jr..S. C,. Kent, E. f,. are needed to cover the town. confefsions will be heard to- !<"etxer. Jr.. W, L. l.tike, II. Mac-
The schedule of .ocular weekly watches and nssi;,'neit oliservcr.s
William D. Crory. 13.
On Monrhiy Ihe veterans at Ilie lied ford hospital iverc entertaiiicd by n eoniniHlec frinn the Disabled Veterans Hospital service and Die W. P. A. String orchestra pre- sented inijsjeal selections. We:l-
the regular Jewish seivr,es: will lie observed in building sj\. On New Year's day the CathoHi: service will be held in [he audi- torium al ,S:3(! a. in. On I'rid.iy
high school
Mr. anil Mrs. Oliver South utrerl, have iieen to their home liy illness..
Clni k, eonlincd
It's an all-star cast of two! Jean Hersholt...and "the Champagne of Ginger Ales"!
Canada Drystcals ihe pic- turc when it comes to [hirst-qiicuching and re- freshment.
Invigorating is the word for it—that zcsty, breezy drink the whole family can enjoy right up to bed- time!
•H v.-ork ahead Thompson, Cleat i
jnrmed branches uf the service lano, \V. L. O'i\eil, "w B. Rcii-l'lamcs Piu'-v a'ul I'-npcne itr.bbins: ics,..u ! c'ininiiltce it ivouiri l.'e nec- [Thompson student at U'ciiei-
[have returned to barracks after I hull" W A Uohus I W 0 p. in.. 12 lo .i, WaHe; Stintorai^. "^;.
lo hold ttii.s Wech'.s H'l),.];.
: despite it I'eing Ihe ilav
"njoymg Christmas furloughs wiln |and R. A. Torstenscn! Kimoall and Raymond Wright;
relatives and friends. Several! in addition to the above list nH'1 '" C, Hoiviirr! Sargent and Ruri-
more are expected to gel leaves |air raid wardens, all working un- |aid Hirtle; 6 to 0, Rrncc Martin
over the New Ycar'r holiday or der the direction of II. Paul land Albeit McKay; !l to 1'2, Da-!',;;"i'.'f.. this week-end. tiibee, chief air raid warden, ihere mon W. Hall nnii Kdward Led-'h,,;,',,."i
divisions in c! Bedford afler several years, in lllilt woik istconcfird. They ,-i,c no\i- Inciiieit in the Uniled iat ihe Veterans Administration
for New Year's, i postponed nnii
The Junior ehcii: of SI. Be.- are nearly ,100 more deputy post wk-h. 'SI-lies
nard's church has a rehearsal on iwardens to assist the local Civilian
Tuesday, a. m.. 1L> to :i. Krancis |in Hie Jackninn and John McGovern; ,",j C' to r,. Rus.seli K. Warren anrl I.miis' under I Crilbeit; C to 9, Rev.William',man's r
Channing Brown- '.] to 12. Aaron Civilian .,
e in addition I fneilitv.
Install New Officers Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. : Defense program.
(Special lo The Sum Mrs. Joseph S. Barlolmco, 2 Monument street, is able lo
ri.YEHl'niyr, Dec. W. Tlie|;,boiit
Pinehurst committee for national'ness,
defense ivill meet tonight at River-j Trailer Ftesidents
bank hall. Pincluirst has a long! Despite the winter months.,
way to go before it has its full ](here still remain '21 trailet i Complete List of number of volunteers. If there!camps at the Walden Brec/.es
are any men in Pinehurst who trailer park, off Walden strccl: Observers at Air have not already joined some unit near Lake Walden. Mana-'cr J
of the home defense committee, Malcolm Humphrey reports" most
thev are ,,,-c-erf to attend tonight's of the present occupants arc year
ing. round residents anrl prcsntly are The v.-eekly v.iiist parliescon-[cither in the service or working
rlucted under Ihe au Illc0ri of
present. Another party held next Monday nighi".
Miss, Ktheljcan Newman, Boston|'"'('i h
J W. Carter, 20 Lexing- j manned >' road, left yesterday to spcm! a' 0 ;oad. special police offii er.iUntcer <)0-"
again afler
her recent
Lund and Ralph II. .Sawyer: Tui-s-! ir.stnir tion as nir ,-aid wu-ilen. . 'Ihe rommillee in ihatge of SI
Nnylor and Clifford Bouff'nrd. Giirrity, Bclmoni, former residents! ',' a IKW as 5, munily, has announcerl the sciied- nni s
of Pinehurst. tSUarrl «i the (JliarlcsfDwn na\yi umh!<li ani1 be maintained over the period of.i!,
in the aficrnoi
Oliver U'liilr-c,mb; Veni'.s ,:.;: .-„„ Parish L"Nil,-i!i;m church, pieru'fieil
Pinehurst Grange the installation' U 011 a ^•1-houi basis, daily \vit]i [old N. Caldw ll; r, 10 of the new officers nil] be hcld.i :r. Hie former Mary F. Lcnnon,l P |H. Wilson a
The officers 10 be installed me: [announce the birth of .1 son. DC total f 168 observati1on
"Lmnnnii'l. C-od With Vs." Tlie
Raid Lookout
luing Dunn and Kldon !'. Ogilvie!iknowledge ol th
opcr 1echnif|ue
an cini'i- Carlisle
Annual Church Meeting Jan. I2; Celebrates Birthday
ule of icgular watches that will ... ' ''ay. .1. m. - I'J to '.',. llowanl
ilo1li,A 1lll! 5; ",v Yr-.n's ilay. r
Mr. and M:s. William II To" a weck-ihc post being opcr;ilf-d •'\\°. .'- " . Btirkei and Hnr- -\-ia\s >t"rr!ay at Ilif Sunday moi oinr oji the theme
C. Sheain rl M.Mastiecr. M>irs. Mary Marmrione: I"•' <"• " T'cerrecssrraan hnoomninttaall.. \WVali--j] , • """ "-•'" "* ' ="" ' 1wanl Pronlv Tliurvliv ., ,, ,.,!""""" " - ''•"'' ''-.'is. isin-liim.kk aanndd
1 1 a t lriclc weekly and requirinhg II *' rtei; 1;HI
overseer, Mrs. Doris Litllcwood: Hham. The rouplc also hsvc a looservers each standing a rc-uhr;, n v/illiam S Fl^^'-'n i 7 !k"°'kr(i <ll)v'" hl -1 >"-.-,w Sr'd,,,i lecturci. .\irs-. Louis Redden: stcv.--:daughter, Mary Frances. three-hour v.alch-tw,, men oeii,Sj ,;ohirlon. -. !„ r, ^r'.' fi i r'b l ( ! •S!"»"'"y -iliernouu a shon ?.rd. Walter Shcdd; asiiitant slew- Edward Perry Daniels, pas-!011 <juty Bl lh- sam- hlnc- j Krarn-is- Klagg and lohn F ^- '<liMn'1"' f'oln hi' ll0'"'- h'« •"»'• ard. George i.ewis; chaplain, Mrs.|tor of the First Parish church.! Man-v °' t h c "'a>r«n-- at(: ^ll!1' 3 to 12 Rpvir-ond c' \\-«,.,:. f.7/, 'f"~* " >k"!l <'»«"<'• in adrihir.n
i.aphain in remcinbrani-c of his ,'itiicr, Kverct! I-'. 1.
horn ihe memoi ial
I. Nolire was gKen of liio
William Mr-Nsaili,. t"am- llir j.ulpit at Ihf i-htn-cli Sunday ''.ning. His mojii-
s: "Preparing the r-hoir sang. -All Jf'sus—"I'lie«.i.e.
Carolyn Lowe; trca-siirei. Waltcrjhas laken for his subject. "The' " n " at .'' on<%- sn'' '"i Aaron .Miuc'u.s "
Lowe; jecretaty, Mis. NormalHoly Ground" for the'Tnorn'in'--'""">' c'1;'cs '"" bservei.-. lo vyl-j'
Getty; gatekeeper. Charles Mar-iseniion next Sunrtav rr.orninp all""'"'•'' lo them icgub.riyi\-.r, ,f •
rione: ceres. Mrs. Winifred Doyle; 11 o'clock. Musie'wi'l be fu' [each week—Chief Observer Woridjienni«it foilsitedi ami i: y Kin
pomona. Mrs. Alice Oakes: flora, ni.sheil by th- chotns choir "ib,ein;; r!."fiio,us. of ha.ving \olun-jj,'a"(|- 0 ( fi lo 0. .fohn l-.'imbri! Mrs. Klda .Shedd; lady assistant The i.cxi meeting of the Con-!leers oiler hen Efmccs at one-- ,,. ,-, , ,, "">"•
:'" n'li-i injniie.'. rdeiirrl ni th<- Oll'n ;
10 l.ev. II.
steward.PriscillaLove:pianist,-(T)ni,iion.,.,„,,uj![beheld iiriordrrthattheiompletc,,l,c( w.'Z^'Khi/
Mrs. Margaret Wilder. The new day, Jan.1,1. with President Roth-
members of the cxcutive commit- wcll \. MarRae. announcing the
tee ate Mis. Elizabeth Harvic and pios-ram. The local dub which putting the "O. I'." on a v;ll-1| Mrs. Veda Jollymorc. sustaining and ftinrtioning hasj..
Because of the s, h.ooi holiday h.-u b"en organized only Ihiee Accoriiinf to the icgul.iiions e.v there will he no mecling of Troop inonths. has no-.v 28 memhris in lahlishe-i by Chief Ob.-.crver Wood 01. Girl Scouts toiiiot row after,- ihe burden of being on duty at the fioon. The catechism classes in St. P.oser K. All«n, Ringe ii • *-';spccifJerl time for any obseiver i.s Marx's church alfo have been can- sislant bank cashier and ret!rcriis(rucl|y I(jl0;1 ,i(<; ,.^n valimlecr-; ccll-'l unti: after Ihe holiday.' Legion rommanrlef ",-no h * '^^^"'ing for a given watch period—if
The Kire-'de Group of the Pine- ill the past l".o months, is able; being hi- obligation to stand In.-,! burst Community church to b" about again, hut i; unanle.walfh a. sclirrluled—be on time to! ioy its annual Christmas party to- <o :esume his duties,
night, it uill r.e heir! at ll-,e home The first .-now of th'. fason Enjoy Now Year's Eve
VALUES TO 5*»9.75
ra £
Thii yeor plon lo save v. Jicly. When you spend your food dollar in 1942, you cannot offotd to socrifice quality, so buy from your Independent Grocer, who slocks Ihe best of neafly, whole- some and cconomicol foods. MASSACHUSETTS SfTAIt GROCERS' AND fKOVISION D!At(RS' ASSOCIATION
THE HOUSE OF ERWIN, Inc. ill MKKRIMACK ST.—Open \Vrdnp.silay .\flornnnns
M'EDNESDA Y , DEC. 31 GROTON HOME DECORATEO—Tht home of Pierre Morcsu on ihc Groton ro^d, Grofon, near Al ^ I'. ,M. tt1'- V/csl(ord line, is very «Hr«clivL'!y liqhlcd.
$7-75 -75
rr.\ —I'Avons
r\:u. coi'n.SK OINNKR!
Special Town Mectingj T.vngshoro Town Hall •
Tol. Lowell M-H(i3.">
• NEUrYEAR'S EVE• P ARTY anil DANCE TRANCO AMERfCAN Cl.l'B frcscotl Street, Forgo, Village I Dancing « lo I p. m. —Adm. ICic-
Kdv.-ards; f, to •), John ]'. Tobin m and Canoll Moiii£onier\; 0 lo r.'
Kailion Hum and Chailcs Hus- Bedford mej.
Saiuiday. a, m i. in 3, ;».ir,-
j Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Wclisl'-r lional worker for both th"!throp, 1, "•• rciuriied lo .ive
day, P- m, n to .'). Warren M.ilhn < to be given ny -, mem' Michael's Holy Name soi-iol' '? rNixon and Krnesl H. Robinson: |bei of the Massacl,i,,ei[s \v,,mnn- ;Neu Yem-'s eve parly met |;<| ! to 6. Prentice Blood nnd War-.Defense school, ai lirision All'In night and volerl in sell liolicls r,t ten Hutcliiiiion; 6 to 0. Raymond hi! women,-it,,, (fl ln]., ., jllic door al Ihe school auditorium' l.erbi ami Walter Alv.ani; fl to l^.;<-ciiise and re,'ei\X' complete lomoi irnv mgi.i.
Wednesday, a. n\.—l'> lo !<ind
-rr nlc r
aid Dodds and Albion W, Clair-!" "->' i i|ii to fi, OCOI-RC M. llarlwell anntij!Jlr!:- j!"nes L.
Iri '-OlltilCl o-cbair-
'Special Tlic
ION, Dec. 30—Ciiief jCrimmens Pacy; r, to !>. l.yman in of the Women's .orl com-!
Observer George E. Wood, in i W- Chase and Lyman N. Chusc- millee. Tbuse takini; the roursei l i M hc
defense projects. One resident.
.'"jwell i.s emploved m armv scr\icc observation post being maintained Nixon. Wediiesday. p. m.—ia toi a i r " '''" -lini of the- local ihief:
Charge of the Littleton airplane .' itou Ii^L, ;Miir.. anmril M,\irs. flalph \'/ i<!(%[i •"l-c MSSJ; pfciiic duties nn-1
0 0 rand has two sons, one in the navy;under (he supervision o the Lil-: 3,'il C. Cobb'and Nahum l l | n the army. " jtletnn American Legion post, and Whitcon,b: .'I lo (i. Cordon Arm-
Miss Margaift Tliai-her. lihiai
at Ihe Itfubeji Hoar Memo
libraiy. has amii.uncerj ',),„,
lilirary will he ojien lomorr'ov.-
tween the hom -' and j o'r-lni k CAHI.ISI.f:, Der. :«i Rev. Jo-
(Special <o Thr Sun>
Rhl at 8 oYlovi; there will he
""''neil lo then .home
lion-: will ne i-ivcn hy llcniy Pel
of \Vrltc.:!..- nvrime. All persons Ayer mlcifstcd in air raid warden work
oclinn of air raid wardens ah lim 1- 1 Ainold
llic hiKli .school under Ihe dire. •'' s' "' - Judith. Con.oiii
!IIT An iiistnu'iive talk on t-ommunira- "'-'s
lion of Kire Chief David SkelUju.'
AVKIt, Mai>'s Tluiisihiy morning nl -,'li-iini"i HI '.' o'd.u-k ins<cad' <if ai r,;;o hist niiJil. lY
" -,!,,. ,„.,„,,!,, Mrs
I-^l niRghlt atl the bonard ol trade rooms Chief Deputy Air Raid War- den Ralph B. Livingston was in charge of tlie weekly instruction classes hein^ held for local air raid warfjcnsY anrl Iheir workers, air raid wardens, from Littleton and Shirley hc'iiin iii attendance. W a r - den Livingston conducted a review <-•[ Die previous; lessons given, dwell- ing at some length on the propr-i1 method of combating Incendiary
Selectmen to Name iiiombs and resulting fires, \e.\t.
Committee to Ration Tires
al tn 'ilie :
I week Police Chief T. J. Fironc wilt :speak to Ihe class, on l>ie subjects |r>f au.Oliary police departments and j l In- important, features nf n su U-'-'sslu] "hlaekout" — Chief Piron«
hoaidi l l a v 'r | f; at (ended a .special school ^tl,^,^ lor m*U'ueiion on what is requiri
M on< e a !ii,:-al non-pai-ti-- saniins motor traffic during an air- I i*f fhi'-^e m-'aii'r'rs to IK ;
the "A;.n' ']-,]v Krvtiomn- raid alarm.
Iligsm- i- a former high school/... '' !!." no member IP! v,hirli can Cain!) Bui lor lorl^e. A. K. and A.
to The Sun)
te.ichci. n,,w rmplovfil in Bolnioiil.l.
Ah nominal .,„ ' „... shi,o,.u.,, i be m, "i assoriatoil \\lt Ii, ilie aulo- M., nmbeetislaosnt Mniagihnt sattreeIhtefo.Mr asorneigc-,
he litrri by 5 tomorrow'. mnbile or irni'k tire busmrss .\|j
>i [lie hoard are lo he ular communication—Work, "Fel-
-.1 a
L, wietl Sal-' "blai-kout." lie will a!<o explain
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