Page 9 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 9
The Lookout
1941-Good Sporh Year Lobert Mosf Courageous War May Save Baseball Bowlers Welcome Series
IT SEEMS THAT AT THE FAG END OF EACH year just as the cartoonists dip into moth balls for Ihat timc-svorn picture of a babe chasing an old man off the face of the earth sports writers always pop up with a set of "bests of the year" which usually amount to nothing and come mighty close to rivaling those All-American grid teams.
lf t
f^ ^-^. VM \ Tf/£Sf*.1l*r*CfY F*^^\ VAt\ •*** S^AKT
However, in keep)..;.,' with the spirit of ihc holi- jBowlTeam! days it is only fitting that we list a few of our own
quips. For the benefit of all concerned and as a de-
fense measure, it is suggested Dial the following be
Keith Academy Varsity Opposes AH-Star^Alumni
Sklppy Robergc of Bees, and Johnny
Kelley, Ex-Holy Cross, Among Graduate Starters In Game Tonight on Thorndike Hill
H . . .
LOWELL- A lar^e crowd is ex-
jipcd'il tn on hand tonight
wlH-ii Coach .hick O'Neill's Keith World)—Signs "( the times: academy quintet opens its FOLISOU! The title defense which Wel-
terweight Champion Freddie ;
read in the dark with or without a hat on.
STORY OF YEAR—The one "Babe" Phelps told about being sick and not showing up to play
with the Dodgers.
Hank Leiber to the New York Giants aflor a lengthy vacation will) the Chicago Cubs.
BEST NEWS OF ]941—The announcement ; Crowley's Okay
.Mahnncy, Dllllfi-y, r( Krndy, r Roberts, IK Krltey, TR
ru, Uohcrjjc
. !(!, Kelley The Roundup ...c, l.csaii
..,l, McCftll
.it, O'liricn
lhat Mel Ott had been named manager of the New York Giants, proving that you don't have to be a sourpuss to get along with Horace Stoncham. Now the Giants bench will take on the friendly lone and lose all resemblance to a morgue.
BIGGEST THRILU-Trying to guess the a(- lendance at Lowell high school football games. We came within 6000 al the Peabody contest.
MOST COURAGEOUS ATHLETE — Hans Lobert, who accepted the management of the Philadelphia Phillies after 403 other guys con-
-nccled with baseball had enlisted in the armed forces lesl they bo chosen for the job.
| Dl'RHA.M, N. C., IVr. SO (I.N'Sl
j - In Ihis JtOKO I>n\\'i HKiri lo'na<\'0 ;
I town. l]ie rhirf j|ic< illation loiinyj
jwas on \\'hai snipri^f1 Lon Sliticr,
ji-oach fir Ihc Orcgnu SI ale]
!Heavers, was rooking up fo:- !lio! l 1 -
^amc Keu Yrar'< <1a\ n^ainst iho
i])owcriful Dnk<- foolball Irani. •
j Slmer ciroN'1 ]iis nu'll llnou>;!i
•A lough uorkout ycs-lonlay nl
|cti:ii)f-l Hill, the last hoiivy drill
ibefore the all-im|ioilnnt battle.
l.i^M prarliro \^;t5 1JK j>t<i,4ran]J
[for today and loinono\v'. 3H3&
Ey Hl.'GIl KUIXERTON, Jr. (Wide World Sports Columnisl)
BIGGEST FLOP—Walter Brown, Giants 265-
pound pitcher, tripping as he attempted to field ! Thf Oi'f'Kon St;Ho coach loolc a bunt at the Polo Grounds. They've made a
W. P. A. project of 1119, job of filling in the bole
caused by the fall but it is believed the infield
will be ready for the 1942 season.
com 1.
l!t">Eilrs a htnrliux lineup of
Athrrl "Slitppy" Koliergc of the Huston Hrrs; Captain •lolnuiy KMIry, former Holy Cms-* .sle.r; Unnny Kegcm of Ihr former Lowell Wonders ItMim; rrnltli-: .Mi-Cnll ami
make for Mike Jacobs in Feb- ruary may never comeoff. Krcddic has asked the navy for
a month's furlough to get ready for it and nobody seems
lo be listening to him...The
pro football teams may en- courage their players to take defense jobs so they'll be around next fall, when they can practice evenings and play -Sundays. ..Buck Weaver
of the Louisville Times comes
up with the .swell suggestion that everyone who listens to the Bov'• {^antes on the air should buy $1 worth of de- - fense stamps as a "ticket" to
n game (lint would cost him live bucks or so (o sec...Nor- folk's Ocean View Golf asso- . nation members voted unani- mously for a proposiMon re- qnirin" each member lo buy al least one $25 defense bond, Scliwnrfz nt (he ISat
FIGHTER OF THE YEAR — Lingle Van Mungo, whose invasion of Cuba, will rank wilh (he leading offensive maneuvers of the year.
COACH OF THE YEAR—Winston 'churchill who openly staled that his team will have an of- fense in 1043, which is much more than we can say for some of the clubs we've seen.
DOUBLEPL A Y COMBINA TION—I litler-to- Mussolini-to-Tojo. The first two played all season but the last-named joined the trio'in December wilh a Sunday game. His Pearl Harbor sneak play erased Ty Cobb's stolen base record and shoved the Black So.x scandal inlo the background. Although the official averages have, not been re- leased it is believed that Hitler and Mussolini »cL
The Dukes worked out in their diana University, Lou Little, center, of Columbia and Herbert O. (Fritz] Cr.slcr, right, of Mfchi- C. V. A. team, tlicre will he sunken stadium in Durham a.ut , a host of othei former Kcilh had wilh them in foolhall rep-ilia jgan, president of the association, [hey are shown during the opening meeting of th ules | slnrs on luuitl for action.
years just how far night baseball would go before it
10 01 !canis cf lll p llous( lina! hard praetk-c session yes-I' " ' ° N»lioniil 1'ro- r Clytlr Turner Oiienirn llrnrs i°P "
- pio^ram at S o'clock
and Wally Bulls for Iho be cut shorter than a rookie gob's hair. We'll admit Bulldog, pronounced Ihnii
KVCJI ninrf ; iiolnfilo. prrlmps,
Anile, line coarli al Noire M)anmicr; 1 ilst 10 ial •lake Weber, veteran J'oril- Fb, ('lurk Hinklr, Cncn lluv I'.ny Ridtii.k. end for Ihe Cc;re«e-niii '," " - Nalional Amateur bam 1miner, says Ihe four-
|barred everybody.
FOOTBALL COACHES MAKE PLANS—The American Football Coaches association's conven- J-Yt-ddii' O'Jlrii-n »f the. Itn-
tion brought together many iop-flight grid mentors including A. N. IBo) McMillan, left, of In- mncLihitc t'oiKcptinn parish
!AT DALLAS 1 I1 DALLAS, Tex.. Dec. :iO (INS -- le University of Alabama foot-
Billerica Sets Up Grid Night
Condi O'Neill will open with a loam of Jju'k Heady, center; Leo
hall squad got down lo work 1o- iday in preparation fnr ils CoMim : Bowl game Thursday with Texas |A. & M. The Aggies were sche;!- i tiled to arrive this, afternoon.
NK\V ORLEANS, Dec. .in (IX>t
'iMalioncy and Bud ' Dvnfey. lor-
going for bulbs like a kid at Christmas there was no MIAMI, Fin.. Dec. 30 UN.SJ— four jtlayers on inr.- lirst 1*':nn,i
s lT dinnls. ! 'J'Ji Wilbur Williiii. Wasbinplnn, -ra"'
spoiled the game made famous in the sunlight. Witli
E f
Bears selling tlic pace by landing
, -loc Kuliarich, Cfiirngo C'nr-? IVrry St'hwuily, Itninlilyn. I'1''1'1
gate receipts mounting in the minors and the majors AT MIAMI
about you as a hiller, .Schwarly.. When you didn't swine I knew they were no Kood."
j, (iforye .McAfee, CfiicaKo i'-xpeclrrt lo .speak rue: ie .Me-''"K event which may have ID be One Minnie f.pnrts FBRC | . llransfonvd ,-nvay from Ihc Paeilic
With hard scrimmaking out of clubs of the lea^ue'.s Western di*-, telling how deep an inroad the mazdas would make in the way tor both teams, the op- vision dominated tbp solct-iions,! the National pastime. posing coachrs. Dulch Mover for i pnsilioris on Ihr fiist andj Now, with Ihe coming of war night baseball will The Texas Christian Houied Frocs Ieveus. pifked by a com-1 mil toe of professional footltnlE[
he .^rn'ed tin the t;< nrral jnihlic in mes. Chicago loday lodged an
the move may exterminate some of the minor circuits ready today for the Now Vent':-
which depended on the lights for existence but it clay Orange Bowl prime,
couldn't come at a better lime for (he sake of Ihc {.'hinf inlfiresl is oxpnctr-d \n\ York liiatils.. who wcrr ^nrnl SKCOM) TKAM
game. f?nier on two jilaynrs v,'hn !ia~.- vision ('lmrnpions>ii[i, failt'il lo had brilliant seasons In spite of;
minule. mile never will be run because such speed would be loo much of a strain on Ihe human heart. . . The -no pass" rule won't be in effect at Tropical park for the New Year's morning card. The track will «ivo out 20,000 free tickets. , . The stout gentle- man root ing for Wyoming's baskethaller.s at the Garden last night was Steve Owen of the foolball Giants, who ii5edloplayonthesame j:rid team as Everett Shcllon,
Whether you like it or not.the diamond sport, is injuries. Krnnkie Slnkv.ich <S.i Innil n playernn Ihe, lirsl tram. Thrrr Ciiimts were named to
cago's Tarn O'Shantcr Country
back where it belongs—out in the sunlight. Times Georgia and Kylo Gillespie of T. | tlio second ICHID, however.
: former Hiiv. •V ollrcr
star, now a But... lorjner !lo\\ , i
have changed and all that but the move will prove ("'. U. The oficnsi\'0 stren^lh of{ Only three players were unani- T. C- V-, revolves about Ciillespie,I
(icnrne. Svr
that baseball exclusively in daylight is okay. After Ijust a*. Georgia's revr>]ves ahoulimous choices and nil were merit-
iiinrl .stinl'Tit al
the war, bring on the lights and we'll have guys like iSinkwictr Adolf and Bcnito cleaning up the park. How about,
heis of \Vettcin division teams. They were Geoi-^o <Ono 1'layi Mc- Afr.-c of the. Hears, .generally <on- codc'd to ho the- <.;re;it',1.1-! broken-
Fin inn,
.ronmns, Ni'W '"'"' iJiu-rlur
meet scheduled for the iflia golf- ing wars.
the other guy? They'll use him for the mop or is that what they're trying to do now?
Welcome Bowling Idea
Recently we suggested in.lhis space that leading jBoul" game Xcw Year's day '-.'J'\\
] I he I"ni\ crsiIy of Mexico r-!^vr-n.
\ V a t l '•[ In Supl.
Originally. I he National Amateur of | was scheduled [or .Sept. 7 lo 12 (he I'obMc. Reach course in Del ofj.MniUe, Oil. Til,. Tnm O'Shanler
bowling teams like the Highland Hotel. Moosehcad
Cafe, Farragiit Five and others get together for a
few matches now instead of waiting until the tail end
of (he season. Since (hen we have received phone calls |Philips. from four team managers expressing a willingness lo
roll a series of matches under set rules and regula- tions.
We're all in favor of (lie idea and will do all in our power to help. We know the Moosehead, High- land. FaiTagtit, Pawluckclviilc Social club. Abbot Worsteds and C. M. A. C. would make a classy six- team circuit. If these managers could only get to- gether once we believe things could be ironed out and a scries of matches rolled on various alleys of the city. What say boys? We'll be listening.
Just Joltings
If we asked you .who made more errors last sea-
son, Joe Gordon or Jim Tabor, the majority would say Tabor...However, Gordon had 32 miscues as compared with 30 for the Sox third sacker.. .But Gor- don handled 761 chances and Tabor 430...Second sackcrs always have many more chances than hot cor- ner performers...Al Brancato, of the A's, had the du- bious distinction of topping everyone in the error de- partment.. .He came up Vith 61 bobblrs.. .By the way, while on the figures. Stan Spence. !he kid the Red Sox traded to Washington, was in only 52 games last season and had six, assists.. .Bruce Campbell, of the Tigers, was in 133 contests and had only live as- sists.. .Barney McCosky. of the same Tigers, partic- ipated in 122 games and had only six assists. ..Camp- bell will be with the Senators next season.. .Just an- other guy who has a job in Washington.. ."Pep" Mar- tin can field an all-formcr-big league club at Sacramen- to this coming campaign if he chooses...And Uncle
1 fnr ilir hi:>t time in nin* .'-irn-
lirnnk- • COAST
iever. Ihe Icnirnamenl.s would r!n i j.imiil'anemisly, ^,l[•ctrhing
U-l;.S"pl. 7 Ihroiigh Sfpl. i:t.
run from
Lowell Mass. Tuesday December 30 I94I
Duke Wary of Stiner Oregon; Fordham Gets!
Iheir former tcammale, Georgei
Amoni; will he: Frnnkie |.SI. Peier, Tommy nml Jimmy Kel- - Ichor, S'Mtiic O'McHa, Dick Burns, Jnrkic Gcxiet. Jimmy .Silk, John Hurley, John Hopnn, Klmcr Hyrne
'nnii others.
(One Play) McAfee, now a shining star wilh the Chicago Beais. w'n possibly gave them some, pointers.
1 comm
(squad Inok ils workoul loda;.' mato, Hitlldo^ fin nr-r
Named to Second Team With Plasman of
Chicago Bears as Ends—Hutson, Schwartz on Speechless Dinner
to Be Followed by
"Open House"
warfls, and Waller Roberts and Johnny Kelley.
This nKRrefjAlion has worked wc-ll KO \-.\\~ in pnu-lire.s ami hopes In lake Ihe Alumni.
j —The Fordham fool ball learn is
at ils peak and will ;;o into M:e1
Sugar Bowl game against t h e ]:
Missouri Tigers New Year's day ( Inter national News Service Sports; professional f o n t b a I I plnyrrsl
John Beer of the Newark .Sunday Call tells this one on
assists on the Pearl Harbor play. This is the
In.1;! year for this combination, the new Roose- in Rood shape. Coach Jim Crow ley j Writer! | picked for "iill-Nnlioiml trn^ur."i lill.LMllCA A Ion;; list o f i * . .
veii-Churchill outfit taking over.
War May Save Baseball
Believe it or not. but the current war may save
baseball. We've been wondering these last few
First Eleven—Only Three "Unanimous"
By C;RAHAN noviov nucA Drr. 30 IIXSJ—Tlic
.Seems he went up in the Jer- sey hills (o play a game at High Bridge one day...When
Ihe opposing flinger cut Ihe plate with his lirst pitch, Gus wasn't ready, but he heard the umpire shout "Ball.".. .An- other perfect pilch brought the .s:\mc result...Gus didn't take
his bat off his shoulder all afternoon anil always reached first. ..After the game, the limp told him: ••! know all '
announced today. CHICAGO,. Dcr. 30 fINSi An-; first nnd srooml li-anis follow: jnMahle fonlball figures will speak !I hlfaflft KlflC Yon will see on Thursday ioliioi' mighty plu^ for tlio brand) KEK.ST TKAM at Ihr "Sport;; Nipht" for mem- \ VlII tU y U UIU J
a eoocl Kordhnm IOHIH playing jof foothill plnycti in the middle!" U-, *non lYiitson, Green HJIV |l)0rs nf U"' IIou'c '"Kh school fool-
nl its best," he snid. p'.csl durinp; Ihc 1911 souson was| \^ i.>un;t Kiimrtl Urnolilvii t!l11 |f ani Onl v tll(l
Missouri, prcppinp for Ihe gaino |f»rnisherl (ortuy by Hie announce-1 jjR Ihmiiv Kortm'nnn Chiniirn \"':im at fi-:tfl ll'rlot'1- is closed loj at Edgewatcr F'ark, Miw.. had its mcnt °E lhf- 1-lh minimi official; ' Brnrs * ' [those willi invitations, while Ihr
ffssional Joanne.
\Vilh the chfimpioji Chicago|
' wns Ihe fact Hint the ,\i-w I
jllay Pnrkers and former Foidliam |.-tar; Kililic O'Melia, former Holy !<To:-s <',nj,lain and end coach: Joe Kane, (Jniversily of Pejnisylvania
| (•noiij;h to win the Ka'ilcni di-
The bid fur America's greale.M amaleur golf show wa.s issued by Goorc.o S. May. representing Chi-
s (I(jlf association for „ ••• amaleur tournament ""y\simultaneously with I 515.000
iThe J.oiii^iana collc^f footballfjelfjj-uniKTofIfieyear;hist^am-j
Cli"lmsforr|Rr(. M i n ; i k 'lS iilriti),'
| in preparation for the ••Orchid
Ho in from lhf AH-Lf-aL-ue pivot [
Uti, fl.vron \Vhitr, Dclroit.
| l.'l. I'nil'jr May's proposal, how-
Dutch ship docked at Hnmp- lon Roads. Va., the other day, one of the tirst orders sent ashore was for LI soccer pants. . . When a publicity man for Ihc San Diego pro foulball club started to phone news nf his team's doings lo a Tiajuana (Mex.) radio sla- linn, he go! as fnr 1as"The -San Diego Bombers. ' When a censor interrupted. "Sorry.
i The American
• aulomohil'.* yc^tcrriaj' Ji oni [villc. La., wilh Head Coach M.
I iufi-oii,
Sam doesn't mind...He'it have Buck Sturdy on first,
Johnny Mesner at second, Vic Scalzi at short, Don
Gutteridgc at third. Ray Mueller behind the plate and
himself. Debs Garms and Bud Moser in the outfield.
On the mound would be Kemp Wicker.. .There is talk
of Gutteridge giving up the game but the addition of
Mueller may make Don change , his m i n d . . .These
boys are cousins^ and hail from Pittsburgh, Kan....
They both played on Ihe same high school team back
there.. .You'll have a tough time beating "Gabby" COM1N' AT YA—Here's Lowell'i wn Ray Riddick v/ho was Hartnctt's outfield at Indianapolis...He'll have Jake yesterday selected for the National Foolball league's second
of tli' l»rars al r'ntis; -Jrilin Mrllns nl New ^'ork anil Kd Kolnian n[ Ihr Urars
Kilry .Mathruvnn of ( Irvrland and Fiill l-^h\ards
Powell. "Jn-.Io" Moore and Morric Arnovich available team on a poll of experts who followed It-ague action all seasoni with Milt Galaizor also due back... Well, lo one and
all a Happy and Properous New Year and we promise Riddick was named left end on tlio second team. He has just
not to bother you again with this chatler until 1042. completed his third year wilh tht Green Bay Packets. ;
through dov/nlov/n Dallas on the traditional rod firefruck yes-tlut Crafh McGuano won't he i j !L ' L L i IL i ,;ah[e lo be present. However" lerday, wiving their new cowboy hah, at they wecc welcomed Manager Jim King will takn
lo the ciiy for their New Year's day Cotton Sow] game wilh r'wrsc of (he drill. It will- afford"
,Texas A. & M.—AP WIREPHOTO. team members a chance to prae.- [tice uj)'0n their shooting,
(f-am ,TM iver"
' - - ^nqurl pin-l
'IAmateur Golf
lie no .sjipnKiiii. pro- CHICAGO, Dec. .10 (INK) - hanf|url v/fiicli v.-ill [ir issed over when new silos were r scliool c.lfrteria. leeleil for the Rose Howl. Kasl- Siil' I.iickrnnpi, Cliii*iij;<>! 'T'hfe PHIire ;i(fair will e.M and -ProBowl" (Qotball
*, Onl Islielf. Itreeu liny. 1the school auditorium. An ,.,|10S.,,early bid for another groat sporl-
I.c, liny Kiddlcti, Crren Itny.
l.t, John Mrllijs, Nru York!
!>•;, Kilcy .Mallieu'srin, (.Ilrvr- Ifootiiall star; 'chailcy Jlo'.varlh^;Hub, who wired a proposal to the
UK. \Villiam K.hvnr.N, Ni-rt-j^""' *""""•*
Kt, Kd Knlman.
\ 1 lie imrly; l.Il, .Mnriihnll (JoldlifrR, Chic
i-S' htiol.s Harry F). f'liilliam.
jftiieu v.n.'; cariled (or Sept. 10 to Wyoming coach. . . When a
a i:naiiirriou? Forlnumn. Ilir fira:
him a first-le;mi fniirlh stiEiiplil yar.
Oilier Western tli\isirin play- ers unrnril la the lirsl tenni were. .Icie Hiilmrieh of Hie Chi-
{'arilinnls nl ^imrdi ("eeit Isliell null ( Inrl Ilinlde til <irrrn liny nl halfback nnd
res[ieeli\ely. Find Sid -uekninn tt Hie Bears at . The mil) P^aslerri )ialf jilftycrs nhle to eraek Ibn tirst team were F'erry Seh\\nrt/: nnd Frank [\innnl of F'rooklyn at end nnd tackle, respectively, and Wee Willie \Vitkin of Washington, also j\1
s on Ihe first learn from
Sehwar!/. Kinani and I-'OTrhnmm. Bvron (Wlii//<Ti \Vhne, :,{ !>•- •roil.
of » u -
Joe Manzo, former Boston College griri star, played 22 i games this fall—10 for Camp ;< Crofl (S. C.) and 12 for a Koanokc (Va.) pro team. . . ; Fo;ir players on the Second Field Artillery basketball : learn, winner of the Canal 7one title, hail from Western • Pennsylvania. . . Buddy Lewis, T r\-Wa?hing!on third sacker, > has been made a scjUad lender
at the armored force replace- ment renter, Fort Knox, Ky.
Practice Called
LOWELL—Members o[ the C. Y. A. basketball team are request- ed lo show for an informal drill tonight on the SUtckpole street ^courl. The next game on the slate |is not listed until Monday night, jjan. 5. and because cf activities |in the C, Y. A. hall this week, to- -night will provide one of the few opportunities to drill,
n Hay and IJirk Plasman 1
f,,ritliall(jr; W aller Finnn-
anrl Ath
IaI. Ji o't-lot't; rt^ninsl one? of Ihc
i, slron^ Ahinuii teums cvor as-'
nalinnn! ainn-ISITiAK I1OWI. TK.NX1S
here nexli MOM' OHLONS, Hee. .10 HT,i ion=." de-;. fin" nl the billercsl bailie? in Hi" u^e, iie|!r-j-hl-year liislori" of Ihe .Sugar
Hov.I fennis linnnnmenl juit lop- ilarnpenerl the .reeded -fed Schrn"dcr of Clendale,
Turn r:' Shnniei C,n\l,! C'ahf.. into 1od ago. which has been against Dai I,
' gura of i-'cuador.
malcb • sco Sc-
you arc lo discuss no military 1
ALABAMA TEAM ARRIVES—Alabama's Crimson Tide oiled, II won't be regular rehearsal In
^^km\^^,/ j
sernliled on the Thoj-mlikc stieet! Coelnane has promised to
TJir-ro will bo general rlnncinf;
after Mie game. The hoop pro-
[;i:un \\\\\ ^cl under way at 7^0 OILS Schwartz, noted slugger o'clock when the Keith seconds of the Newark sandlots... : play a local amateur team.
,' YOKK. Dec. 30 (Wide
information. ' Today's Cnesl Star
C. A. I'aul. Chnrlotlc (N. C.) News: "The. coast powcrs- Ihal-lie may rccret moving (lie liosr Howl gnme. lo Xorlh Carolina. Tlin weather(his winter lins been so marvelous Hie game will probably be played on a mild day and (he sun will likely he shining. That won't do Ihe Cali1fornia rliniafe a bi( of good-' Service llrpt.