Page 11 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 11

 Lowell Sun and Citizen-Leader Tuesday December 30 1941
Joe Louis Talks of Plans; Would Retire Undefeated
r' J'\>.
N.Y.U. Track Star, 21, IsYoungest
Alhletc Ever to Receive Sports Most Coveted Annual Award
Nt;\v VOUK. Dr.-. an an I.i-slio .'llacMiti-lirll «r Now Vork ^tliver^:ty, the yi'ar's ^rand-slain niilo clmtnpion, will rct'elvf Ilio Jnincn K. Sul- livan incinurin', trn|)hy for Imvini; diuii- the moil diirinn lillt to adMincc Ihe cause cif sportsmanship.
Another Fight
Sports Digest
11Y PAUL SHKFFELS NEW YOKlv, Dec. 30 (UPI — S]ioi'ts.-|)altcr from the nl-
lion's piess boxes; ISASKISALL—Secretary Gabc
Paul's figure filbert from Cin- cinnati staling lhal Ihe Reds would have won their third straight National league pen- nant last season If they had had 10 more base-hits injected at the proper spots, brought lo light the fact that his club's batlinr; decline was one of the year's biggest reversals.. .Ill
19-10, three Cine.innaVi regulars, Frank and Mike McCorniick and L'rnie Lombard! were in (bo ,3WI hilling class and icv- 01ai others near thai figure bul lr>.l season Ihe Kcds fin- ished wit hunt a .300 bailer in
But Shufflin' Champ Would First Give "Everybody Around" Crack at His Crown; ; Roots for Rise of Lem Franklin
Louis Barrow turns into his IHh year of lighting with only •A slight star on his right eyelid to show for 110 battles— 56 as a professional.
Joe Louis will Ije 'Jtf years old. May }',>. He lias earned Sl.7jti.tKJU with his lists. What arc the world champion's plans?
Southern California Differs From Other Sections of Country
LOWELL Wcbj*t**r, If .Mulligan, rf Droll, c r <'»>tn[nuiIns, If; noiilsrli*. r^
COI,U:I;IATKS r«, Knur l^, Svon<Sra> i1. HIMulit'll rf. Silk If. lIuutM'Iio
i.OS A.VCKI.KS, l)c< ;in INK Add paiiiolic <iieeches: "I am
•— " -•- -"- "linddy liacr, -Ian. !>. Hilly
'Dartmouth Hockey 0, K.-But NoIce
West Coast
Needs Racing the lineup for the. first time
- ---
College Boy ! (cum in Jinn, nitd 1 liopr tint
HANOYKIt. Drc. 3H. »NKA ) —Llnn'l tr> In cnnvlnt'i* linrkry ciiai'li Kililio JiToniiiih Darinnmili ]•. t.u'iilr.i in tlu> (rn/cu niirlh. All nl the hiitiaii>>* [ir<--\isi-alioii Imckry KI«II><^ wrrv rnn-
Five Faces
"Y Varsity |
Joe Kane of Perm, Scondras of Purple Play Tonight
rfs luM-time manager of the
rlude: Jimmy Krou^h of I lie I'ui-
vpr^ilv of Miiimi. Vl;i.: t'ii;"i> 7, \\\-
ki.\ Noiwirh university; IVU- cru-nrt' \\'U11 tIn- ']15-1>oiiiid Kou'.'lialakos, formerly of Col'ny. HM»v H:\i-r to UK \avut KHirf nml Waller I-hion i>f Lowell Tex- sdficl) , whidi u ill net snrnr-
f l!»- Hi? jiiimcs, won lil. lost scored Ihe lirsl Knnl on .M(.|it- rollinj; race meeting would RO far total when the triple holiday il i ind dreu IK times fur n uin- rcnl ire II times, \\on S and 'I'; rc-rsiiiblish normal bu^ine:-s double-header program con- in^ pelceliln^e of 117 and 11 pos- ilrcn ','. nl Ilicse Annies. !conditions and prevent a .serious cludes next Saturday night.,. ble point percentage of 7H. |n AHIIJ- from I ic. they scored iiiucmploymenl piolilem in a diffi- The fii'j.t three twin bills of the J Tl ^ame.s in \^llic)l the vlsiim-:, lirsl in « Annies, nnd wnji ;t [cull period. year drew a lotal of 51,760 s-orc'd liisl. ihey HUH .V, linie.s. of Ihcm. losing I. Well, lhal inixhl he so. hut out- fans with the top crowd— ilosl •.'.'!. nnd lied M. The t'hica>;o lla\\ks s< otf-il ihe side of Ihe territory south of the IS,(ISO-witnessing Ihe L. !. U.-
at Mt. Pleasant
Crosliy nml Mcl.aniin
.Morris, (rack, I!KPi; Dcnr 1111111:0, tennis, I!i:t7; Dnn I.ash. Iraek, i!)j)g; .foe Kurk. rowim;,
club rifle team, of Ihe Slate Line Ihis section nf Neve i-^ri^kind. Th
Imy, l.i'in I'rariklin kerps roniini;," rf]'lii'> l.ruii>, in his
\ Ki:uiklin, who has m
lifilit IJoh Pastor in ( l.-vi-land hi I'rhnniry. I'M- sn-u him tw«
since 1914.
liars l.obei't will take over
I.OWKIJ.. -A iiiiskfilial I ;if li;i.-- ducja yrl, hut Ihut was fniir ii>\'Mr-d a'\aii| sin< ticin nf inicro.-t '•'.iJ! ink*? ;iia(-c years st;o, niul I"iduchi Inii'iv lion in 10;;n
loni^lU a; S o'clock on the V. M. C A. i-om-l \vhVn iho V, M, C. A. vai'sily fa- fs ^n All-Sin: loam of college boys lionif for the Oii'i.-i- ma.- holidnxs,
•fulinn Ki'juilirir, fnriwr "V"
star, now «if Syrnciiic univcr-
:-»itv, is hi I'liarne of thr. {'nl-
Ifijjatc ([mnlrt (fiat will fea-
ture .Jon KHIir nf IIK* Iu3var-
sity of Pennsylvania and Jini-
iny Scoiiurns (if Holy Crtii*s, j
guards; Jimmy Silk of Tc\- j wny." ht* i-\[ilains.
tile, HIul .Jfrlmny HtmlM-lis of "Kit:h( now I liav.- Ihe urtf St. AJIM-IIU'S, forward*. Hriui- us strong us I'vr L-\IT tiud it— licii \vill bo nl center. to Midi an rvtrill tliat I'vf Oilier college boys v:ho \\ ill iv >]irnt Ifn- lMdidny> in H Iniin- on Iianf1 reiuly fu: a«;tiun v.ii! m-
K »'»
I'OOTISAI.L- Don Snavely, deeply (jraldii! In Lieul. Cen. De \<bo might have been Colum- scnro.i lii>t Will for hi- ni,-s^i;;o. I believe he bia '.. ;;icalest center except "•i"""-- n"'. "''''"• vi''- is ^iviiiK consideialiini in the part for a bad leg, was ivelcascd in Hi, losing S .-in.I lie- lacing van flay in slinndalm;: from Medical Center .Saturday Of lhe>e ;:nme<. l."i \\eie puldir morale." Ui. Cliaiies ]!en- after having a cartilage re-
"Saw liiin lusi1 si\ roniul
(Irrisi-.n (,( 1'ifililii- ridiii'ia In
tin' (<:irdrn. Itr hasn't hit 1'i- i'>t pcl'Mdl lo l.r-1
in tho tliii-l; r>f Ihm^.'
"I'litil ncvt SrpU'iuhr'r, any-
Of Ihese same.. II i- tram nl hnme. fining so in 11 Barnes do? (Jive all men in uniform idle foi a couple of day... vorim: tin- hiitlnl c-mmtcr nn Ihc load. Of these, they won winning umlucl licliet? Lansing is one of the team's wnu !)(i. lost .i» nnd drew :l(1 in ;.nd il AI home in 1:1 Thai would he a .sure shot way most valuable men...He is a
iti^ r:unn."
l.onts <Li<] Hiis in ardf-r In
e team \v;ts lust t,. score in and lieiim :i ti s, Tl.ey men and civic hodles, a hi[:h- c\pccleii lo surpass the 100,000
i;i\ i' fii-. cnlirt- jmrv for JJii-
Inn much foi- liitil. Hr's a riL;l)t 'Die :n'-nior);il ruininiili1';-. in an
lialid JHUU!MT \vhn ilrpt'inLN nix linih-liiiii: itud tnts a hrJttlc ripht fnihd.
"I ho[ir- that ri^hl liiitu!
iiounrii).; his fck-i-ii.m tmlay. u walr-il Ilia! he had »,.n iln- ticjplu a(ti-i n faii-iy i-lu.-... hall!.'' wiili CiillH'lius U'anlrrdain nf the San
„ mil's phiyi-il in tin- I1IIII-II si asitn. hut in one, (here vvns no first i;nal. this t;nme re- sult ini; in h scoreless draw
cii cnin^liirli1.^. The Toronto
there would lie no objection to the
I day from here out for his
openin:,' nl Santa Aniln. sijuad.. .Local odds favoring .caf: s.ored lirst; Dr. Slrub. mana(;iiii; diic-ctor of | Fordham over Missouri in the i.r.rt weie!""' lahulniis Arcadia plant. sires.s- Sugar Bowl game look a quick In.t.'e:- lhat il will cnnlinne to eo-op-j drop with the news Ihat Ihe
s|;i>*• in i;oi)il ri-11tiir and
lie ];cc|is kiiui'Uin^ tlicnt fi-ILis,, Ohmpir Cluh. unrld nut until Scjilrinhrr. I ' l l In1 i fi-ord hi'Mcr in tli" puli vaull InnliiiT lor an appointmml and tin' Diily Ij-fuou-r in historv
eeji hoston and Tnrolllci, lenviiiK Mil u
tJi11 Minning l
in^: on four
v\ cj e Ihe inily learn tl
in jilore anay [rom home than the in shoulder bruise and would be
nhnul lliat lime."
!Io\v lony wruild l.ouis ft-main out the country vnlcd nn Ih
•|-i, jerale in every way with miliiarvl
rv Hams' regular right end,Jim
Louis, is vastly mure
I'leasanl golf oluh and pue.~ls will]is ahont the Buddy Baers',"r'oni'i- l!»3!l nnd fire;; Rice, trnek, liil" scores and the elu'n boasts
iliiin half ,1 do/en limes. MP Imsn'l 1 a mark lo show- for nil the weai i and (ear.
been reported killed in the air- raid al Hicham field, Honolulu ...lie was hospitalized with a
i I.OWELI—MemheiF of Ihe Ml.'aboul the \\ ar ami
boys have turned in r. number
hold a N'ew Yeai's Evo pally at land Frankiiiis. " i HMII.
Ihcir cluh ((uarlcr.s lomorrow: Though he has ijeen playiiv (oil
night. Oriel lioherls is the ;no more than Ihree vr-ars, h'^ h, -I riding acndemy,
TvSDAY. DLT. .10, Ifltl
\\K\~.i~";m~~\\\\7.Ti«n \VLLII 1100 nasium is- a vastly different V'hnp
fhaii'man of the affair and is as-ii ~| (n njs c-i-cdji
ancin^ pavilion.
He owns two apartment imiiil .91.:'„'!, !;. Knowlcs 'J".l)b. .1. Uorton
.:«s:K±ii?; ^ £x! " -stiii.iimiabihoi,,rhiohkeslik'eifoReportinShape
.Mai.Mil.h.'!l, 'Jl. i> Hi,, yniiii
moved trom a bad left knee...
riManf. and MncMitclicll pulli'd Mv
foi .Ihc pulo viinltci. Npxi cnnn !j«|. I'latak. Chic-a^n':, iuuuilj ill -champion uith •!(;.'!:' Hilly ISmwii. f.oiiisiajia Stale trai-k star, \\ilh '•lir.: fiml Ward. aniFilnn- ^ilf clianipinn. .ITS; Kanci M.-ria, \\ en's swimming titk-liofdei. ;tj| aurl l-;arl Claik, Ohio State fiivci
.Mac.^litcln-ll ^\-oii the ,\rc tinnitl A. A. I', onldnnr I.Tillll meter ehainpimislii|i, tin- N'n linnal Cnllesinte \. A. mile
, lille nnd tlir Intcrcollc|;int< i A. A. A. A. indoor and nut ) doormileeroxvnsfora[:raml
\ On the iniiirils- he ran a mile in j'l:ni.-l lo equal Glcj. (.'unnmsiiinni's 1am! Chuck Fcnskc's world indoor,
h a lirst crml ^^ s si-orcd.
U,...;, jalilhtililies. That's real nice o'fl Lansing, was .suffering from a
Honlhron. track, Ifl.^l; Law-
son Lillle. coif, till.';; (ilcn league, ranks with the hor
lo 0.
dro]i|icd only once-hy (lie nsii'-' he tackles Mickey Farber to- hinid end of a one-two. Hccla~ims! riighl...San Francisco Feath- he hasn'l been shaken nn more erweight Danny Lavcrne lias
]Are Ynn n jAnnl
Ibrei: slirti^hi victories irl as 7llFiny stalls. Tile aveiaL'.'s lo rlale follov.-:
! WNAC i
'L'he .Storn .'.Insie Box \|)Iv. Oriibna
Of course ihe Louis of Ihe ,"ym- broken leg al the lime.
K. Whcoioi- tll.riu, .[, [):nii;liral> l;;sinChicago ;SO.i'i,K.FullerS7.0U,.1. McCaini
,Mn I'crlrin
Vic nnd Sndc^i\'arioly ('lain Kill
si.-tedby acommitteecomposed;; HeplayedwithIJincCrosb\;••i\
of Charles (Janiey. Nick Nicholas .Jimmy McJ.arnin while in i.<p'.- An-
and Camphell DeMallie. celes. Crosby hada'~-l ">IcLa , dcchires Louis. drell S."i8i;. B. Clialc-auiu-iif S'2.'Jo. 1:0(1 Backs. Wife \Milestones |Chili .Matinee Orchestra •ols.jn hefrn-o lacklin.; Louis.
'•I'll mfinn'n'e to keep hui>," .fK.:a. A. Ahreu Sfi.H;, A. Buri>-
Lou j\uvn lo consult Georce Kicli-
UETB01T, Dec. 30 (NKAt
j rrlli'^l lu-cnuT tlir-rr \\'A\ IHI icr mi |ln< colleer's nutdoor rijik. for Business 1'hillie, lor the first time next. ! In nnlrr to yi\r lii\ Irnin niic ^'nvliout lu'lnrc NliiHinq :t ililUruU ^eason but he already has a
This ^am,1'l, on ih<? regular;
"Y" schedule hut .in'anjjofl .'it ilir?. J;i.>t minute.
Bovli Tonight
head Cafe bowlers "ill licad down- I'issed ri^ht in nnion? them ille anchored the New York I
river Umiyhl to mod tlic strong •laps in Ihc Philippines, [-'or [distance medley relay learn which)
Recreation Five, of Lawrence, in line Ihini;, he won't dn as 'established a new worlri indoor'"
a match ^ame on the. Recreation much intensive tumiis train- reeoid at Ihe A, A. 1'. Nationals. T.I U/l I
lanes, '['he locals Mill sol;:rt tlic-ir ing RS he has dnne in nrder In the award voting the trilnmal \T\\ ff fiCClSl
linpup from Henry Cohen, Arthur tfi kc^p his liKhtin^ dnles us look into consideration nol only! nvviwi
l.emke. \\raltcr Arlin, Mi(.-ke\- a civilian." pcrformanee.s l also acts fl'fiU' L • C*-»4 I mn Their Inss »ias tn ('hirARn in Away fiom iiom*'. in flieM Nicholson should know. He's impressive victory slrings in
Uiin« like SI'M.OOri ^s the- rr-
"Tint I'll like to ri'lirc niutc- ffiitod/' nmtimir:» r.onis, "uttnr civilly everyhotly nrnunil a
such a meelinj; would
slam nf thr year's major - hnnors.
Southcrn California and Ford- ham-KicegamesIrislSaturday. !Ci: SKATING—The fifth hut ihey were not the Kip Icam.c.iL-o in II K;mies. and u,m 7 ofjou.s times-, s.houl.1 he makin" uoml figure-skating ice show lo feature Sonja llenie opens al I lines, showing ihi.l there is mnicilhey notched ihe opening i;oal !»! You can't win n war improving! Madison Square Garden oa jlo winning a ^aine ihari srnrins; j limes, iind won il and lost r, of ithe hreccl al the sellers' windows •Jan. I'j for an eight-perform- I In I. The I'.ed Winys scored [li si!these prunes. illi.v, lo fSrat l.ouU ance slay...The revue opened Jin '-1!! nl their ^ame.s. wimiin;: Hi.: Tile Americans scoied lirsl in; Cleoi^e Nichol.son's lip lo 0]ipn- at Omaha on Nov. IS and has ]lo inj; O and li"in^ 7 limc.s. Thcyionly Ifl uamcs all season. They'i"'i'ts of .lor Louis |f ID walk into played at Indianapolis, SI. scored lirsl 17 times ul home, wen- Ihe only loam lhal dici jin'l!""' champion as llioUKh lotally tin- Louis, Buffalo and Chicago... v inning U Barnes nnd losing ii. win rnoie Barnes than Ihcv losl :;l(l il'cl- One n.ore slop al Delroit is Away iroin home. Ihey lalliediin Barnes in which ihev cnnncclerl! "[ l 'f w llr" y<»« try lo he c-arefuf listed before Ihe New York lirsl -! limes, and won Ti of the.scjfoi iln; lirsl 1:0:1), Minninu- -I. stay away lhal he clips you." opening... Charlotte Walter, —panics, losing ii;: Iho same number, and n>aw-!oxl','iim:t ""' Vonkcrs Ntgro. lop Metropolitan ice skater
"I'll IIIIIIK Vm up af Ihc first
si^'ii that I'm slip|iiii^. I'd Tiki-
l'» rclirc iindcfi-ntcd while- in
tin- army."
Louis exp^cls tn induc'led jrecord, in winning Ihp ]. (\ A. A
in the mallei of H-innin- tho.sejlhcm .,nd l,,.si •>. On foici-n iee.luse of ilieir lime elsewhere. i
inlu Ihe nrnn' at any lime. A. A. cross coiuUry championship "Army life will do Eiim |he remained unbeaten in that)
at Lawrence
I.OWKLI—Del Morel's Moose- hurll. "And he'd lif;e In he hny and c.dle^iale competition,
i:oml," assert.s Handler TUack- I sport after five years of school
Pleiu, Manuel Sih'cria and Win Tlic Utmis c;ur.|i i.s < )Ul rt
!lh nl sportsmanship, nnalitics of leader-jniUll III JJaT c LlliC
overtime, while tuo of their Jin w.vhiic-h they >..c<om!| lii/sl."'i|hev i:'b"o'Txe'1r,! ss"omrn'ri-'l"b'»in-^' >|i'|^ir mfind rroundrsb local rings is owned by Light-
Cliasc. Lawrence will have s,tu-li »t " ^s Louis is- im-luilcrl in an sfiip. strength of character, per-! **
h OUIS s 1
six tie uaines \\crc also i"on. losl. and chow That „„',,i"" .'• ""'' becorniri); his chief
weight Ctict Rico of New York, who will Uy for his 36th.tri- umph in 3!) professional starts against Canada's Harry Hurst
hoys as Mike Jukins, Jim Gil- c-.xpiflitionary for< c. he will hv tonality, and ideals of amrueurism.
DJf [« I Oaflllft
ntainst Ihc Hawks. Of the 2 al m ior to lll(1 ri it-nine awny from home, in whicn , I"!'!! , " '" '"' - '»
Ictte, Nick Kobos. Eddie Thomas sls
I're.vinus winners were, jIIIt1C LVQJUUC
~f> Annies. IT* \^crc al home, they s.-ored Ihe Jirsi ,,al and "l"-'*'"* c»K«»;emem in .June, v
and others in the lineup. Thci''- - ^o servii-c futul will have
mid they won 13 nnd drew •; w«ui. was Iihe rojnlyi ^jj;anio they [ ' :,•',;.., ,., ,. . , : „ . _ , . . , .
Sivcn furloughs lo light with IKS
Leslie MacMiichell
piodml of his system in the National league records . . . Chiefly because of his guidance late season, Ihe Phils fin- Nice! second in stolen bases with 6j to the Kcds' 68 ... Uaiiuy Murtaugli, who joined the club late in June, became the individual champion with is, :
llohhy -lories, golf,
match is listed for S.30 o'clock. i'o a^k twice fnr his i-lmnrpion-; ney iierlingrr, track. ID3I: LOWKLL Headed by Kd nf Uieni. Autiy frnrn homo, won on enemy ice all SIMM-HI. lhis|soThiil pi actically qualifies Nicliol- at the C'olseum tonight.. .For-
ship sei vices. He expresses
'.rilliiiKtio.^s: In continue ligt NewYear'sParty for niilliing if ii Mill hrI],
1MO; Uar-
.Jim Hansch. Iraclt. Iflil'Z; (ilcn Wheeler, who boasls an average, Ihey scnred thr opener I'* heinu Ihcir lirst Kame in Chi.-ato.||C i for a booth in one of ihe hoi- mer Featherweight Champion
limes, winning R times nml Cimniimharn. track. !!I33: Hill of nI..")". 111.- Lowell Marksmen's losinp mice.
sideshows. f'cley Scalzo resumescam- u hioh* the\- \\on i>y ,n score "f M In nil thai lime, lie hns beeni paigning as a lightweight when
>chrilulr, •Icrrnti.iEi Imil \<\ laUr Iii> M|iiacl In an !nilnor rlti'c ilk lloston. f)nlinnrily Kirn- U 'H-? in llanmrr vlinrtly rtftt'r TlnihUs-
Team Scoring First Goal Winsj 59 Per Cent of N. H. L. Games
I1OSTO.V. Don. .'ill The in si .n \i ;iin maua;;ci of a .Nalunii 1! ) l,i-y ' ic;i::u.' eliili can ;-r..- h 1 1 \ ers i- Mli^: Cel Ihi- lir..| i:oa
1- r U-am:. \\iiich s.-ni'-d first n'^
v\ ill .">'ljicr cr-nl of ill.- Imie in al lumie. and ill- H and iv Stnih, Sieve Owen, coach of Ihe All-
imcs ilui-.n.; Ihe 11110-11 season. |,, I '-'. JIljH.-M'l- Ihey were nut i.t. (ien. ,fnhn l.V \\"iti o[ th(i star piofcssional football team
(II I M'l Ul I'.j IIS [!'-[ cl-nl 0] II lou successful lien ;:<koi in;: liist l-'ourtli Army lommund sjiiil lhat whicl nioels the champion, |HI liile numi'Ci ul IIOMII-. nuay trom ho n, winnim: Ti aiidj'^ hy Jan.lf\ or an>- other date. Chicagi Bears in the annual Acllifil uamcs ficiir.-s nrr- u: pro bowl game here Sunday, HH-SI-: Tliere \\cn- UiS lennne losing li. in lit ame.< undci suchi""' " .situation is alleviated, has sereduled two workouts a
Favors will he distributed lo a 71',. and Louis is siili kii-kii'i'. Whric \vill he ni-;ike his htirn"' .A. Moreau Js'^/^J. K. Kenney NilMio, 1:15 Stella llalla.5 ' in Jlusii: K luh .Mntinee Orchcslra j II is i/irnly possible lhal Iho.v - Detroit Tigers have warned
sue.sts and dam-ing v,ill he on- hiniflf for lakii^- a ..even 'iird joyed from 11 p. m. until it a. m. six en ihe |;,.st |V,o holes lo
1:30 Lor. Jnrics (ilco Cluh jv'hih Malinee hnsrms inlchl KII a psychological lift, anil Pitcher Buck Newsom lo re-
A buffet Imi'.ii will be served.
live above par for an 81.
His [ii-OHrc-s.s in f.;olf dc;;mr,-
".My \sife likes Chit a^c»," I.. Adams Sl.i'iO. T. Sexlon'7C.OH. •1:IS \\'idow llrown , I'ress .\c\ smiles Louis. "CTlicat;o K nil
riirhl \\ilb me. too.except D-'-
Malinei-, News!Hot Hec-ords
a lifl of any kind usually is a hie port lo their Florida training crimp in shape or not at all.
strates lhal Louis can play w-il Irnit has been my home since iBIondTiger
l.lael; [jjiltnn ()r|>han Annie
In (ilri!iiuiii£
and lost 20 in 1341 after a
.-my same h,.. put hjs mind'on. One o! Louis' reprots is lhat la4 sumnmr he could r.ot travel with
I v*as n kid. My people ami most of my friends arc Ihcrr. and I'd like lo stay close al
i MnsicAlr. Scallcrk'o' l r. >liv I'mi;. ,. . , . . , . , Mnlli-cfllular con,fruitions ac frit and flabby last spring. (apl..Midnight applied ,„ If," win- of s'hipJ,
'Drops Verdict
I-'ALL RIVKR, Dec. .'',u Lov/cil's Blond 'I i^ei di o[.-p
v.-heie he was vais'd. Smoky;.<,• Mho's boss, Ihe missus or me." j a six-round split dceiu'nu Meanwhile. .loo Louis turns into fat Dieei.-i of Springfield pla>s a Hii-kf-fi lii.-i riase and i- a ,3'iji—ready for anyone and an-. Ihe sf-mi-Imai li-nit of nn
j Sens i \ows-Cnsls INow.; Music j.Ne'cws moms Dial the panels are made1 The talkative Bobo ncver- ]Spnrls ; riiltinllen*" :lferh Lewis .Smpo.rh "!' in many In nilicri received 525,000 in The .Musical '.Nous; Spnrts .Sporls, Music; News; Minio •.voids ibere arc so main- ribs and i .salary and 57"yXI in bonuses I Kende7.voil5 i\\'orhl Tiiilny 'I.niv'1 Thnmns Around Town spnrs lhal the frame of the win;.- for his mediocre efforts. He is due for a 50 per cent salary
his Brown Bomber.-, a soft i);i|| hnncl. team from Del roll's K.-isl Side,
jrood hitler.
Louis Has Properly
if. \\nriiiK1 lAmo,- & Amlv (r.asy Ares jITillon l.owh appears lo be a seiies of small slash in '42.
Will.I v,ii] l.uui'
H '-,,1- .[77 ar:v.;. -2-2 miie of Detroit. Moic- than lin'i arc under cultivation. On th maining land are cattb- and
7:l."i JMnsreale fl:0() IHny ISInels
: llushanrl" Allen '•' ; Inside Spnrls
the ialt'.r sl.i^' slighto,t lead hurl Eainer,
if. S. Muni [lira^il
Nnl •lordnn
fAns\vor Mnn j-lolin .Slerlo ;.Marching ^Ton ' News; Sports
Pro^'raoi'' '
lied ,'Skoltrin -Inan Ar\eni \\ar K.vlra ll'nlton Lewis
DINNFR TIMS AT H1AIEAH PARK—BlacV and while swans, flamingoes and wild duch at Hla- 1: fin Lite of World'llr. Malone ifOfcMfillon ( i dr. t'oslrr
ieati Pflrl<. FU., enjoy •hcii' daily meal of mash, cod llvrr oil jnd rice. The flamingoes with f'uelr ".:\:> [Mystery Mnn Mov -Jordan j\'in Lnpri |()reh<"ilra
,long-stalk legs came from Cuba and Argentina.—AP photo. ; Vallum Lady ITtl. Uiloy ; Uancr.
2:15 i Arnold Grim iKato Hov.kii I Concert jAir Sclioo,!
fli.W : lrlornce llridt |Ark Traioler:>Tr. Ite
[.Missinv lieir'.'i Alice
! Annn meed
H:\:, j rroasnrochcsl i K. Bnrm
IRallle. of | "We. The1' j thr- Sr\os ; People"
I il'bor MrCjcc l.cporl In
i Tamous iry
.Molly"" J I'ob Ho|ie.'s
Ilir .SBlii,
-IHenii .Miilrr" S> iiiphf.n\' fiililie Affairs
.\e\^s: .Sports Trtl _.strrlr. ISchiiherl dub News. W'lbcr • News and MasUr Works Wenlher; The | Weather
,' frirnpany National rV
N. K. Nru» Orehoslra Orchestra
r,t Mils Mu Orcbeslra Vriu \\«nt
Kuri'iio News Choi linjlnrrl
tames, ihey noii II and lost 1. lo impiovc morale. good pass-catcher and bril- The ('niuuliens cnnuti'd tlie Southern California is indeed un- liant on defense.
When i hi' tciini M-ortiit; lirsl
A as Ihe lutme eluh, tile perccurajje1
if v'idniies w;i.s even lar[;ej-. Th' winnini; II ,.( thrm, ln-.i]i- « irv. There, yon learn from hnsi- at Madison Square (janlcn is
! Detroit J'.rdWin^s were Ih- firsl coi1mlcr m B: 1UV a l< ll |nlli l
ir, ,"",, „ T1"ll |"p"'l:" I"'!""' r'l;"^ *' " - '" ">- ""«--ti<""irvlnn,,:^ '"'' "'"" '" ""' " "' ' tln-|«nn lialf of ihese. losing sevenhy, while providin" a to'alini- p!-i,-e matter of S.-OIIHR ,!,efirst -ual.[times, Thei .seoic.l liisl in Chi-\loi Ihoiisancls who, in these peril-
The ISnslon dull scored lirsl iim ii limes. Of Ihese ;;«mrs. 10 "ay is lo walk in for several years, now acts as '!S limes, losim; cmly one of "ere nl home, nnd Ilic"- hari .'; Ihcje and keen him [5on'l an inMiuclor at Buffalo. these Kamr's. nnd lIHnc ir. ci'-loiies and ii defi-al.s in Ihem. * I IniiiK on the end of a'punch." IJOMXCi—One of Ihe most
-lorry's SIIHRS jMoney Mill News: McivicsjOther\Vifo
>rco \ Dixie ( nrol Cabnl Orcbrstra
(.corgi- A IHxit Orche,t;a
i Annn I'.raOfn'd
",M.< Wny" llhythm Time
Musical I nrl Moore's .\o\\s; I'rrcl nniindii[i llrmdy IIe\up
I News. lUnthm ;|'riscilla
Our records show that l.involl cili/ons returned to CON- I.ON'.S in 1011 in ever increasing num- bers. \Ve're proud of and >;raloful lo our customers ;md we want to tliauli von for jour loyal support.
In looking ahead, we see (lint the horizon is not entirely elcar. But wr pledge our- M'lve.s fo maintain in I!)\'i the quality of Service — Complete stock—Fair prices —• which lias built CON- I.ON'S reputation.
l-'ood ,\l-\ss ' Concert
i Variations
' Bess .Inlinso 11*' helrirs" Hel|nnnlc Itoarl of Life
Sj i!i|! ISrcakfnsl Don McNc Slnrif-s Store \rws
(News !:!.> i Drama
U.ifc C«n Home Ilnur I NCMs Casts
S.ilDjihriiij '
IVIly C'rockor f Inrk Ilenim 'I'. I'. Limit
>l.irt A Marso ,\rvl s Stepmother llourpjet
I'nod I'alr : Men \ (.al
I nshions March to \irlnry
l.Mary Marlin Treat Time .Ilnn mini '\\orlrl News
Top Vonns :"Tbe .Man 1"
'Bud Barton • Horizons i VRrietirs !I)fl\id Harnm [,\nnt -lenny i Weather
Talk Until Moss Mrl. Strings
12:1 j I Musical ; Bis Sister ludy A .Innc j Orehrslra 12:311 jSinnin' Sam :Helen Trent Nfttional '<)uix Box 12:15 iPlayhouse ifial Sunday* I'ftrni and i News
And Again—As in the 1'asf —\Ve Are Prepared to Serve You the Brand You Prefer in
lohn Conlon's Liquor Co., Inc.
(12:05 j(;rne'A Glenn iliatc .Smith" [News, {'hat j John Hughes
!ln \\hito. ' AjrrionlUjre I
Tlir l.l.i Shov
| Happiness Rndio Notes
l:lo 1'norl Talk i of Life !Wnr Ne«s Time
!:iV> i.Marj. Milh
DIAMifni. ST.
jMlltlinl <',nrt. \ Cnllini; '(Ireheslrn
and Ti9e Warn Newsom
like any oilier part of Ihe conn- HASKKTllALL-Atleiidanco
5:fln !<iirl Marries IMary Marlin
5:in Porlin's l.ifn !(»f)ldbori;%
.1:3(1 The Abholls |O'.Veill,s 1 great year in IfJ'lO, reported
',r-resi HI;: taid at III* t'asj
liero ia.-l ni^ihl. Tin- Ti; 7:30 Orchoslra |".Sec-ond Burns .C |Art Hair- i
noxliko strui'lnros.
jKurope News il.nnny Itoss'* -Mr. !\ern i J-aw ronco
j Ii. <i. Swim;
.Spot Bllirl-
>Tovics; News
I him Ihc one of Ihe
lielp following a fiRht \cith .for.' Newsorn, who won. 12 games
   9   10   11   12   13