Page 10 - Dud's Birthday Newspaper
P. 10

Lowell Sun and Citizen-Leader Tuesday December 30 1941
ange Bowl fooiball game, left io rigtif — Fr<anl< Sparta—showed p>p in ihe fin! full-dross workout at Miami
War's Effect on Football To Be Probed at Conclave
'.ui'j P:MI* L-
TJ;fk hadijc v.-as presented hv Sheiiff \Villiam R. Hrowne r.'f lir-r p(-n roimly. N. J.. v.-lio
Indoor Singles
1 f,Ti - Knur representatives ot llio nir-tiopoli-
\V;ii'iini'? rondilions -i*- they rn ^ffr-cl critlr;;i,Tlr: football V.TIV jo]' Hivru^ion today al ihe .in ni^f*tinf; i»f tho Auifi'ican Fool (,'onchos fi^ocialion.
Attcrbury of Grral .Nock, L. L.
were in the semi-final round. They
were called upon lo mark lime
until fourth-seeded Korma Meisler the line of .'•criminate is iiileii
The fans ni;iy yet se'c n mix be- 'n"g" a"n "aTMrm injury 'in an o—pen•i•n•—., i[)to lhat swanji sodety al shost ates Lefty drove (whose 300 tween Oinoll ami Hie Tiger, match of the pro tour al Ne\v at Coo;ic:sto',vnL .victories will certainly get him in
jQuintet Steps
-| DETROIT, Off. "0. a\ yOutWins29-24
tan district \vr-re njnont; t ho
survjvors today as Th: 1912
liona! ^irls indoor .^in^los tfnnis ffini•niv, Aiv/., ,fiin. -J.
tnurncy cnf c-rrd I lie second riay's firrommcn'Jal ions feu- I'han^^i. sta^o at Lon<j\vo(jfi, | indn do: A ii-rtin .sJiouNI Lt penal-\''
Tho throe top-sr'oriH playf is.! i/ori hy nn antoinrUif: Iiin'i out if i•'"•
/ivr nn-i,,-, (
'• fi^'htin^ for 5*"'\'erfil reasons, lie'.
of Sharon eomph led her quarter- finals engagement wi t h Helen Vaughn of New Rochclle, N. Y.
IIE.\TAU,-C:O\\ i.r-:v TIF.D MONTHKAL. Dec. 3d (UP) — Bryan Hextall of the New York Rangers picked up Ihree poinls lo climb inlo a lirst-plnce lie al '12 points wilh Bill Cowley of the
Boston Bruins in the individual j '' recommended dial five yard scoring race, according lo National penalty he imposed if
hockey league stnlistks released to- charges offside hefore Ihe ball
1.0W1CLL A. Kostechn. ly
'in the mnkiii);. Wilh the spoils] WASHINGTON, Dec, .10 (INS) •show miner spruse>e on|"^onr^' KiRgs, last year's na- jlhe holiday, ii looks like n biKJlirinal lonnis champion, (onight
seem to be to separate the wheat jMaranville, .Hniniir; Collins, from the wheat. For all the men
I tennis.
Frank Kovacs kept his slate
piickslci-E. The Bruins are deter- NEW YORK, Dec. TO (INS)—| lie preached this new came. mined 10 regain eve,, terms with
iir- nmsulftT'il v;lif-n ttif; iuN-^ niHoe nf Ihr- National C'ol!"- Allif''!!*: as'ot'ialifiii nirc-ts in
Baseball Writers' Hall of Fame! -s]iort there. ion clash they h;.d to wW a fu. [poll? Annually, you know, writ-] rious .sliuggle to train an overtime , . . . --r, in. hut a lot of 3-1 win. ' ~'
Lillian Lopans of City Island, N.:;i MJhsiil nif coirifs onlo Ihn Jfolrl i'' Kaiuikos. If. L,-
.ton Garden Monday, according to! ('ainbrid^f? |css nh
llosulis of the lina! fla=s houls, only two of which went the three- rounrl distance, follo\'.-:
ll->-|>niiii<ls: Tniiitny, Hrocktfin, drcisinnerl George Ba- ker, Lynn.
MS-lioi.nds: Kd (in]|ui;c, Chpl- son, liayni'd Georgn, Milton,
1 1 Y,. last yoar's runner-up tn Ih* iafU'i the ('Tim on ofienst
_1i : wire received by General-Man- :,him do fans of long experience. |jllr|sc ,,m]^ (m instancCp i,,,^
Jion-rtefcnriin^ Dorothy, \VJf;htinari cnior^rd frrirn its NiMUMe; FI suh- nas, <:.... of Brooklino. Betty Ro-smriuist Dilute IIKIY report lo any olliciiil;(<-•- 1'appns, (
ri|a tls
of Soulh Orange, N. J., and Judv!°MciaIs .should noltfy each terirni'' ^ . i'f;
in finothr: six-rounder. The Ti^-oi
Ihree minutes before the slfirl of " tile second half.
••.iinou.^sut!\ inuicth.e',1,1M:11'a' isni'"C-sir.t*- , - I T , - on. Perry;W|,o have never heen able to gar-1must have "played during the 19-11 ":tor. and he is nohoriVs pushover.lllas hrcn '"'elmed sir(ice suffer- ner enough votes to be invited season. That" ohvivous, elim'in-
if a lateral pass Ibrown beyond
their performances Thcrsday wilt York last week. fiB
Rnhp \Vadtlcll, Ko^rrs Mho hall some dayl, Gabby ilart- Hornsby, !-"rank (ihfllicr. Kd [nett. Joe DiMaggio, etc. Drlchanty, Kd Walsh, Johnny j The problem therefore would Fvers, .Miller HURJCLIIS, Rahhit
should he
of Hie illegal
yard penally from the poinl
I''TLr i^V!:;^;,;:TM;; i'»-» TM^~TMTM slin
Knockouts (oday had fetlleti four of six open class final bouts in (lie weekly amateur hoxing pro-
Anolher .sujrijeslion emanatint; (;nvin, from Coach Charles llorais, of l!io !tamer, c University of Detroit, would Doliprlv. If a tram that, i.s.scored upon to
choose the goal it wanis to defend L'onley, if after each loudirlou'n
^oal Coach I .nil l.itllc of Golum-
1 ni :c ! llis
jlurnoiil of the ling failhful /ol j '"- ' "P second win in three
Morilcrai Hrou n, Wilhcrt Itoli- inson, Cliicf Uendor, Herb 1'rn-
Artcf "lead" can be who! a leader does or what a plumber uses for pipe, depending on how you pro- nounce it:
Words—pictures—symbols; Ihe things we all use to convey ideas from one mind to anolhor mind.
They are tools—the tools of civiliied men, but they tan be sharp or blunt, well used or misused.
- Cnniiic1 Miit'k, volr-iai] niFinager-Jtrn^.' o\pf Clonr Mako in the open- lieve should he honored in eternal
owner of the Athlotics, loflay com- -inK mntch. He hcnt Budge in nron/e at Cooperstovvn? Drop me
plclrrl plnns for his team tn [i!ay .\<u- Ynrk anr! Ri^s in Trenton. a card or hrief letter, naming your!
f.ilonhil-e-ihond,c.r.s. nt Shihp ];ai.k t-v-i T..l.i. ,|ou(,]os trnnl Of IJU(JRC ?n(| first JO choices, and I'lllet your•piny—and became the sport's c
Krlich, U.
to All America
You walk the paths of freedom: They are glorious paths, but they are beset by dangers.
Words—pictures—symbols can poison you, can hurt you.
Your newspaper brinps you; through words, pictures and sym- bols, two kinds of news:
Now, (he very nature of nc-ws in a free country demandsthat you have both the GOOD and the PAD news. You want, tho FACTS, tho harsh, disheartening faris and ihe gonilo, reassuring ones. You want the opin- ions of flil wris of men, good and bad.
Armed with these (acts and opin- ions you are ablo to peHorm tho responsibilities of citizenship. If you accept end support the good, reject and cast out the bad, you oro armed to destroy
the rattlesnakes along the paths of freedom. Mererefusal taseeor he-ar won't help you. It
i, rarh TVrfnv in thin .«/*!<•<•, ,'ic mrsfag.-a
\t)« rir/rnrl it. Vo,v Irtjrrs pftorr.T.fnt u-ill kc appmintrd ^v Ihr rt!i!nr nnd dv this rnmmittre— pnpiT fi.'Wfft/rs Commits, 120 texingian Amur, .Vm- Vo--t TI'IV.
f- 11.C. 1NL>. .]|js.
ers are asked lo vote on whicn;Kr(,at baseball men are out wail-
b.'i.s yet, lo jiin m> a^ain^t the BOSTON. |)oe. SI (UP) Fred of the many bawtall immortals.jnK lo fe,c| ;„ If vou hilvc an, Chicago plnys al Montreal
l"f)n rli<!anco and is ^'ind fnou^Fi tr, K'"1 the hest jirri* a X"»IK (nrr. It's a t<mi;i lest for Hie I.ouHt lifiy, fitil IIP is ^riling treat linndNn^ from Mldi,re .Mi>llo. anil Hie latu-r thinks li*1 can starul hfs rule wilh nnv |j('j'JOfI rally to lir^ith a ."i-Tj Hra'l- o[ (hrm. Tm,'^]f-s ami An- Ififlc, ihe I.OWP]| fjoys Club Iwlo- drews collide in n *»i\-rourid
r f . . . K^urnridr/elis, If.
Ti»pr ran'' 11
is! i hack in action for the pro-, town
, 'ssioual tennis matches al Ho-i-l some
N. Y., memorial. But in: |i s t Of those named as never! cases we know considerably i hann-r received enough \-otes1 for out some of th,- nomineesjinriucUon put him Savour letter i
. , .. WcDnug,-,!!. i-r
aI m
s l a r l s s
" " I"'" when he toppled
i,l. Don RudRe. n-7. fi-.'f.
A crowd of ;tB()0 at Uline arena
deathless baseball fame: the eccen- noc-k, liny Sctiiilk, Hush Duf- tric \\arlrtell, Hornsby the master baiter, the slugging Dclahanty. fy. Vnun^s, IFu^hie ,Ieti- Ihe as!tile Walsh Evcis aiirt niriKS, Iron Man Mc-Ginnity, Huggins; men like Youngs and HiHiio-Run Baker, Addirr .loss, Adams who died before their time, Kddic IMank, .Mickey t'oi'hrnnc, the inimitable Oimy Vance, and Frank 1'risrli, Clark (iriffilh, Clark Criffith—who should have
Hill Terry, DRzzy N'anrc, ,lo)in lilinj;, Nn|i Riicker, Jne Tin- ker, Ilalic Adams and Pie Traynor.
is Ihe INKOHMBD man not ,lhe IGNORANT one who stays free.
Iveryday your newspaper brings you hundreds or thousands of vital FACTS—the market prices, births, deaths, marriages, fires, meetings, happenings—the list is very Ion,;;, and it is amazingly accurate and complete.
fveryday your newspaper brings you many opinions—il.s own edi- tors' opinions, speakers', colum- nists'—-even the. weather man's opinion of tomorrow's climate.
Every day in newspaper adver- tisements, merchants on BOTH SIDES OF TI1K STKKF.T bring J'OU the facts and opinions about tho goods and services they hope you will want from them.
The £Teat. Ihinj; about America and American new?pa|xrs is YOUR HH;HT TO aioosr, \vhal you will Ivlieve and whose urgings you will accept—whose products you will buy, whose |xi!icies you will follow.
This very right is what freedom is—the liberIy of every American to make up his own mind.
In Germany, Italy, Russia, Japan; a government agency decides what tho people shall read and hear. Not so In America. Do your part to preserve the American way of life,
s; resist er n.s soon so llir.t Doubleday credited with >--=- - " - - ' • • a rnaehm£ hrrth \vith
f .".fiifr Irhcrtv tind how AmrrriV.s nr
jorous effects awaited the Unlversify of Georgia football team' for Nntinnal Doffnse,
(upon arrival in Miami to prepare for the Orange bowl game with
[Texas Christian, New Year's d.iy. Frank's Sinlwicli, left, and Bissonnette Motors .Capl. Hcywarci Allen, center, are getting their share of attention — Srmrr Drpt. —
e: 1'etroulis.
-i-S minuir- petto?!?.
Double-Headers >a\c llitics beat Budge for the j first lime in (heir tournament careers. '.{ was the second loss EverySunday mill of three for the one-liroe i grand slam winner of amateur
Nfiddleweights Feature Big
Holiday Ring Show Here
Waddy Washington and Sam Shumway
in Ten Round Main Event, as Lowell Boys Otherwise Command Under Card
l-OWKLIy—The most promising professional boxing slum nf (he \vintfr season looms Thursday alternoon. I when \Viidfloll Washington, ohony-nucd middleweight of ''"inin^'field crosses lenlner with Sam Shiinnvay of Web-
( i perhaps the hardest hilling 160-potmder in" New Kng- iid in a 10-rmirulor nt Ihe Crescent rink.
i(| [>• furliifi ffrtUuTTJ by; _'_ _'
• il Jillcf- df I hi'rr- oulsl;in'!-
f-rl i'.'iys :n ;i.; jnany oihr-r And Nobody's Going
;,n.M r,v to Talk Back
Sh lllll,"f, ll'' Nrw VOKK. Dr.*. ;',0 MNS* ;i<K l n'"!1i - Jo.-- Louis .^jiotteri a jrolrl '•'•' ^ ''*i: <i. .-iK'i ifi's hrtd;;e loday wish his —UlV-!!n ;i ' liiniif en^rasvti on it,
•w -f. i*x>»-?j>s- .w sw :*? vt'Mi * t A t, "*'^*£ .' i-.* tl
>-; Uov-r punrhei.
'>\ 'V\\c HltjiKic ^Isrhe'iulfd to
1 1
-1ktio . . n Pft«j I
i eiry. ve'Tan English ace, will .shall he admitted to the Coopers-.added .starter who is not in thei league's onh other tame.
( rt lo hatr K"JI '
Is Mack's Plan
Mean in the pro ranks hy clown-
INS)[inc Ihranch an easy 6-2. 6-3 vie- \Vhirh one. or more, do you be-
snme of their wceli-dny plny- IIIL; dates in onlrr fn give tlie defense \\'orkers a (real rm Ilioir ofT-dny," Miid Connie. F[e added: "H is n change that I think will he brneticinl lo nil —including Ilie l.ali i-lubs."
The Sabbath double-heariei s will go into effect after Ihf third Sun- day of the season in accordance I
. Basketball LeaguetoOpen
Ty Cnhh. Ilahe Until. Honus \\'n«ner, (,'hristy Mnthevvsnn, \\'a|[er Johnson, Nap I^joie, 'I'ris S|ieaker, Cy ^'ounf, (Irn- \-er Alexander, (ieor(re Sister, Kddie Collins, Willie Keelor nnd Lou Geliri^. \\'hen the, Hftll of ]7nnie \vas founded, R nf bnsehall men ar- bitrarily stocked il also with
> ''•''•" '•:'?'! •
l)iiu-y \nilrcMs, I made ihr lu-a'.y^eipht cham-
A A. I i.jfin a deputy and a TRAINING DOWN—Buddy Bacr, who recently suffered mino •iiK«o v.ill he al stake again to-
iaui|'i(»ri, HK the nif-n'.hr-r of a jppcial omer^t-nc-y , . , ,., . , . , . .. ."'Slit, as ii generally is, when the
English Tennis Ace Beats Don Budge
jWill some of you older baseball: Ho liopt Koiiiff. west a.s far as Ihe l.eafc. Twice they have been
'r' has y/on a siring of viftori v !jager U alter Brown from Pro-! Here's a list of baseball figures1 he is a player, your added starter
" motor Alexis Thompson. a
I.O\VKU,.-This cilv's \V. P. A.
with an American league tuliiu-. jhaskethall Jenpuc will launch its' .John McGrnw. Cnnnie Mack,
btirf lcstl for !lis charges.
NEW VORK, Dee. :iO (UPI — Metropolitan hai-ketball learns1 suf- fered a double setback last night when Ore.Ron Slate trounced Man- hattan, '17-34. and Wyoming shaded City College, '1!M5, in the first of three ilouhlr-hraders scheduled for this week in Madison Square Gnr-
j hasehall's latest conlrihiil'ion lo a sfhedulp ina>r he drawn up. j l h c nut inn's armed forcrt.
! .Minor, who served with Hie I nn a tlr.-t ro\'er dvil'int; the Mr.-
no tio5ton Bra\T5.
1 Ciircinollo, a 5rrnnrJ b.isomari
He is ninrrird and the fai'hcr of an
jV.'ortd war. re-cnlisird yesten I
- . . For Your Pnrty or for Now Year's Day, Don't Forget Powers' Rig Selection of Foreign anc! Domestic Liquors, Wines, Scotches, Ales and F.ccrs...Where Yon Get the Proper Spirit.
Wr. have (he choicest group of Wines in the city — "New Year's Day With- out Wine—Is Like a Day Without Sunshine."
For the Convenience of Our Patrons -Open New Year's Eve 'Till 11:30 —Open New Year's Day 1 to 11 P. M.
I.orateil Opposite the Big Cement Warehouse on Bridge St.—Where You Can Park Your Car and Shop
inventor of tiic game, is not in the;
hall of fame. Doublcrtsy was honor-
rrt posthumously as tho game's;]dj^uyri-n"g his major Icapue playing
cuts m an automobile accident, bears down on a meoicme ball,Boston Biuiru and Toionto Maple
•at his camp at Lakewood, N. J., where he's {raining for his Jan. I-eiiis clasli at the Boston Gareien. The I.»afs, who gave the Bruins |9 heavyweight title date with Champion Joe Louis.—AP WIRE- a ?e,-oiifl (Irubbiii; ,„ -j-oronto on oaturriay night, sacrificed consider- able lioiirlwny the following ni»M in Nev. Vork when they v.-e-e nippeii up by the lowly Brooklyn
A5 a result, lia;jpy day's artV lic stickmon, will 'have' only a lialf-fjnmr lead when they face-
off aEainst Art Koss arouseri
l-endrni jiuiioi.s took a lr-;ul ihev srnii'/innl.
never foJinr|uishr>(] and '.--ml nu to Ilii^ti-j' I "a i [Til! niiikfv his I.ow-
j^ajn a '2'.\:>-\ win over Ihe Lowfll f-11 fk'hiU altf ; M J<J!i^ rtb>once. i
A- f'. in a clo.-o halllc on HIP Hf's in Oieie in a six-^hfiijiei' rnilli
Dunon slrer-t rourt Iniil ni^lit,',, th Jvldic O'Tash of [Jovor, N.j
fti^'>;fnit!o.s, with 14 [joim.s. Mane*!!J"i- TJs'/y ;uv v.-fMt'-rv.'ni^hls aii'Ii Beats Injury; Rigqs fans help me cast my vote in the; still live, and introduced the loroiiio ice and in their only Bos- ioi' llio winners while McDou^all.'l'1 t'aiT'ol! lias hrou up ami.
wilh nine, was oulslnnflinp for the rlo'.vn Ihe New Kn^land ro;ist
vanfjuisLcd c-Juh. The sonitiKtry;
tar. > <njiiv; 'J'oi;^lr> n( H former Jinmtnir \v fin
Hawaii, uhr-ro his descendants tinned i.ack hy 2-0 "margins on
Dec. 3(1 Roser Ilresnuhflil, l-'retl ClurEf, |now- eligible have just claims to fjiam at Ihe Arena.
rry Sunday next fruum in or-1Mako proved no rn.itcli for Kovi-Ci votes guide my own vote. shieivrest lioss trader Bulko!cv's|S' N" lin-v"i''1 A! 1!ri?". Lawrcnco,
tier lo nft-oinmorliilc (Iffcnsr; \voik-;antl Ihp inspired Riggs, -,vho The Hall ot Fame is gelling a claim to fame seems lo he that he TM
isnowoii Ihr- veterans uncier, 6-3,little crowded. The baseball writ- served one year as president of the ns-pnunds: .Michael Ukraine,
"All clubs with the evrep- ers have voted this type of immor- National league.
titin rif oni- Imve ngrced to shin jfi-2, in Ilic night's Jinal match. talily to the foilowin.
Anyway, it's up lo you.
Jersey Release; May Coach Braves
Boston, decisioned Waller Scolt, ( YVfstlioro.
XKW YORK, Dec-. 30 (f.\'S)— strive to add lo thfir victims j season on Ihe I.mvell high school! Morpfln It. lilllkcley (first Release of Tony Cucinrllo at his when they meet (he Ramblers annex i-ourls Jan. 15 under (he rii-i president nf the. Nfttioiml own request as manner of Ihe Jer- quintet on fhe I,. B. C. cnurl nt veclion of Irtstruclor Waller Koye.; leapne), Gcnr^e. Wright, A. (I. sey City Giants of the Interna- l.'M o'clock tonight. Coach Waller ,1eyes. has worked his squad hard in anticipation of this
l-.cKistralion will he held at t h e ! Spaldin^, Henry Chndwick (in- tional baseball league was an- rocrcalioii center, North and Cen-| ventor of the l>ox .score), Ban .nounced today.
jtral street.", all this week and next.' .fnlmson, Alexander Cart- i Cucr-inello sought and obtained ,,...,,.,,.. ,. „. ,,.,, _ !0rily a senior league will he con-• wright, Cap Anson, IToss Kad- |his release, according to William (HK.Af.O. Dec. .,0 i t:\sW-Fnl-:dueled an<l onlv players over 16> hmirne, Charles A. Comiskey, [Terry, head of the New York Giant
loiyiim m the footsteps ,,f Bohl.y yrnrs if ,-^e will be" admitted toi Arthur C'uniminps and Huck I farm duns, so that he could ne-
I-eller, 'Ji years his jiniior. Dims; the circuit. Team manapers arei KwinR ^olialo for ;i major league job. It
[.Minor, •!,i-year-old .scout for Ihe' vircccl, hy W. P A officials' ' .« ' :ti lhat ho is hritiK t'on- |Chica.i:o While SON-, today io i Curiously cnougli, Cen. Ahnert .
1 Jersey inventor by an investigation cotn- .!'^
mitfco header! by a close relative.i-—'
sport there. The West Toini. year hook of the year he gradualed mentions that Doublcrlay's chief sport \vas chess, and that he was a most scdantary youn^ officer. His tombstone at Arlington ceme- tary. across the Potomac from Washington, bears no mention of his repined invention of the game, though it lists many of his exploits all military.
Cartwrijjht npparently was the father of baseball. Jle formed Hie first regular teams in I a 1.7. installed many of the rules, decided (hat bases would be 80 feet nparl, nnrt spread Ihe gospel of (he came all the \vay across the counlry.
He was in the cold rush of *m, and wherever the prairie schoiiner stopped, on route.
I,*1! T]^ put en your '4? platr».
GREAT TO BEA FOOTBALL HERO-A wclcomd with glam-! We \vtll turn your old platrs over In the Anirri^an I.reion
IS-yeai-old d;ui;.;hlei-.
ihe Ohio Slalo Hnrnsionner>-. t^'i i.^ IIII.I.I:HI{-i
from some of the Orange bow! sponsors.—AP WIREPHOTO. ', Krnr Kinlln Thentrr Rids,
N. H. L. Lead Is Trophy of War Tonight In Hub
ii, Brmla, .McDonald ....lil, Hamilton c. \. .Melt rw, ]>ri!lon ... .Iw, Davidson Dostmi spares: C'nsloy, C'orifl- clicr, Wiseman, Crawforil, Smith, Jackson, (ai,,, Hil!(-r. Thompson. Toroiiln snam: I.aiiiiclle, .Mr- ICree.Iy, Taylor, A[i|h, Carr, Sehri-
lier, liainprimii, ( liurcli.
HOSTOX. Dec. ?,') (/]., .. F-irst
liieo ill tl>r. National Horkev
( lajlper, r(l
IIollr-(t, Id
Sclniiiilt, r Bauer, rw Diunart, Iw
r ni1 "" '
,B,C, Juniors Play Ramblers Tonight
I.OWK!,]—After opening their season \vilh a victory last v:eek the Lou-ell Boys Club .Juniors will
   8   9   10   11   12