Page 14 - SAASTA YSCC Poetry Book
P. 14

Water is...

          Moving drastically through the craggy yet curvaceous mountains of the Drakensburg,
                        To the bustling yet contemporary villages downstream,
                         Channelled meticulously to the sleek concrete jungle
                                         WATER dances.
                    In its abundance,
                    The trees are tall and majestic,
                    The exotic Wattle drapes freely,
                    The luscious grass moves swiftly to the touch of the wind,
                    Namaqualand blossoms in its beauty and colour,
                    The delicate insects in the soil thrive gracefully,
                    The fish move briskly in their habitat
                   And the husky elephants lumber through the Kruger.
                          The village gardens marvel with leafy vegetation,
                        Children of the soil play candidly in the shapely rivers,
                                   The mines and industries boom
                                 WATER is happiness and beauty.
                                          Water is power
                                         WATER Is LIFE!
                                          In its absence,
                    The sight is agonising.
                    The grass has withered,
                    The cattle are dying,
                    The village squirms as dehydration dominates,
                    And the war for water among the BIG GUNS of the world has begun.
                                        WATER IS DEATH
                                       WATER IS VIOLENT
                                        WATER IS WAR!!!
                              SAVE THE WORLD, BY SAVING WATER.

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