Page 35 - SAASTA YSCC Poetry Book
P. 35
Pamela Akuku
Balance slowly slipping
The scales largely tipping
Ebony drowning in a sea of ivory
Herself losing in a foreign frenzy
Her colours stripping leaving her soul bare
Ivory claiming every last inch of dark tendrils
Clinging to the shadows is ebony’s last resort
Imprisoned ensnared and trapped within them
With every inch she tries to rebuild
Brightness tears down with a vengeance
Ebony doomed to a fate of shackles
Tears regrets outshine her allure
Her strong foundation entrenched in shadows
Ivory standing tall and proud
Though her heart darkness shrouds
In the dark ebony rebuilds
Portraying beauty even in the void
Stunning creations blinding the light
Some tendrils of light merge with the dark
For a seed needs light to germinate
But a plant needs soil to hold its roots in place
Ebony no longer drowns in a sea of ivory
Rather she swims through it like a seal.
poetry booklet V5 25 02 2020.indd 35 2021/03/09 09:33:24