Page 45 - SAASTA YSCC Poetry Book
P. 45
Lili Flax
Lili has degrees in both Pharmacy and Biochemistry. Having worked in some
of South Africa’s poorest clinics, she dreams of a world where everyone
has enough knowledge to make informed decisions about their health. Lili is
happiest with her cat on her lap and nose in a book. She loves to travel,
explore historic sites and experience different cultures.
What message would you like to share through your poem?
The key message of this poem is that, without action, the threat of anti-
microbial resistance will make us as powerless against tuberculosis and
other microbial diseases as we were in a pre-penicillin society.
Why poetry?
I feel that poetry speaks directly to the soul in a way that prose
cannot. The imagery and pace of good poetry can inspire
generations for millennia, as shown by Homer. I chose poetry for this
communication as I wanted to draw attention to antimicrobial
resistance in a way that drives people to action.
poetry booklet V5 25 02 2020.indd 45 2021/03/09 09:33:28