Page 39 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 39


            One of my many mantras is “had it not been for The China Trade, Chinese Export Silver
            would not have existed”.

            I have equally believed that for the entire time I have carried out my research, had it not
            been  for  Dr  Henry  Ashton  Crosby  Forbes,  there  would  probably  be  no  awareness  of
            Chinese Export Silver today. As such, I have always viewed Crosby Forbes’ body of work
            as  the  foundation  for  my  own  work.  That  foundation  was  obviously  bolstered  by  the
            subsequent later work that John Devereux Kernan carried out in tandem with The Chait
            Collection. Kernan acted as a true historian scholar when he acknowledged that his work
            would be built upon and superseded - he even acknowledged looking forward to it.

                                                 Dr. Crosby Forbes, 1945

            While my own body of work is intended to create a knowledge base and an understanding
            of  Chinese  Export  Silver,  it  has  moved  on,  for  want  of  a  better  expression,  I  do  not
            anticipate that it will be the ultimate body of work on this subject. As with all scholarly work,
            it is a stepping stone that will be constantly revised as my research continues; others will
            at some point in time take it forward into realms hitherto unknown.
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