Page 6 - Chinese SIlver By Adrien Von Ferscht
P. 6

The inclusion of the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture [AICCC]
            may seem at first glance to be somewhat incongruous, but the reality is far from that.

            I was one of the first academics to be admitted to the Academic Committee of AICCC, the
            reason  being  that  Beijing  Normal  University  recognised  that  the  research  findings  for
            Chinese  Export  Silver  is  an  excellent  vehicle  to  convey  a  wide  spectrum  of  information
            relating to Chinese cultural history.

            The ever-expanding knowledge database that now exists as a result of research into this
            hitherto  perceived  niche  silver  category  has  now  been  recognised  as  a  potential  hand
            grenade of diverse information that is delivered in a highly interesting context.

            AICCC’s global networking, in particular pan-North America through its close association
            with the International Data Group [IDG], presents a unique capability to disseminate a vast
            array of historical cultural facts in an easily digestible format while retaining the academic
            integrity of the work.

            World-renowned  Professor  Huang  Huilin,  Dean  of AICCC  and  Dr. Austin  Luo  Jun,  Vice
            Dean recognise the latent potential at a very early stage of my research. What was initially
            regarded as a pioneering move on their part has now been recognised as being totally
            logical. The ability to use the research findings as a convenient information communication
            vehicle is now regularly presented at academic seminars and conferences.
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