Page 377 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 377


                   ^mch'ien lung         (1736-1795)

THE brief reign of Yung Ch§ng was followed by that of his
         son, who ruled under the title of Ch'ien Lung for a full
          cycle of sixty years, at the end of which he abdicated in
accordance with his vow that he would not outreign his grandfather,
K'ang Hsi. Ch'ien Lung was a devotee of the arts, and they flour-
ished greatly under his long and peaceful sway. He was himself a
collector, and the catalogue of the Imperial bronzes compiled under

his orders is a classic work ; but more than that, he was per-

sonally skilful in the art of calligraphy, which ranks in China

as high as painting ; and he was a voluminous poet. It is no
uncommon thing to find his compositions engraved or painted
on porcelain and other artistic materials. Bushell ^ quotes an

example from a snuff bottle in the Walters Collection; there is
a bowl for washing wine cups in the Eumorfopoulos Collection

with a descriptive verse engraved underneath, and entitled,

"Imperial Poem of Ch'ien Lung"; and a beautiful coral red
bowl in the British Museum has a similar effusion pencilled in

gold in the interior.

     His interest in the ceramic art is further proved by the com-

mand given in 1743 to T'ang Ying to compose a description of the

various processes of manufacture as a commentary on twenty

pictures  of  the  industry  which  belonged  to  the  palace  collections

and one of the earliest acts of his reign was to appoint the same

celebrated ceramist in 1736 to succeed Nien Hsi-yao in the con-

trol of the customs at Huai-an Fu, a post which involved the supreme

control of the Imperial porcelain manufacture.

     There is little doubt that T'ang Ying ^ was the most distinguished

of all the men who held this post. He is, at any rate, the one whose
achievements have been most fully recorded. He was himself a

prolific writer, and a volume of his collected works has been

              > 0. C.A., p. 50.               =^^

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