Page 193 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
P. 193
No. 54
Pair of Small Vases, with porcelain stcinds cind covers, quatrefoil form
and vertical grooved lines, decorated "sur biscuit."
The body of these vases with the covers and stands have a uniform design, carried
out in "three-color" enamels, which prevailed during the dynasty of the Ming, under
the Ejnperor Ch'Ing-hua.
TTie features are four foliated panels displaying the tiger-lily, or lotus flower, con-
ventionalized, and glazed in yellow, green, and aubergine (manganese purple), bordered
in multifoil form, and imposed upon a finely penciled diaper ground flowered in green
and yellow, interrupted at the base by a band of palmation, in the same colors, includ-
Aing aubergine. small band of lotus petals, in opposite directions and divided by a
nanow band, encircle the neck and shoulder.
The low octagonal covers have lotus petals, with knob top, and the bcise is deco-
rated with a fret band amd blossoms. The stands are decorated to match the vases,
and also show the biscuit paste ungleized.
Attributed to the dynasty of Ming.
Height, 10' 2 inches.
Diameter, 3 '2 inches.