Page 208 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
P. 208
No. 61
Cabinet Jar, ovoid form, with its own bell-shaped cover; fine white hard-
paste porcelain, decorated in subdued enamel glazes of early "famille
verte" variety.
The body sustciins a light-yellow glazing of amber tone, over which a delicately
penciled green arabesque motive is uniformly distributed ; the free design consisting of
long, curved vine stems bearing circular convolvulus blossoms with leaves and numerous
twigs in conventionalized style.
The shoulder carries a brilliant-red Horal border, showing the design of buds and
stems in white reserve ; the base is bordered in a blue netted fret (under the glcize), with
a white ground that is inclosed on each side by double lines.
The foot is in white and bears a blue double ring under the glaze.
The cover is similarly decorated in green on a yellow ground, and topped by a white
knob with a red chrysanthemum embellishment.
Produced in the era of K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).
Height, 1 Va inches with cover.
Diameter, 8 inches.