Page 226 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
P. 226
Tail Cylindrica Vase, with rounde<| shoulder and attenuated neck (club
shape), of fine white hard-textured porcelain, richly decorated over the
glaze in the "familie vfTte" palette of "seven colors."
The body of vase is -^ with a brilliant brocaded design, mcluding coral-red
lotus flowers, that are ' i 1^ I ent and stippled green ground, together
with green leaves; drag 7 aque blue are also involved.
eparately embellished with rural land-
Two large upright pax g |-
scapes: rice and silkwonr ° indow, with an awning (disclosing an
The first panel shows -i ^- referred to in the Poem above); one
interior wth racks ho! J
carrying mulberry plants, is approaching
toliowed by an attendant carrying a basket full of
of these ladies holds i
the house from an ad I
these leaves on his si,
Kerbage glazed in varying tints of ifre'
The foreground s!i
painted tree is in the
from a publication kn
K'ang-hsi's orders, b} m';eld, with laborers engage<i :>ttLkiag
The second panel > H I a house; a bridge, and other accesso-
bunches of rice plant.<
riw of trees, rocks, ar; "Z and minutely rendered, in brilliant and
trail- la rent glazes ni 7^ ^ iderable regard to jjerspective values.
^ T| P nd the shoulder embellish-
^fgin inclosed between lines,
and a double row of dots, followed by catfit !v rendered coral-red palmation, and by a
green fret at the junction of neck and shogidei
^ The paint rr Tsiau Ping- Kon '.T?' anc! the far correspond to the Is'Ke anc!
As ,.„ .,
raphers a-