Page 268 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
P. 268
Nn 1^
^Square Vase, " black-hawthorrt 7^ s ;, with rectangular body
tapering downward f I i. ^ ° t unites with the graceful
'^s of dense white kaolinic
flaring (mortar-shapec ^E K"
paste, and of fine texture, showing a| the foot and on the edges of the
four panels.
The four sides are siir rite Mandarin fl ' ril-
liant polychrome colors oft greenish-black ^ d.'
Graceful flowering ;
>n each vertical panel, that symbolize a
season : i.e., the fair
j - for summer, the chrysanthemum for
autumn, and the wild et. showing the blossoms in red and
white; all are sk 30 ^1 colored glazes, including red
of iron, with the ' ious brilliant shades of green ;
the stems are gl< P one) employed during the pre-
fecture of Lang, _;. . g" ==
The neck and four 3 enriched by »pny8 of blossoms
and flowers, with <- SIX (apocryphal)
aacnbed with more
bone ' chevrons,
of neck.
The foot is in biscuit, ar
Ming marks of Ch'eng-hua
mcertainty as early K'ang-hsi ( n«j^~ ,
Height, 20 '/a inches.
Diameter at shoulder, 5 '/< x 4 '/4 in<
Diameter at foot, 4 '/^ x 4 '/z inches.
Fi n of Chang-yen ' %> g" gmerlj* Minister to Washington and
to England at th^ ' '.?> b Jubilee.
k enamelecl ground in to us from thote remarkable epochs in cerami<: %A ;
auiu4iti Lie tfiOiH suj.