Page 280 - Chinese porcelains collected by Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, Cincinnati, Ohio, by John Getz
P. 280
No. 81
Cabinet Vase, biberon shape (late Yiian or early Ming), the body wi-
dening upward, with attenuated neck, of dark and heavy-textured
porcelain, sustaining outlined decoration in low relief, picked out in
amber and turquoise-colored glazes, on a dark lapis-blue ground of
unctuous texture.
The design, imposed and engraved on body, consists of a free-flowering stem with
foliage, altemating with an ornamental motive of open coral-like rockery, interspersed
with small aquatic star-shaped figures. The decoration is completed by interlaced
strings of pearls, in white with intaglio pendants in yellow and turquoise, heinging from
the shoulder, and the base is surrounded by rudimentary foliations in turquoise.
The under foot and interior of neck are in dark-brown biscuit.
Yuan dynasty (1260-1367). Ming dynasty (1368-1643).
Height, 1 2 inches.
Diameter, 5 ^U inches.