Page 184 - Bonhams Japanese Art and Antiqes sept 2015_Float
P. 184

3361                                                         3362

PROPERTY FROM A JAPANESE COLLECTION                                         3362
                                                                            A TATAMI GUSOKU ARMOR
3361                                                                        Edo period (19th century)
A BLACK- AND GOLD-LACQUER ARMOR                                             The components lacquered black and laced in blue and comprising
Edo period (19th century)                                                   a 20-plate russet-iron hoshi-kabuto with a three-stage gilt copper
Laced in blue and comprising an 18-plate suji kabuto lacquered red          tehen kanemono and shinodare and mounted with a mabizashi
and gold with a five-stage gilt, copper and shakudo tehen kanemono          applied with doeskin, the bowl fitted with a three-lame lacquered
and a four-lame shikoro lacquered gold and finishing in fukigaeshi          leather shikoro and with a silver crescent moon maedate, the menpo
applied with stenciled doeskin and gilt-copper plum blossom crests,         lacquered russet brown and applied with a stiff-bristled mustache
silvered metal and silver lacquer bow maedate, the red lacquer menpo        and a four-lame yodarekake, the tatami do with raised copper bosses
with applied boar-bristle mustache and silvered teeth and with a four-      and a gilt-copper family crest with six-lame kusazuri, shinogote and
lame gold lacquer yodarekake laced in white, the nuinobe do finishing       shinosuneate; no haedate, additional suneate and two maedate; one
in kiritsuke kozane in the top section and applied with gilt floral crests  wood storage box, no armor stand
on the munaita, seven sections of five-lame kusazuri, the lowest lame       $4,000 - 6,000
pierced with inome at the corners, odagote, shino suneate; one wood
storage box, no stand, no sode, no haidate
$4,000 - 6,000

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