Page 101 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
P. 101

242                                            This series of images depicting the cultivation  Many subsequent emperors produced new
A SET OF FOURTEEN EXPORT                       and harvesting of rice is based on the           editions of these illustrations. See an example
PAINTINGS DEPICTING THE                        Chinese tradition of Gengzhi tu, ‘Illustrations  in the British Museum (ref:1949,0709,0.1)
CULTIVATION OF RICE                            of Ploughing and Weaving’. The first known       commissioned by the Kangxi Emperor (1662-
Late 18th century                              example dates to the Song Dynasty and is         1722) and produced in 1696 by the court
Ink and colour on silk, depicting the various  attributed to the artist Lou Zhou (1090-1162).   painter Jiao Bingzhen. It is also known as the
stages of cultivation, harvesting and storage  The depiction of agricultural and sericulture    Yuzhi (imperial) Gengzhi tu, which refers to the
of rice, mounted.                              scenes was seen both as a reference to           emperor’s sponsorship of the work as well as
38cm x 31cm (15in x 12.1/4in). (14).           practical farming and as a metaphor for a        his contribution to it.
                                               well-ordered Confucian society.                  In the 18th century the Gengzhi tu were
£4,000 - 6,000                                                                                  popularly produced for Western buyers
CNY39,000 - 58,000                                                                              and adapted to Western taste, illustrating
HK$47,000 - 71,000                                                                              scenes such as tea, silk, cotton and porcelain

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