Page 214 - Bonham's Asian Art London November 2015
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10. COLLECTION AND STORAGE                                          indirectly) our liability or excluding or restricting any person’s   Original Gun Specifications Derived from
                                                                    rights or remedies in respect of (i) fraud, or (ii) death or         Gunmakers
The Buyer of a Lot will not be allowed to collect it until payment  personal injury caused by our negligence (or by the negligence       The Sporting Gun Department endeavours to confirm a gun’s
in full and in cleared funds has been made (unless we have          of any person under our control or for whom we are legally           original specification and date of manufacture with makers who
made a special arrangement with the Buyer). For collection and      responsible), or (iii) acts or omissions for which we are liable     hold their original records.
removal of purchased Lots, please refer to Sale Information at      under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957, or (iv) any other liability
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licences are issued by Arts Council England and application
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payment for the Lot. Generally, please contact our shipping         battery or further repair work, for which the Buyer is solely
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where we and/or the Seller are liable in relation to any Lot or     Bidders are advised to consult the ˚ of bore and wall-thickness      R͌ uRbuybayndanjaddeJitaedgeeimtestones of Burmese (Myanmar) origin
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an indemnity or contribution, or for a restitutionary remedy or     where there                                                          non–Burmese origin require certification before import
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we and the Seller are liable) will be limited to payment of a sum   is not, otherwise, undertaken. Guns intended for use should          relevant and required export/import licences, certificates
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Purchase Price of the Lot irrespective in any case of the nature,   have their rebound mechanisms checked before use. The                successfully import goods into the US does not constitute
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