Page 144 - The art of the Chinese potter By Hobson
P. 144


Fig. i. Cup moulded in the form of a duck. Buff- white porcel-
      lanous ware with coloured glaze. The head and neck are

      modelled after nature, and the body gradually passes into the
      form of a cup, in the manner of the Greek rhyton. The head
       is bent back to preen the back feathers ; and the feathers are

       treated like overlapping leaves in clusters with dots between.

      The glaze on the neck is white mottled with green and yellow ;

       the cup is green outside and mottled within.
            T'ang dynasty. L. 45".
                               In the possession of Mr. George Eumorfopoulos.

Fig. 2. Dish of quatrefoil shape with deep curving sides and small
      base. Soft white pottery moulded inside with two fishes on
       the bottom ; trefoil ornament incised on the four lobes and

      hatched bands between. The glaze is coloured green and


           The same model is known in T'ang silver ; and a white
      porcelain dish of the same form and design was found on an

       early site (eighth or ninth century) at Rhages in Persia.
            T'ang dynasty. L. 5-5".
                               In the possession of Mr. George Eumorfopoulos.
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