Page 196 - J. P Morgan Collection of Chinese Art and Porcelain
P. 196


  271,272. TWO MINIATURE    TEA-POTS. Fig-

ures, etc.                  Height 2]>4 inches.

Mark: On one, a shell.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).

  273. MINIATURE TEA-POT.   Floral designs on

blue ground.                3KHeight  inches.

Mark: A leaf.

K'ang-hsi (i 662-1 722).

  247. MINIATURE BOTTLE.    Floral designs on

blue reserves.              2^Height             inches.

K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).

  275. MINIATURE VASE, ovoid. Dark blue flow-


K'ang-hsi (1662-1722).      Height ^^4 inches.

              CASE XI

TWO276, 277.  PLATES. Dramatic scenes suc-

cessive to that represented on the plate No. 154, and

with a similar six-character mark, Ta Ch'ing Kang-hsi

nien chih.

Kang-hsi (1662- 1722).      Diameter 10 J^ inches.

TWO278, 279.  VASES. One of graceful outline

and pleasing decoration, having the neck defined by

a prominent ring in the middle, decorated with sprays

of prunus standing out in white relief, emphasized by a

background of shaded blue. The body is covered in

a similar style with magnolia trees, the white of the

blossoms of which are heightened by blue halos.

The beaker is of similar style decorated with blossom-

ing prunus trees growing from rocks, together with an

occasional spray of bamboo and pine. The mark of

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